Chicken Bit From 'You Eat Other Animals?' #funny #comedy #vegan
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Link to full film is above title in video. #evannalynch #scifi #YouEatOtherAnimals
Although chickens can live over 20 years, people usually dispute a 15-year lifespan on the basis that backyard hens tend to die before 10. Such breeds have been genetically altered to lay way more frequently than is natural or healthy, and taking their eggs causes them to keep laying (or hens would stop and sit on a clutch). This combination takes a terrible toll on their bodies. Broilers, meanwhile, are modified to grow at a rate that is also unnatural, which means they will suffer early disease (were they not slaughtered in under two months). Such breeds do not represent a normal chicken. If we genetically modified all Americans to go through puberty at 5 so that they died of a heart attack at 20, you wouldn't (or shouldn't) claim that 20 is the normal human lifespan.
I didn't address these arguments in the (full) film as I was unaware people used them to justify their support for animal suffering (while the aliens are surprised humans would still eat animals).
"Other animals eat other animals!"
"We're meant to eat meat!"
"Eating plants is no better!"
"Animals are killed growing crops!"
Animals are killed harvesting crops though the data is poor (they count populations before and after harvesting so do not account for animals - possibly the majority - that simply leave when the combine harvester approaches). However, not only is killing animals not the purpose of arable farming (and tens of billions more animals are killed in animal agriculture each year) but more crops go to feeding livestock than humans, so meat eaters are still responsible for more of these deaths than vegans (even before the animals are slaughtered for their meat). If you're concerned about creatures being chopped up, veganism would be the best course.
Although chickens can live over 20 years, people usually dispute a 15-year lifespan on the basis that backyard hens tend to die before 10. Such breeds have been genetically altered to lay way more frequently than is natural or healthy, and taking their eggs causes them to keep laying (or hens would stop and sit on a clutch). This combination takes a terrible toll on their bodies. Broilers, meanwhile, are modified to grow at a rate that is also unnatural, which means they will suffer early disease (were they not slaughtered in under two months). Such breeds do not represent a normal chicken. If we genetically modified all Americans to go through puberty at 5 so that they died of a heart attack at 20, you wouldn't (or shouldn't) claim that 20 is the normal human lifespan.
I didn't address these arguments in the (full) film as I was unaware people used them to justify their support for animal suffering (while the aliens are surprised humans would still eat animals).
"Other animals eat other animals!"
"We're meant to eat meat!"
"Eating plants is no better!"
"Animals are killed growing crops!"
Animals are killed harvesting crops though the data is poor (they count populations before and after harvesting so do not account for animals - possibly the majority - that simply leave when the combine harvester approaches). However, not only is killing animals not the purpose of arable farming (and tens of billions more animals are killed in animal agriculture each year) but more crops go to feeding livestock than humans, so meat eaters are still responsible for more of these deaths than vegans (even before the animals are slaughtered for their meat). If you're concerned about creatures being chopped up, veganism would be the best course.