Add These Amendments to the U.S. Constitution

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Here are Mr. Beat's top ten proposed Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Produced by Matt Beat. All images/video by Matt Beat, found in the public domain, or used under fair use guidelines. Music by Talkin' Mountain and Elfsquad.

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#10 The right of citizens of the United States, who are sixteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

#9 Congress cannot make any laws that apply to American citizens that don’t apply equally to themselves. (and vice versa)

#8 "Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
"Sec. 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
"Sec. 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification."

#7 Section 1. The rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons and do not extend to for-profit corporations, limited liability companies, or other private entities established for business purposes or to promote business interests under the laws of any state, the United States, or any foreign state.
Section 2. Such corporate and other private entities established under law are subject to regulation by the people through the legislative process so long as such regulations are consistent with the powers of Congress and the States and do not limit the freedom of the press.
Section 3. Such corporate and other private entities shall be prohibited from making contributions or expenditures in any election of any candidate for public office or the vote upon any ballot measure submitted to the people.
Section 4. Congress and the States shall have the power to regulate and set limits on all election contributions and expenditures, including a candidate’s own spending, and to authorize the establishment of political committees to receive, spend, and publicly disclose the sources of those contributions and expenditures.

#6 Term Limits for Congress and the Supreme Court. U.S. Representatives can’t serve more than 12 years. U.S. Senators can’t serve more than 18 years, and Supreme Court justices can’t serve more than 24 years. U.S. Representatives serve four-year terms, with election years being the non-presidential election years.

#usgovernment #apgov #usconstitution
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So which amendment do you think has the best chance of actually passing?
What other proposed amendments do you think we should consider?


If we're going to lower the voting age we should also make civics, law, and government classes mandatory in high school so that these teenagers know and understand the decisions they are making.


Last time I was this early, the Articles of Confederation was in effect.


How about this Amendment: The president shall not have the power to pardon any current or former member of his administration, or any member of a prior administration, and any member of his or hers family.


Update to the fourth amendment: “The right of all persons to be secure in their persons, houses, properties, papers, electronic devices, and other possessions from surveillance and unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and warrants shall only be issued upon probable cause, which shall be supported by Oath or Affirmation, to specifically describe the place or places to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


One other amendment:
No governmental entity or agent shall deprive a person of their property without the conclusion of due process. Civil asset forfeiture are hereby prohibited.


Mr. Beat: How can one person represent so many people?
Me, an Indian: Noobs


Amendment #28: “To each man, woman, and child resident in the United States, a pony shall be given.”


I'd propose an addition to the term limits by also assigning term limits to the staffers. A lot of them stick around and often times they write the massive bills Noone has time to read. With term limits, lobbyists would just approach them, so let's keep this from becoming an issue before it does.


It's WILD that the 16th was ratified on the EXACT anniversary of the 15th!


As an 18 year old, i would not have let 16 or even 17 year old me vote
Teens today may be “smarter” in a schooling sense, but we are absolutely way more vulnerable to propaganda, populism, and simply misunderstanding what policies and such do


I respectfully disagree with a fair amount of this video but it definitely made me think more. Best video I've disagreed with.


The right of citizens to privacy in their daily lives and in interactions with others cannot be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State.


I personally think there should be a right to understand the law, for everyone.
It should not take a lawyer to explain every single legal document you have to sign, and it should not be easy to hide malicious clauses amidst an ocean of filler legal mumbojumbo. Everyone should be able to understand the laws that they have to follow and the contracts they have to sign.

I also vote for basically anything that prevents politicians from making money on the side. Their job is to keep our patch of dirt functional, not buy fifteen mansions after leveraging political influence and favors.


As a member of the Green Party of Sweden, I’m for all of these suggestions. I’ve recently resigned from the Politics in the Regional Council because of our ”12 year in office- rule” and wouldn’t like it to be different. Last month I got an office work and I’m very happy. Even though I’ve got lots of great memories from the years as a full time politician, I at the end of my three terms felt that I wasn’t as hungry for change as I was as a newbie. And my closest contacts had turned from local people to central chairmen from organizations and companies. That’s how it becomes when you work 70 or 80 hours every week and all you want to do, when home, is to relax with your nearest and dearest. So I truly think you’re spot on, mr Beat! Thank’s for a great Youtube Channel!


Maybe it's too small for an amendment, but I wish the presidential pardon had extra limits to avoid misuse. I was taught when learning about Watergate that it established not even the president is above the law. What I wasn't taught is that Nixon never faced criminal charges, and was even pardoned by Ford.


My two amendments would be

1= American citizens don’t have to pay federal taxes until they’re 18. Paying taxes without being able to vote is taxation without representation, which is the whole reason we beat the British in the first place

2= To qualify to be tax-exempt, churches have to provide planning and spending budgets to the gov’t and donate a certain amount based on their income. Mega churches like Elevation spend millions and millions on themselves and their ceos and at that point it’s just a for profit business. However, a lot of churches do a lot of good for their local communities, and we shouldn’t tax and punish small local churches just cause of the Elevations of the world.


Last time I was this early, the constitution only had 10 amendments.


I'm 19 years old and live in IL. there's never been a year in my life that Dick Durbin hasn't been one of my senators. and he was eleceted 5 years before I was born. that's crazy to me. a term limit amendment would be great!


Also, great video!

I really like the one about abolishing corporate personhood and money in politics.
