🧀🔥🤯 Best Fried Cheese Recipe For Low Carb, Carnivore, Keto Diet Weekly Meal Prep by Carnivore Dad

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🥩🔥🦁 Carnivore Fried Cheese Recipe 🤯🥳 I dunno about you but some carnivore friendly fried cheese happened to come in to my life recently and this stuff is magical 💫 40 years on this earth and 7 months on carnivore yet this stuff is completely new to me, but when I saw people cooking it online I had to try it and I’m hoping you’ll try this. Also, I hope you try carnivore if you’re looking to optimize yourself. Btw, the cheese is called bread cheese and I got it from WholeFoods. If you’ve had bread cheese before, how do you prepare yours? My name is Paul and I started the carnivore diet at 212.4lbs and lost weight rapidly now for the past 6 months to where I'm not around 155lbs. I am a Dad, Husband, Entrepreneur that started carnivore lifestyle to see it would improve my mental performance and help with health issues, however it ended up giving me so much more. This carnivore lifestyle has given me the mental and emotional clarity to be a better Dad, Husband, leader, entrepreneur. I'm super grateful. I used to think that people who did carnivore diet were low carb fanatics doing it purely to make fun of vegans get attention online, which is hilarious, but I guess it's not just a joke because it's been amazing for me :) I got started because one day while scrolling YouTube I ran across a Joe Rogan experience podcast on @joerogan Joe and @JordanBPeterson were discussing Jordan's carnivore diet journey. They also talked about Jordan's daughter @mikhaila and her Lion diet version of carnivore. Then I picked up The Carnivore Code by Dr. Paul Saladino @Paulsaladinomd on Audible to learn how to do this effectively. During my daily lunch breaks I would watch videos by @KenDBerryMD and @ShawnBakerMD and @anthonychaffeemd to learn more about how to make this work and here I am, down 59lbs, sharing my carnivore lifestyle.