Apostolic Churches, Apostolic Pentecostal Church Worldwide Directory, Oneness Pentecostal Churches

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Our map of the United States makes it very easy to find churches in every single State. Just click on the State and then scroll down for the city or town you are looking for which is listed in alphabetical order (top to bottom of the webpage). May the Lord bless those who are looking for Apostolic Pentecostal Churches throughout the United States and throughout the world!

BUY OUR BOOK: The Case For Oneness Theology

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Our map of the United States makes it very easy to find churches in every single State. Just click on the State and then scroll down for the city or town you are looking for which is listed in alphabetical order (top to bottom of the webpage). May the Lord bless those who are looking for Apostolic Pentecostal Churches throughout the United States and throughout the world!

BUY OUR BOOK: The Case For Oneness Theology




You that gavest names unto the four rivers: to the first Phison, because of the faith which you didst appear in the world to preach; to the second Geon, for that man was made of earth ; to the third Tigris, because by you was revealed unto us the consubstantial Trinity in the heavens ; to the fourth Euphrates, because by your presence in the world you madest every soul to rejoice through the word of immortality.


Hello Pastor, I have a question on Matthew 3 :11. What is the fire that John the Baptist mentions in which Jesus is to baptize with? Is it tongues? Acts 2 :3?🤔


The problem with the apostolic Pentecostal doctrine is that you do not believe that the Son of God is God and that God died and rose again according to the scriptures. You do not believe God is able to hunger, thirst, be tempted, sleep, eat, become a man, to suffer, bleed, die, which things did indeed happen for those who truly believe God is able to become a man and lay down his life. I've spoken with pentecostals and they don't believe God is able to bleed and die. They say that the Son is just the fleshly body and that the Father did not lay down his life and the Holy Ghost did not purchase the church with his blood. There are many examples of scriptures that clearly say the Son of God is God and the Son of man is Spirit.
I have a question I know you cannot answer. I know you say you believe the Father is in the Son (the Holy Ghost in the fleshly body which is the Son), yet you don't believe that the Son is in the Father. How do you reconcile this verse not believing the body is the Father and the Spirit the Son and vice versa?
John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
