32 MORE Minutes of Unhinged TikTok Makeup Fails (part 6)

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What do you do when you your Bridal Makeup Client is crying? How does a TikTok Makeup Hack save you from CONSTANT eye watering? How do you fix makeup when it goes so wrong? and MOST importantly... How did you do your PROM MAKEUP? Find out today on UNHINGED TikTok Makeup Hacks and fails part 6!
#TikTok #makeuphacks #gonewrong

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Рекомендации по теме

Tip for wearing glasses … rub some hair spray onto the part of the glasses that touches ur nose and skin … then apply some loose powder to there . Tap off excess… this creates a barrier. I also reinforce this with a little bit of powder directly onto the skin where the glasses touch you to . We use this a lot in tv and film…. Works wonders . Your welcome !


The temporary tattoo eyebrow girl has alopecia, which I know Luxeria didn't realize at the time of recording, but hearing "carry an eyebrow pencil the colour of your roots" into the context of this video sent me🤣🤣🤣 I love your work Luxeria and you should check out more of her videos, she does a lot about wig life but also makeup while dealing with alopecia!


As a millenial who never overplucked due to having what were considered "perfect" brows naturally at that time, I'm absolutely furious that both brows have almost completely fallen out now due to autoimmune issues. I prrotected those little jerks through the era of pencil thin sperm-shaped nighmares for nothing! 🤬😭 I'm now having to learn at 32 how to completely draw eyebrows with almost no hairs to start from after decades of only ever using a tiny bit of shadow to fill them in, and I am STRUGGLING. Maybe I just need to get those tattoo things?


The Gravity Cry. I'm gonna try this, see if it makes crying a bit more interesting.


Luxerias drag tip for crying is definitely what I used to do in the work toilets 😅


For the girl whose foundation wouldn’t stay on her nose, I recommend a good exfoliator and a good moisturizer. The foundation is clinging to dry patches and then sliding off oily areas. So if you exfoliate to get a smooth canvas and moisturize to help limit oil production, that should also help give an even better base before starting off with luxeria’s suggestions of a good primer and concealer.


Love you. As a failed biochemist who became a lawyer then a teacher....you're a breath of caffeinated air and I'm here for it ...


Oh no.... as an emotional crier myself I felt for that bride - if she lost it that much at the makeup reveal I can only imagine what happened in the ceremony!


Love when Mister Biscuit chimes in. I am constantly quoting them - "Throw a wig on me and call me Sandra". Great content as usual! I really appreciate your expertise.


I love biscuits big black eyeballs, he looks both terrified and looks like he doesn’t have a brain
2:47 it’s giving white James Charles😭


I have to stop in and say that I'm loving this minimalist chainmail / sparkly sequin magic you have going on. It's perfect on you!


I have to say I've never had "interesting" eyebrows. My aunts and mother successfully traumatised me into keeping them VERY natural because they plucked the crap out of theirs in the 80s and they didn't come back. So my eyebrows are never fashionable or interesting, but they are never way out of trend either. Two basic bitches hanging out on my forehead.


My God that bride is GORGEOUS! She literally looks like a Queen in her dress.


I can't get over how much Mister Biscuit loves you! I got my long wear lipstick based on your recommendation and I truly feel stunning woman on the go, thank you gorgeous Lux Xxx


Regarding makeup that doesn’t stay on, you also need to make sure the base of your primer and foundation are the same. I.E. both oil-based or water-based. If not, the formulas can fight each other and start to break down on the face, since oil and water *famously* don’t mix


Enjoying yours and Roly's videos to cheer me up. Found out today my cat who is my world has cancer, she is 14 so we are doing pallative care. It's been a day of sitting with her and watching my fave videos to cheer us up xxx


*The girl with the temporary brows in the bathroom... she has alopecia and has no hair or brows so she uses wigs and temporary brows and she always looks amazing!!*


Yay! Unhinged entertainment just in time for lunch break. 🎉 Love you Luxeria♡♡♡


Just wanted to feed the algorithm by saying that I always look forward to hearing Contra Points once the patreons start.

Loved the video!


I just want to say that watching your channel makes me feel So safe and free. I was attacked on the subway about a month ago and hospitalized I still strut down the street now and I know how to contour .And it's all good but thank you for being an advocate and just so beautiful so thank you
