What To Do if a Client Doesn't Pay You

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Clients who don't pay on time can be a real headache. Here are some steps to help you get the money you are owed.

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Here in the Netherlands, you can call in a collection agency after all else fails. They’ll get your money and charge the client for their services. Fortunately, I’ve never had to resort to this as a freelancer.


What do you do? If it's a small amount you send a few emails maybe a phone call or two then you move on. If it's bigger you can sue them but good luck collecting. The best way to prevent this is by charging upfront. It can be done even for services.


On the flip side, there are people who are enough lazy not to work in time. I have seen that in studios of couple of my friend's projects.
Your videos are excellent and inspiring as well. Thank you. 🙏


Why would you even want to work with such client again?
If you respect yourself you refuse to work with them. Your selfrespect has to be greater then your love of money.

If you have asked them to compensate your money and they chose not to pay you you should be done with them.


So how about people that have to choose between paying that, for example, power or medical bill and being able to buy groceries to feed their family, what is more important?
Keeping the rent or power company happy or keeping your family alive and well?


I dont want to ask politely and i dont want to work with again with a company that delays payments how can i firlmy ask for payment, i dont want to be nice anymore


Those are the clients that needs to be named and shamed so another company doesn't take them. You don't go eat at a restaurant without paying and you don't get your hair done and not pay


*This is why I mainly stick to working through sites that collect and hold the payment for you.*

*The 2 times that I have had work via someone finding me on YouTube, I charged up-front for the voiceover.*

*What do you think about charging up-front, or even 50% up-front?*


helo, Im from the Philippines and a work for a client their in the US. At first we receive pay from him but now he has lots of reasons that money jas been frozen in the bank and has not paid us all employees for the month of April and May. How can I send a complaint there in the US


Thank you for the video. In my case the client is in the UK, I stay in Malaysia. There was no formal Invoice made and payment was to be made via Wise (simile to PayPal). Client paid 50% advanced and communication was strong so I completed the work and submitted in time and then client stopped responding to emails. He even blocked me on LinkedIn. Now in such case, can I still recover the money?
