Most Important Question To Ask Him Before Sleeping Together

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Get Him To Commit Before Sleeping Together (The Dating Vow)

Have you ever heard the saying: Women are the gatekeepers of sex, and men are the gatekeepers of commitment?

The "Dating VOW" Before Sleeping Together

I ___________________ agree to explore the process of getting to know you with the intent to declare something serious in the next 3 to 6 months.

I ___________________ agree to be monogamous sexual while we have regular sex together

I ___________________ agree to not actively seek to meet/date others while we are in this dating process (include taking down dating profile)

I ___________________ agree to speak up if this isn't working for me vs. pulling back, ghosting or disappearing

I ___________________ agree to invest regular time in this process of getting to know you which looks like this _______________

90% of men will bail on this because thousands of women will have sex without any commitment/agreement whatsoever. If all women are banned together (going forward), this will change how men treat/view sex, but in the meantime, if he does agree, you have a better chance of commitment than without it.
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I am 52 years old and he is 55. For the first time in my life, I am walking in love instead of falling in love. His level of patience is so appreciated! Men always wanted to lay me down instead of lifting me up. Even if this relationship doesn’t work, the level of respect we have for each other is priceless. Pray for us!


Your dating advice only works if you are dealing with an honest man. My last two relationships said they wanted everything I did. They were both lying.


I am dating a man who wants to wait till we fall in love. He’s 71 & I am 67. So refreshing after all the years of dating the instant sex creeps, then they ghost!
Hold out ladies it’s so worth it.


Just met an Italian man (54 years old) - total "Love Bomber" - I live in California; from the beginning I told him I wasn't going to jump in bed with him too soon! I thought he understood, went out last week for a drink after he got off work. Seems he couldn't throw back his drink fast enough whereby he seemed to rush me out to the car because, as he said "I can't wait to kiss you!" - which we did. During that time, I reminded him I wasn't going to his place nor was he coming to mine (note: we've never been to the other's residence). Fast forward to Sunday (tonight) --- I haven't heard a peep from him since; and, I saw him on Thursday evening. I am very, very glad I didn't acquiesce and jump into bed with him during a passionate moment ... 🙄


If you’re dealing with a narcissist, it doesn’t matter what you say, what you do, how much you try to be upfront and honest, narcissist lie and pretend to be exactly what you’re looking for. This only works if you’re dealing with a healthy emotionally quality person.


Key takeaways of the video:
1.Intencionally is missing in the dating process
2. Hook ups have replaced the genuine desire for connection and relationships
3. Some women operate from a co-depend perspective and men from narcissist perspective
4. Don't ever give your power away to men.
5. Pornography and social media has devalue women (or people in general).
6. It takes time to build trust


100%💛! I wish more woman would stop being scared that if they don’t sleep with a man on his terms, they will lose him. It is ok to lose a selfish guy who doesn’t care whether she feels safe enough/ emotionally connected with him to be intimate. I don’t like to blame women but as a woman myself, I do blame them. Please, stop letting men get away with selfishness and disrespect. We make them the way they area


You're absolutely right, no one is ready for a healthy relationship until they value and respect themselves.


“Using intimacy to create connection is backwards. Connection creates intimacy, because connection presumes trust.” **This was an awesome quote that I read in psychology today probably seven or eight years ago lol unfortunately - I do not have the author’s name so I cannot and WILL NOT take credit for this quote. I photographed it and kept it on my phone so I would never forget it! I’m really enjoying the content on this channel. I was widowed back in 2013 at the age of 46. I had a very nice marriage for 15 years. When I went back out into the dating arena two years later to try to find some companionship I was aghast at what had happened the deterioration in communication, respect and effort. Not to mention character and moral conduct. I could go on and on. A lot of people ask me why I’m not dating or why I haven’t found somebody. I am still a believer that the men do the pursuing and the women do the choosing. A lot of these people that make comments say I am “old school “. I’m not going to suffer in regards to my self-respect and moral character to achieve companionship. I will not do it! I think women have become too overly aggressive and it’s throwing things out of balance. I think it’s confused men and I think it sent the wrong message that they’re entitled to certain things. If God blesses me with a divine connection if someone comes in then that’s wonderful. If not I will be OK because I got through the death and grief of losing my husband and thank God I am doing OK. I am so thankful that I got to experience the deep love devotion and connection that goes along with a successful marriage. Some people go through their entire life and they never find it. I am grateful and consider myself blessed that I was able to experience that once in my life. It has blessed me with wonderful memories.


He told me sex isn’t the important thing . It’s a bonus if it happens . Cuddling, talking, fun activities we enjoy together is more important . Cultivating a friendship . Having up close and personal time only when I become comfortable or desire that .


People show you who they are. Believe them. Friends first. Watch how they act, clear communication and backup what they promise. . It takes time.


The question to ask before sex is: Are we on the same page? For example: Do we want a relationship? Both may say yes, but a relationship may mean different things to both of you. So, it's important to clarify what each of you wants. For example: A relationship might mean shared activities 2-3x a week for you and for the other person, it might mean seeing you whenever they feel like it, which might not be very often.


Since I became christian everything is easy. No sex before marriage. Bam!
I don't have to worry about somebody's intentions and games.
I'm finally free.
I don't have to waste my life anymore on people who are of no value.
A guy will tell a woman anything she wants to hear. A man will say anything.
Don't ask a guy anything.
Look at his actions.
Actions tell everything.
Loving is doing not talking.


I knew a man who thought I should have sex with him without him wanting to know much of anything about me. (Well more than one) Seems many older guys act this way. I’ve had a pretty interesting but challenging life. When I talked about what I’m interested in his response was “Oh, you want someone who wants to do what you want to do.” My reply was “no, I want someone who is going in the same direction.”


As a woman who has been married for 26 years, I feel I have spent much of it trying to have my husband understand that women feel deeply where men tend to be more visual. It is nice to feel loved, wanted, and respected. You hit it right on the nose saying temptation & sexual instant gratification is out there & I feel it DOES in a sense make women feel devalued as men get a false sense of what sexual intimacy is. Sometimes, no matter what I do sexually, it doesn't feel enough and it can be frustrating. I've also heard " Well, you two have been married soo long & maybe he's bored". Well, I can say, at 50, I am keeping more spicy than ever. If men could try to express their feelings better as opposed to the women always having to get it out, it sure would help a lot. Also, men, if you have a spouse who loves you on a soul level, supports your needs, takes care of you in every way, please tell that person how much they are appreciated, wanted & needed. This is a two way street after all.


I wish I had known this information two summers ago when I met a 61yr old who started off sweet and "innocent" but shortly played every game in the book, including ghosting.
I was at higher level of consciousness then, and showed deep compassion, patience and understanding, because he was a two year widower. I was left totally confused. Now, I can apply these teachings on my next prospect. Keep up the heart work! ❤


You can ask the question, but it depends on their honesty. Most guys out there are not honest at all and are good at pretending that they are serious about commitment.


I totally agree. I couldn't imagine being seen as a "hook-up" at age almost 75 and yet, that happened to me last year. He was deceptive in his intentions but it didn't take me long to figure it out and he was gone.


My bf and I talked about what we wanted and made sure we were on the same page. Every weekend we’d talk over a nice meal, so the communication was always on spot. We worked through a lot of growth together this way! It really strengthened our relationship.


This is precisely why i have remained celibate and not dated at all in 5 years since ending my previous marriage. My ex-husband had secret dating hook up profiles during our marriage and hooked up secretly on the side whilst i lived in a loveless and sexless marriage. Unfortunately my ex husband told me what i wanted to hear and then proceeded to live a secret double life. Trust is so important in a relationship. Honesty and trustworthiness is vital right from the beginning of a relationship. Without it you are living in a lie. Thank you for the great advice. Yes human relationships were so different in the 1980s.
