Mark Stavish - What are Egregores? PostScript Interview with John L. Petersen

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Futurist John L. Petersen, interviews author, Mark Stavish, about egregores. Mark's book, "Egregores, The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny," brings the concept of egregores to the forefront. What are they and how/why do they exist?

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I'm reminded of the second tradition of AA: "2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority — a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern." When I was active the "group conscience" was referred to as an active, separate, spiritual "thing" and I think that's directly on point and it correlates to egregore entities. Anyway, I find it fascinating, and I bought the book just now.


Crazy synchronicity, I’ve been thinking a lot on egregores the last 2 days! Guess I’m supposed to check this out.


Brilliant Mark ! So true. I have so much to say about Egergores. 👏


John? Some or much of the information we accept as truth is distorted. I know the terminology about "you are the 5 closest people you surround yourself with". In this time of shifting frequencies this term may be defunct. The energies pouring into this Planet are literally erasing old paradigms. The former nomenclature is changing to something antiquated or from another era/age. Thank you for your programs, this is an amazing time to be on Earth. Everything is going swimmingly 😄🤸‍♀️


One of the most thoughtful presentations I have encountered in a long time. Thanks!


fantastic interview -broad wide and deep. We are all in for change and champion change!


Great discussion -another perspective to consider. Thank You


I don't have time to read the book, so I may cover what he's already written about.

Egregores, in the context that Stavish uses the term, are energy fields that have
a complex, compound
vibration specific to the "team spirit" mindset of the collective involved. The level of intelligence of the "egregore is the mean of the distribution of the mindsets of the individuals. Gang fights can produce some pretty low collective intelligence.
There seems to be a tendency to assign sentience to these kinds of fields. It's been my experience that the fields only develope sentience when they have been given a personifying label (the Devil?) that is energized with enough belief for long enough.
I have serious doubts that humans are truly social animals. Based on my personal experience and subsequent observation I'm of the opinion that the human social drive is another egregore, a very old one that was adopted from herd animals about the time that humans started forming family groups, and then strengthened and morphed as groups because larger. It could even be considered detrimental at city sized scales. I think Michael Levin would consider that to be a plausible idea.
Creating your own egregore simply requires a strong intention repeated enough times to establish a groove in the fabric of reality. Once the groove is established it's like a pathway in the brain. It will eventually attract the hundredth monkey and become a growing zeitgeist.

think in terms of frequency, energy, and vibration".


There's a living force outdoors. Open air factor, the frequencies of birdsong and crickets, the magnetic energy of the direct earth. Plants respond to this and plants and animals need to grow outside. In some locations, surplus food is purposely dumped. In other locations people are hungry. There's already plenty of food but not reaching who it needs. We don't need "more food" forced into existence by buildings and technology. We need the best of outdoor growing methods such as that by Rudolph Steiner, with each community locally food sovereign.


Terrific discussion! Looking forward to reading the book.


I am sorry. Why do I feel a little "bitterness"? I am thankful for all previous conversations that I had lucky to listen but I had some personal "work" within myself so I was absent for a much specific reasons that I cant just type it here but, the truth is that I think that many misunderstandings have occurred during my "absence"...I really miss the PostScript and I am looking forward to be seeing in future more optimistic ones. Thank You, again for wonderful Journey that We all have to do as our best versions or lesser of YourSelf.


Listen, Little Man!
No matter how many costumes you change over the centuries, you cannot hide from Me. ;-) You unfortunately remain the same, Little Man...
Wilhelm Reich


Birds of The Feather Flock Together... 👥


Sounds like this could use Platonic Metaphysics. The unity of ideas/forms.


There are communities. Lots of them with different ways of doing this to people but they all know of each other. Some good and many bad aka motor cycle clubs


Interesting but I'm going to pass on the concept of Egregores.


Conventional earth destroying food is "affordable" only because our tax dollars subsidize it. Transfer the subsidization from that to organic and regenerative agriculture, and it suddenly becomes affordable as it restores the planet and people. Meanwhile, I have a very low income and find ways to eat 85% organic/regenerative and reap huge financial benefits in personal health care I don't have to pay for because it's uneeded for me. "Organic isn't affordable" comes from a current egregores and I'm sorry to see him perpetuating it.


I can "see" them, Its been happening with greater frequency and intensity lately...the egregores are strong today
