What is the difference between Intelligence & Wisdom?

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Brief comparison between wisdom & intelligence discussed.
Have you ever wondered what sets aside wisdom from intelligence? Well, intelligence is the ability to acquire and process knowledge while wisdom goes beyond that. Wisdom is the ability to apply the knowledge gained through intelligence in ethical and meaningful ways. While intelligence can help solve a problem, wisdom helps determine if the problem is worth solving in the first place. In short, intelligence gives you information while wisdom gives you the ability to make good use of that information. Check this!

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1. #IntelligenceVsWisdom
2. #KnowledgeVsExperience
3. #BrainPowerVsInsight
4. #SmartnessVsSagacity
5. #IQLifeVsEQLife
6. #HeadVsHeart
7. #MentalityVsMindset
8. #TalentVsJudgement
9. #ExpertiseVsExperience
10. #CognitiveAbilityVsPerceptivePower
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