George Lucas Explains the Light and Dark

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This is the core and depth to Star Wars that i wish Disney knew or wanted to care about


Everyone at Disney must listen to this three times a day


This is a great summary of how the Force works and what makes a Jedi, as opposed to Disney’s corrupted version: “Jedi are bad, the Sith just want freedom, and the Force is a thread to fight with.”


That's awesome. I think I read excerpts of it before, but hearing it in George's words really drives it home. So simple, yet so complex.


The beautiful thing is, what George describes is relevant to the real world and to the reality of each of us. The struggle for self control, to balance ones life, not to take the easy route, fighting for the ones you love, accepting yourself as you are, being mindfull and kind. Take away words like sith or jedi or the force, and you still have the wise advice of an intelligent man called George Lucas. I shed a few tears after the video, because I now realise that one day this gem of a man will be one with the force.


I thought I'd seen every piece on Lucas in existence, but I hadn't seen that. Fantastic. The way he sums up the force is brilliant.


At its core the darkside is a metaphor for addiction, the addiction to selfishly fulfill ones self

The lightside is sobriety in a way, a healthy life, a balanced life, moderation and mindfulness. Hence the discipline needed to attain great success in the light side of the Force


WOW never seen that before, it's the perfect summary of The Force...and life really. This should be mandatory training at Lucasfilm


Gosh, getting a little misty-eyed there. Such an... amazingly deep relation to one's own material. That was fun. That was like listening to grandfather by the campfire but not to listen to jokes or scary tales but to listen to life lessons that benefit you and others. True wisdom in a lot of his words. It's amazing.


George is the mastermind behind this amazing franchise


That was the most beautiful description of joy and sin I have ever heard. Thank you George. A wise, wise man. Because that's what it is. The light side a pure joy in helping protecting and growing. Then the risk of falling to greed, want, hatred, and suffering. A never ending clawing desire to control for your own desires.


Why do I get the feeling that George Lucas would be a great philosophy teacher.


Its so important that both Theory and Wave recognised the biblical principals in George's explanation of the light side vs the dark side.

If more people lived by biblical principles (not necessarily religious dogma), the world would be a better place, and George was trying to teach that.


This right here is why Disney Star Wars doesn’t feel like Star Wars. There just seems to be no understanding of these core concepts in the story telling.


Honestly, George's words makes me think of Jedi Survivor. Everything he's saying is the entire reason most of the characters in the game are how they are. From Bode wanting to keep Tanalor to himself and Kata to Dagan's entire obsession of Tanalor to even Cal slowly losing those around him and trying to keep them alive.

"Every Jedi faces the Dark Side"
- Cere Junda (Jedi Fallen Order)


Thank you for highlighting. Keep up the good work.


I feel like George is Speaking from his experience . Amen


This guy knows Star Wars, Disney should hire him to write Star Wars, just a thought


These are eastern philosophy concepts that George is describing. The sith seek pleasure, power, and control, all of which are impernanent as we all die. The jedi seek inner peace and connection to the oneness of the universe through acts of service and meditation and being warriors of light. These are highly aligned with the teachings of buddhism, taoism, and hinduism (bhagavad gita in particular). George lucas himself is well versed in eastern philosophy and is a practitioner of meditation. Star wars was created in the 70's in California where the hippie movement and the creative types of the time were very interested in these different schools. Shintoism (the religion of the samurai) was an offshoot of taoism (a religion that founded in the same time and the same region as buddhism, along with jainism, and all of these schools built off of hindu teachings). This is important because the jedi themselves were based on samurai. It is These concepts are also taught in the monotheistic religions of the west but as a way to walk in the light of the creator, instead of being described as achieving inner peace (moksha, nirvana, tao). Either translation is fine because it describes living in unity with the universe or living in contrast to it. George likely knew al these things and beautifully designed this galaxy in a way that makes these concepts digestable to all of us, whether we are religious, spiritual, or simply moralist agnostics. All are equally valid. This to me is the point of star wars. Its not the lightsaber battles, or the lore, or spaceships/explosions/or cool technology. It is about how to live in alignment and access unity consciousness in a galaxy that always finds ways to undermine and live in contrast to that, and how to combat the forces both external and internal that threaten this alignment.


That’s a very old interview, I’m really surprised stupendous never saw it
