Creating a Windows 10 Management Client for CORE Servers and Active Directory - 4 of 4

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Setting Up a Windows 10 Management Workstation

1. (00:37) Introduction
2. (01:10) Configure a Static IP Address
3. (04:06) Change Host Name and Join the Domain
4. (06:21) Logging on LOCALLY vs. Signing In to Active Directory
5. (06:58) Customize the Management Environment
6. (10:09) Create a Custom Windows Toolbar to Replace that
Clunky Win 10 Start Menu. Imperative!
Toolbar: %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
7. (11:40) Enable PowerShell in Console and ISE Applications
POSH: Get-ExecutionPolicy; Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
8. (15:30) Downloading RSAT Tools for Windows 10 and Windows Admin Center
9. (16:26) How to Find Your Windows 10 Build Number, Architecture and Version
1. GUI: Control Panel - SYSTEM
2. CMD: wmic os get BuildNumber
3. CMD: wmic os get Caption,Version,BuildNumber,OSArchitecture
5. POSH: Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem
10. (21:13) Installing and Using RSAT Tools
11. (22:14) A Brief Overview of RSAT Tools like ADUC, ADAC and DNS
12. (25:18) A Brief Overview of Windows Admin Center
13. (35:46) Adding the Active Directory extension to Windows Admin Center

The POSHY Bard
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This is very informative and helpful 👍 thanks


@20:26 - you mess up, you type RSAT but should have type "Windows Admin Center" to show that 2007 is the latest.
