Where is Australia headed? | Nicholas Moore, Tom Switzer & Rob Forsyth

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There are good reasons to be distressed about the state of today’s world and Australia’s place in it. We are besieged by crises on several fronts, and they are magnified by a deep sense of malaise that grips the national psyche.

We at CIS are usually optimists: after all, during the past three decades the world has witnessed unprecedented progress and prosperity thanks in large part to the spread of global capitalism. However, COVID, cancel culture, climate policy and China, may well have put an end to the golden age that Australia has enjoyed for so many years.

Yet, while some are fearful about the future of Australia, others are looking at it as a chance for Australia to become a stronger and more prosperous nation. So, do these crises bring with them new opportunities for Australia?

Tom Switzer is executive director of the Centre for Independent Studies and a presenter at the ABC’s Radio National.

Nicholas Moore is chairman of CIS and former Chief Executive Officer of Macquarie Group Limited.

Robert Forsyth is a senior fellow at CIS and has been extensively involved in the areas of religious freedom and public policy.

Anjali Nadaradjane former research assistant at CIS in our, China and Free Societies program.
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Switzer talks about Chinas giant footprint doesn’t complain about the biggest footprint of all Americas 800 bases round the world, he is OK with that. Talk about double standards while he is forever claiming impartiality


Recently discovered your channel, very appreciative of your work and caliber of your content. Thank you


Down the toilet is where it's headed.


I have never heard such a load of rubbish. Real wages haven’t gone up in America for 30 years. People have become worse off but the top 1% have got better. That is where percentages fall down. You can say the wealth of a country went up by 500 billion dollars which proves people are better off, but they are not if most of the money went to the rich. There are 400 million people in America living below the poverty line and it is only two weeks ago I watched a documentary on the desperate poverty with thousands living on the streets and in cars in the richest country in the world. Some of these people living in cars and on the streets had jobs. Last year I saw a British Broadcasting Corporation documentary on the same theme in Silicon valley.This so called independent program always was a load of rubbish filled with anti Chinese pro American hacks


Those moguls can't be cancel but other minor actors like Gina Carano and Chatlotte Ornellas can be cancelled and free speech marginalized.


We must look for a way to fortify the connection and pied de terre liason between the Isthmus and AUS


Tom, Admiral James Stavridis would be great for a chat on geopolitics. Hope you can get him on.


He is also speaking for other countries ie that they are afraid of China yet Morrison failed to get the Sth Korean president to commit against China and Singapore has said they will not go against China


Tom was optimistic in that he outlined all the failed doomsday prophesies that older people remember so well. However, he did not mention that fossil fuels, which Nick wants to transition from, have taken millions of people out of poverty. Nick trivialises the cost of the transition to Chinese wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries and the prohibition to drill for gas in NSW and Victoria. There is no thought of national security or the of flight heavy industry from our shores as we blow up power stations and prohibit new HELE coal fired and nuclear that cannot be maintained while wind and solar are subsidized and mandated to be given preference in the grid. Does Nick also want to shut down exports of coal to Asia ex China?


Positive numbers and graphics weren't enough to stop the unrest revolutionary wave in Chile. Optimistic must be incarnated in day to day examples.


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