Joe Biden on U.S.-India Relations

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Vice President Biden spoke on the strategic importance of the U.S.-India bilateral relationship, describing it as a global partnership based on shared values, interests, and responsibilities.
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What is your say on Uighurs in china
Himmat hai toh bol Biden
Bolne se pehle kahin bil main na ghus jaana


Best of luck for donald trump and Joe biden


After hearing him for the first time
Me naaah!!
Trump needs a better competitor


I’m an Indian American and will be voting for Joe Biden. I may not agree with him all the time, but I feel that we need decency, respect, and integrity back in the White House that’s been missing since 2016. Before you call me a leftist, I’ve voted for Republicans and Democrats over the years.


Indian people should not worry. As long you have strong leader like Modi. No one in the world have courage to fight with India.


Watching in 2020.
Good luck Mr. Biden for Nov 2020 Elections.👍


Listening to Mr. Biden after he became the president 🇺🇸🙏🇮🇳


Indian Americans, please vote for Trump.


Dear Sir/Madame, The Per-Capita Pollution (PCP) of Developed nations is still higher than developing nations or third-world. While Poverty is measured per-capita and publicized, why is the Pollution on mother earth not being measured and publicized per-capita?

My sincere heartfelt thanks to Hon’ble Vice President of USA for remembering and reciting what Hon’ble PM of India said.

Due to respect and admiration for nature and principles of non-violence/vegetarianism (Satvik nature), many birds & animals and many plants have long been protected, nurtured and sustained thus preserving the ecosystem of lives in India. Even many Kings would only kill ferocious animals entering villages and fields or villagers would hunt wild animals only for food. Most of them never ventured into forests for sport or collecting skins, furs and mannequins of animals. It was only the external influences since 600AD that have changed the mindset of people and it was not until colonialists using banners of religions and ideologies (due to their unfair advantage gained by renaissance & Industrialization), that even India is now obliged to think if almost 70 years of world peace until now is worth considering to not economically develop Indian peoples lest there is a war in future given the stained histories of the western world and their races since 2500 years. (China never occupied India completely, Japan never tried, Myanmar kings never made a campaign to engulf entire India….all India’s problems were due to religions and ideologies that originated from West Asia/Mediterranean since 2500 years)

Not just environmentalists, one needs to include “a fair representation” of biologists, politicians, historians, business analysts/professors, religious and other leaders, and anthropologists, forensic/research Psychologists etc. of the world to the EPA teams to understand the effects of pollution and climate change and how to mitigate it in the modern world.

For whom are the gadgets, materials, equipments, medicines etc. are made in China, India and other third world nations. That needs to be considered too when calculating the Per-capita Pollution of a consuming nation. For instance when a finished product enters USA, the resultant pollution parameters related/associated with it should be tagged onto the consuming nation (which is USA) and not producing nations (China or India or BanglaDesh or Thailand, Vietnam or Philippines or other third world country). Hence it’s only ethical and moral for all the consuming nations (not only USA) to provide free support monetarily and technology wise to save environment in those producing nations without hurting their livelihoods. "The one who taught them to catch fish should also teach them how to bake the fish before it gets rot and stinks all around! Would we have had the stinking problem if the fish was still swimming in the water?”..Hope you understand what I mean...

Hence, there are many more points to consider during the upcoming Paris Summit. The problem must be identified at the grass-root levels; otherwise the problem cannot be solved. I don’t want to retire in a third-world nation like India that got destabilized since 600AD and now suffers more due to discrimination based on religions, castes, languages, regions, gender, wealth etc.  and have no benefits like those entitled to senior citizens and disabled in USA and other developed nations. I wish I get paid well and my lifestyle and benefits living in India are also like those in developed nations of the world. Hence India cannot take a back-seat and suppress fledgling local industries and keep castrating their own people for loans and FDI, while those in developed nations keep building sky-scrapers and procuring wives and concubines from third world countries and making babies with them.

Sometimes Truth is bitter and I wish it’s swallowed with the same dignity as one swallows a life-saving medicine. The modern world is faced with grave challenges of more poverty, pollution, dirty politics, parasitic economies, terrorism, adverse climate changes and Global warming. Let’s humbly meditate and introspect

“Do we, even now in 21st century, fight amongst ourselves and try tearing Mother Earth apart or we now vow to stitch a new garment of Peace for her?”

I wish India leads the Global Warming and Climate change efforts with its time-tested Indian values of respect and worship of nature, nations, Lands and Oceans, Celestial bodies & Outer Space and proselytizes non-violence towards animals, plants, and fellow human beings.

Please kindly forgive me if I said anything incorrect and wrong! Also due to time constraints, please kindly forgive my Indlish mistakes too!

Satyameva Jayathe,
Kal Gandikota

Note: I am not affiliated with any political party or any religion. Before some mischievous people hack my comment, copy To Whom It May Concern.


Who's here after 2020 us election ?


vai agar ye president bana to india to gaya


Long live America And American Democracy


thank u biden for not helping india for raw materials for vaccine


Dear Sir/Madam, I apologize on behalf of 'rahul riddler' for his comment below.(just in case he comes back and deletes it)

“Freak of US saying very impt things."

He and his team have been deleting my reply to him suppressing my freedom of expression. May be his enemies(who are also religious fanatics) are doing this. Whatever the case may be, please note that majority of Indians are not religious fanatics like majority of Americans are not religious fanatics. Please do not feel offended by his comment. Hence this separate comment-reply to him:

Dear rahul riddler(commentator)

From your comment here and elsewhere on Youtube, I understand you, your religion, your communities and India have been terribly insulted and wronged. However, the way you are going about expressing your frustrations is not right. Please kindly articulate well your words and express yourself eloquently, gracefully, persuasively and peacefully. Here is one such example where Dr. Shashi Tharoor, MP from Kerala, India, speaks using clear, meaningful, effective and expressive words . No wonder there are 2.4 million views, 41 thousand likes, 3700 comments as of today. Since I cannot post the link, please search following on Youtube

Shashi Tharoor OxfordUnion

If you don’t articulate well and go hurling more offensive words than them, then what is the difference between you(victim) and your aggressors? Your comments may generate hatred in the hearts of people which will only worsen the nascent peace of 21st century. If you behave aggressively, it will affect not only you but also all Indians. As a match-stick can set forest trees on fire and char them and those amongst them, please don’t be frustrated, please be alert, humble, compassionate, wise and impartial in your judgements. In 21st century, the world watches instantly on Satellite TV and Internet what goes on anywhere in the world.

Unfamiliarity breeds fear and contempt in ignorant/naive people. Hence, please have patience, compassion and empathy towards even your aggressors.If not, you are one ignorant/naive prune I am feeling ashamed about. I wish you understand my message of peace, love and hope. I do not wish nobody hates nobody for the problems though we were at the same level as them when we came out of our mother's wombs (without malice and deceit).... I am not affiliated with any religion or any political party; however I would say everyone who has empathy, patience and compassion has control over his Mann, Buddhi, Shareer and Atma. Such a person is divine born. Everyone who is born as such cherishes life. Everyone who comes to know the value of life is for peace. And where there is peace, there is hope for the living. When there is hope every member of community strives for its prosperity.

Different members of your communities/countries (including Govt officials) may meet (civic engagement/community engagement) once in a while to meditate what’s good for yourselves, communities, humanity and creation…It need not happen only in your place or your nation’s capital or any world capital or a holy city or even in Heaven… It should start in your own home or your own city/town/village in a chai dhukan, cricket maidan, online, or park or just in a plain ground where everyone can hear everyone else…And that’s the true gathering of people in the name of God of any religion!

Please kindly forgive me 'rahul riddler' aka 'lokeshreedla' if I said anything incorrect or wrong! Please introspect yourself. Also note that you are committing crime in India and USA for using name 'Rahul' of a prominent politician in India while going about commenting on Youtube.

Om Dyauh Shaantir-Antarikssam Shaantihi
Prthivii Shaantir-Aapah Shaantir-Ossadhayah Shaantihi
Vanaspatayah Shaantir-Vishve-Devaah Shaantir-Brahma Shaantihi
Sarvam Shaantih Shaantireva Shaantihi Saa Maa Shaantir-Edhi
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantihi

May there be Peace in the Heaven, Peace in the Outer Space
Peace on the Earth, Peace in the Water, Peace for the herbs that heal
Peace for the Trees, Peace among the Gods that people fight for, Peace in Brahma(God/Allah)
Peace in All, May there be Peace indeed within Peace, Giving Me the Peace which Grows within Me
Peace! Peace! Peace!

Satyameva Jayathe,
Kal Gandikota
Note: I am not affiliated with any political party or any religion! Before some mischievous people hack my account, copy To Whom It May Concern!


"India is a Hindu nation and there would be no compromise in it."
Guru Golwalkar


Indian Americans please vote for trump
Biden is pak supporter
