What’s the Relationship Between Law and Gospel?

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“Grace must be the basis of our confidence before God, because we are never going to make it otherwise.”

Don Carson—New Testament professor at Trinity Evangelical and TGC President—discusses the relationship between law and gospel.
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grace transforms us from being disobedient to being obedient


This is a great summary and noticeably different (and I would say more Biblical) than the typical law/gospel distinction given by so many in the Reformed/Lutheran camp


the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul


This topic needs to be explored. An upcoming lecture will no doubt be helpful in understand this distinction. Remnant Reformed Church - Events.


He isn't very clear and he struggles on the law and gospel distinction.

The gospel is about what Christ got done not about us.


Romans 3:31, 6:1-4. By Grace we are given regenerationare, given back what we have lost in the fall, in the fall we lost the ability to keep God's Eternal law. By Grace we have been given power to establish the law. That what Paul is communicating in the book of Romans. The book of Romans is a Judicial book.
Read it over and over again. Especially 5-8.


This is the last analysis, a profoundly sub-Christian and pre-Reformation understanding of Law and Gospel.

There is no grace in Law even though it's given for gracious purposes. And if offers promises only on conditions we cannot meet! Grace is not 'gratia infusa." It's sheer, unmerited favor!

There is emphatically ABSOLUTELY NO DEMAND in the Gospel! The moment the slightest condition is added to grace, it is no longer grace. The Law is what we are called upon to do- we, and we alone. The Gospel is what God promises to do- God, and God alone. Only the Law makes demands. The moment we are called upon to do something, no matter how small, we are no longer talking about grace, but works.

The basic confusion between Law and Gospel reflected in this video is why there is nothing "evangelical" about evangelicalism, and why it always ends up in works righteousness and eyes fastened not on Christ, but upon oneself and one's performance. For a far better understanding, see THE PROPER DISTINCTION BETWEEN LAW AND GOSPEL by C.F.W. Walther. To mix Law with Gospel and Gospel with Law, as this video does, is to neutralize both!


There is no relationship between Law and Gospel. They are as far as the East is to West.


Man, Carson is looking older than I would have thought he would.
