How veterans overcome PTSD triggered by fireworks

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Jacob Schick, a veteran and CEO of 22Kill, also dedicates himself to helping other vets. His advice is tough love, and he doesn't want to sugar coat the problem.
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For all those who served in military, thank you for your service. You made us proud.


I tend to have my Bluetooth wireless earphones with me any time there are fireworks in my area and I can put them on and block out the banging noise which triggers my ptsd


I deal with it starting in late June and stay on my guard thru mid August. I listen to loud music thru headphones on I Day. Sometimes I don't get triggered. Sometimes I do. No rhyme or reason to the triggering.


Im going to push this 4th of july to finally face my fears..


Don't try and face it head on hardheaded on your own because like me you could have a blackout next thing you are in a police cell with no memory of what you did


My friend Mike who pased away was a Vietnam War veteran told me that fireworks sometimes would effect him. I had never really thought about it until then. But you never really think about it until you try to put yourself in there shoes for a second. You never know what someone went through. I don't think they should outlaw fireworks but setting them off at random times in the middle of the night should be illegal. It just continues to get worse with people setting off there own fireworks. I wish people(younger people such as my age im a millennial would have some empathy and understanding of how this effects some of our veterans.


Without xanax. Without adequate timing in MY VA. I'm glad y'all have such great outcomes. I, however, am struggling still.


I have a past of domestic violence I want a shotgun was shot above my head while taking a shower. I too suffer with PTSD and Independence Day should be a day of celebration but it's a day of anxiety for me. I have to lock myself up in the house and Blair every TV really loud and just be on pins and needles. The following day I'm exhausted from the anxiety from the worrisome from the nightmares, and the medication that I have to take just so my heart can relax.


I was in the wing, can't even compare my experience w grunts but we saw our fair share of rocket fire, attacks in the shitpond and Helmand...quite a bit in Kandahar. It messes w me, I just stay busy on the 4th. Indoors mostly. Crazy thing is I genuinely love fireworks, grew up with them all my life. Just sucks I don't really enjoy them anymore. It's the anticipation to the big "booms" that causes anxiety.


My uncle loves fireworks and he is in the ARMY


I used to love army games but after watching videos i feel so bad. It's evil that they would create a video game and fireworks for fun. Why are we making people's tragedy into fun? God please send jesus we need him


Just after midnight, I'm freaking out from hearing 20 straight minutes of gunfire all around me. I'm praying, wondering who's shooting who... Is it a militia? National guard? A drug cartel?Russians? Are they drawing a perimeter? I'm double checking, making sure my doors are locked. I shut my phone off and toss it into a bag, about to get dressed when I realize; it was New Year's Eve. 🙄 Happy New Year everybody!


This whole firework celebration is so disrespectful. If you need to have fireworks so much do it in certain areas but not just all over and not just the veterans but now the CHILDREN that have ptsd from being in school. I’m glad that their helping people


I’m here, we are strong, and we can get through this new years 🫶🏾


I wish the is would just ban all fireworks period. They're noisy and dangerous and a total waste of money


A dignified soldier's job is to kill the enemy or to help kill them, without hating and or judging them demonstrating the kind of love Jesus talked about. Hating wrong doesn't make you right. Being right has no feeling associated with it. That is what separates strong, noble American soldiers from their Socialist/Fascist enemies that need large overwhelming numbers or conditions to fight and why the American Flag has stood as a symbol of the defeat of evil the world over for over 150 years.

When a soldier falls to hating or judging the enemy, the enemy gets inside them. Some vets that fall to PTSD kill themselves because the disease is so compulsive and progressive, like all hate and they are afraid they will kill their families as the enemy inside gains control of their minds and bodies on a daily basis.

Some soldiers may appear fit enough for battle but lack the objective moral/spiritual constitution for the stress of a heartless, inhuman enemy he must fight on the battlefield, unable to resist angrily judging them or his own country for subjecting him to their horror. Unfortunately, the people treating our soldiers with PTSD don't understand this basic concept and their drugs just make them worse.

John Kerry fell to hate because he couldn't handle the strees of the danger he was in, in Viet Nam. But instead of hating the Viet Cong, he hated his country that made him jump through that hoop of needing a naval career like his hero JFK so that he could mimic his political career. He even took a video camera with him to re-act what he thought were his bravest heroic moments. That is why John Kerry has been on the wrong side of every issue in politics in his entire career, trying to beat and get even with his cruel heartless percieved enemy, the United States of America.

The VA needs to be shut down and veterans should get a gold card that gives them the best care possible anywhere in America on demand. VA employees hate our veterans and enjoy their suffering, enjoy making their circumstances worse, love looking down their nose on them as if they are parasite Welfare recipients and they need to be stopped, cold. Every veteran has experienced this. It is endemic to the VA and the peculaiar people that always get promoted within its ranks.


Hmm sounds like we allow the fear just like everything. We have to fight for what we don’t want and what we do want.


You know its sad when thousands of veterans are granted disability just for not liking fireworks.
