Άρνηση Το Περιγιάλι - Το Περιγιάλι

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Μουσική - Στίχοι: Θεοδωράκης Μίκης - Σεφέρης Γιώργος.
Orchestration and Instrumental by Efstratios Diakoniarakis.
I'm a professional bouzouki player for 35 years and I'm now retired. I've not played professionally for the last 13 years. I hope you enjoy the music.
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Συγχαρητήρια κύριε Ευστράτιε!! το παίξιμό σας είναι ονειρικό, συνεχίστε να ταξιδεύετε τον κόσμο σε τόπους που βασιλεύει μονάχα η χαρά καθώς και η ελπίδα να ξεφύγουμε από τις βαριές πίκρες της ζωής 🙏🏻


.wow !
You're fantastically playing almost much better than the Greek Superstars regarding this song *Sto Perigiali To Kryfo* on a bourzuki Karaoke & i say the truth
logically clearly & very accurate because i was a licenced musician in the past . You play it here from *D-Major* that is matching my vocal tone, also from *C-Major* too.
* i wish that you want to make the same way a version* on *Stin apano Geitonitza "H-Gorgona"* by *Giannis Kalatzis* from *E-minor or D-minor* both accepted because no superstars in YouTube pleased me like you do moving the hands with Excellent Sensitivity. Wow ! I play guitar correctly therefore i notice here what you did indeed much better than any other *bourzunki superstar* . They do great job too & I like them but you have a higher sensitivity of better versions by far excessive quality of clear sounds better than
them . Wow !
I prefer to have you playing this song on bourzouki much better than orignal *Grigoris Bithikotsis* who sang Perigiali for the 1st time
in history right
after Mikis Theodorakis composed this song ..
