Corridor Digital Controversy Explained in 1 minute

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Corridor Digital Controversy & Cancelled Over ANIME ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS
Corridor Digital are underfire after release their new rock paper scissors anime video, people on twitter are aruging that using ai would harm artists and encourage copy right infringeiment


if u wanna see the poopshow:

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Strange Corridor doesn’t look cancelled to me.


"Think of all the animators this will put out of work." They say to me, an animator who can't even afford to pay myself for a solo project that I could actually finish if I was using AI tools. These people talk with a pious voice as an excuse to indulge in the gatekeeper mindset. Basically, if you're too poor to own an animation studio, you shouldn't be allowed to make fun stuff.


Canceling people are the dumbest concept ever


On one hand I'm kind of excited to see something that would've sounded like sci-fi to me a few years ago but on the other hand I'm afraid of the effects it could have on the creativity of people. Kind of feels like this will become the fast food of animation where it's good but it's also nothing worth mentioning since it'll just use what has already been done and probably never Innovate


Oh, come on! You gotta admit this is cool!
- Syndrome, The Incredibles


Corridor Crew is great. They are figuring out how to leverage AI for real art and storytelling. Which is something all artists are going to have to do, so they are on the cutting edge, pioneering for the rest of us. This is going to happen whether you want it or not. CC is just showing artists the ins and outs so they don't get left behind.

Also, they are not selling this. It's an experimental test case, so they can reference any art they want, as far as I am concerned. If you're going to come up with something new then reference an original look book.


People need to think of this more as a tool. Imagine a world 10 years down the road where your draw and create a few thousand drawings and then you can generate moving frames based of your art. Like how corridor used their pictures to create a learning model we could use our drawings to make a model based off them. Art “copying” and “inspiration” have been a thing for millennia, this is just the next evolution of it.


idk if this is a hot take but Ai using art to learn isnt really "stealing" art its more like using it as a frame of reference. it'd be the same if I used someones drawing as a reference for mine its technically not stolen.


1:06 - there is no "free resource". The tutorial is behind a paywall on their site.


AI or not they made a fine film the AI didn't infringe on Vampire Hunter D just referenced its aesthetic to capture the retro anime look plus it they showed how AI tools can be used to work smarter with animation mixed with the rotoscope technique.


Joel Haver puts this right, its good for people when art is able to be created more easily. It does become less about technique and more about style and vision. People use stuff now that wasn't around 50 years ago but complain about this because it is new.


In the full video they themselves state that yes, they used still frames from Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust. However they also said that the entire show is free and available to watch on YouTube. So regardless of what the people who are upset with Corridor think, it holds no legal weight as the images that Corridor used to create their video is protected under fair use, especially since the original anime is free to view.

After double-checking, Niko does say that the entire show is free on YouTube so the video in question did nothing wrong copyright wise. I understand that animators are scared about their work being used by others and I totally understand where they are coming from.


Niko didn’t say they ripped off individual frames of Vampire Hunter D; he said they used a bunch of frames to have an AI learn that style. That’s very different things. If one paints in the style of Van Gogh, they’re not making a Van Gogh painting; they’re replicating Van Gogh’s style for a new piece of art.

That’s NOT to say that AI can’t steal frames, or even that they didn’t. However, by cutting off his quote mid-sentence, you divorce it from its context and make it seem as tho he’s admitting they ripped a bunch of frames from another work, which is not what he said and is not proved by your video.


What I see is a bunch of people salty that they are late in figuring out new technologies. Analogue artists waged war on digital artists whenever Photoshop appeared. Digital artists STILL "borrow image snippets" from copyrighted works, which they modify and use in their final project which they will later sell and nobody gives a shit anymore because there's that fine line of "what is and what is not a derivative work". I see you very easily forget these things. Here's a hard truth: Either keep up with the modernity of techniques in creative jobs, or get buried by it and give up. You KNEW you were getting into an occupation which is very competitive, it's hard to pay well, and it constantly requires you to learn new technologies on your own. Either grit your teeth and keep evolving or give up. No matter the case, NOBODY around you has to limit their creativity because some people can't keep up. Nobody owes it to you, or anyone else, to slow down with their pace for "your" sake. Get over yourselves.


Since when some dumb, narrow minded whining on twitter = getting someone cancelled?


I see artists using AI helping with the in-between animations . Which saves a lot of time and effort .So its not stealing if the artist uses his own style to teach the AI . They should have hired an artist instead off taking it from others without knowing .


People should see this more as a tool.
Ai will always be used in a lot of fields like UI design, programming, Vfx, graphics design and a lot more.
And they won't just delete the demand for human services, they'll just be used alongside them to make work more efficient.
These guys didn't just give all the work to the Ai, they trained the Ai and worked on the output to make it better.
So Ai is more likely to be your coworker than to take your job


Sounds like they’ve gotten haters that can’t figure out technology


It is a rotoscope program. It just the video version of those cartoon filters. It still requires real people on screen. I do not understand the problem.


There is a severe lack in animators. There is never enough of them to go around, this allows more creative minds to finally shine without having to compete with large studios or having to spend many years creating a short little animatic. I am on no side in the ai art debate. There is good things and bad things. Points can be argued on both sides. However, we are moving to the future and nothing can change that. It's best to just accept it and learn to use it to your advantage
