Don Carson on the Relationship between Old Testament Law and New Testament Ethics

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Don Carson discusses the way in which believers ought to understand the Old Testament law in light of the New Testament and the new covenant in Christ.
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Very eloquently and biblically stated. Thank you for the video.


Love these videos keep them coming.
God bless.


I love TGC. Does anyone know where I can buy DA Carson lectures ?


The difference between Old Covenant and the New Covenant is the method of sacrifice. In the Old Covenant, atonement of sin is done by animal sacrifice. In the New Covenant, Jesus Christ as High Priest and Sacrificial, poured own blood to the Mercy Seat of Ark of Covenant.


Basic point the Old Testament mighty men saw Christ via the law as explained in the book of Hebrews.therefore the law should lead you to Christ in the deeper sense if we say the law is taken away by misunderstanding its function we also take away Christ and his function which is revealing the kingdom of heaven and the mysteries there of. As a help to you know the law as it were in the days of Jesus was and still is Talmudic Judaism.that’s used subtraction by addition is why Christ spoke negatively of the law, not the law of Moses which is quite different ! This could and will be argued to the end of days. Know the ancient languages you will never see or hear what I’m telling you till you do. May god keep you and bless you all the days of your life


"God made everything clean" is complete garbage. The subject of Mark 7 was washing the hands, a JEWISH CUSTOM, not a Law of God defined in the Torah. This guy is blind.


No it's not complex. YAHUSHA reinforced the ten commandments and fulfilled the ceremonial laws of Moses once he died for our sins. ( 1 Peter 2:24, Ephesians 2:15 )

by the way his name is not ( he-zeus )
