7 Things A Man Should NEVER SAY To A Woman

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As a man raised by women. This is extremely eye opening.


The advice about sharing your problems with women is spot on. Women share their problems with each other so it's easy to think sharing problems is a way to connect with them. Wrong, never ever do it, it repels women on a primal level.


1. I'm sorry
2. You're right
3. I love you
4. I respect you
5. What do you think?
6. How can I improve?
7. Never say any of the above to any woman


Women can get easily turned off by things that men say. Especially if they don't find you physically attractive. The better looking you are, the more mistakes you can make, and they'll still want you.


Damn, these romantic movies have been misdirecting us the whole time...


He left out THE most important thing ever. I cant believe you guys are forgetting this one. The " cardinal rule" Never EVER tell her that you can't live without her!!!


I've made every mistake on this list. Let the woman worry about the relationship. You just need to worry about yourself. Great video Darius.


Being called a “Nice Guy” did something to my spirit. Luckily I learned that lesson now (25). I definitely belong to the streets from here on out. Never cuffing or wifing


DUDE I told her my feelings and I never seen her again this man is spot on smh


Brotherss...the key to women is remain mysterious...DO NOT give anything away the minute you do you look feminine and she will lose interest. She wants to be with you and she most definitely wants to chase you... dont let them chat their nonsense


Anyone else kicking themselves by how many times they’ve made these mistakes? Ffs!


I used to say all of this stuff, now I realize how cringy it is.


I absolutely agree with Darius on this one. However, this is why “Dating” is a joke. Get your casual shit in and bounce if she disrespects you or you get bored of her.


Based on my opinion as a 36 year old man who has dated a variety of women and girls since 1997, and made many mistakes - these are useful but not hard and fast rules:
1: you can ask a woman to be your girlfriend and she won’t lose attraction for you. It depends on how you ask, how long you’ve been romantically involved, and what about you her attraction is based on.
#2 It seems most non-domineering women are attracted to a leader type. I agree.
#3 You can complain to a women but it depends on how you’re doing it. Generally you need to be reluctant to complain and when you do, it’s paired with an optimistic attitude, “like, I can fix this but I need to do this.” A worthy girlfriend/wife will want to help when she can, if you bring up a problem with a solution-oriented mindset then she may be able to help and you won’t look weak, but instead you will look like a leader.
#4 I agree you shouldn’t show worry about competition or if she has a boyfriend. She will tell you or lie about having one to get rid of you. However, asking if she’s single (do it confidently and at the right time) when you first meet is almost always a great move.
#5 I completely agree. You got to have value and bring something to the table and never forget or you lose power in the relationship. The key for young men is to improve themselves so they are actually bringing value to women instead of faking it or relying on mystery building games.
#6 You can definitely tell women you love them first. Just like asking her to be your girlfriend it depends on the circumstances and how you do it. If you’ve been testing a promising women for the past 4-6 months and she’s shown real commitment and and trust, then throwing that L word at her in the right way, time and place is a good move. However, it’s very important you don’t overdo it, and that remains true for the duration of your relationship.
#7 I usually don’t like these “never do” rules because everything is so situational. I do agree that it’s best to not be eager and needy in just about every situation that involves you and a woman. Best advice I can give you is work on your own emotional and psychological maturity so you get to the point where you don’t need a woman to feel complete or fulfilled. Women are flawed human beings just like men, trying to find meaning in your life through a relationship will lead to disappointment - if you don’t drive her away first.


So much to fake. Thats why relationship dont last long these days.


I’ve done many of these things. No more of any of it. As I learn more about female nature the less I care about them anyway.. so it should be easy.


Never tell her I will marry you, don’t please


My only regret in life is wasting time And money on them just imagine doing that on my life and business but never is too late im 36 now


Hey fellas: Women are most attracted to men whose feelings are unclear.


dude, ur amazing. exactly what ive been saying these young bloods for years...they dont listen....much love from London UK
