Hit the Driver Solid and Straight as you Maximize Your Distance.

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Nothing makes the game of golf more fun that hitting the driver solid and straight. I believe the Driver is the most important club in the bag when it comes to having fun.

In this video I discuss the most effective way to hit the driver consistently by optimizing the variables needed to maximize your distance.

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing - impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back. This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.

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Todd, I am a 49 year old who shoots anywhere from 77-92, I have struggled with consistency my entire life and am absolutely fascinated by the principles that you teach, and for that matter Moe Norman himself. I am committing myself to adopting the single plane technique. Thank you so much for the unbelievably insightful videos.


Love the driver! You are right that if the driver is on and you’re not looking constantly for balls, the game is so much more fun!


I’m 57 and have a couple of disabilities that make the golf swing a little more complicated. I have a partially frozen left shoulder from a previous surgery and some nerve damage in my right arm from a herniated disc I had in my neck for ten years.
I’ve been working with the single plane swing for a few years now and have always struggled with the driver. I still work for a living and don’t get to spend enough time playing and practicing. I practice one day during the week when I get off work and play 36 holes on sundays. I played on the golf channel AM your a couple of years ago in the senior division in the 8-11 handicap group. I managed to win a few tournaments but luckily I hit my driver well those days.
I haven’t played tournaments in a couple of years but recently got the itch to see where my game was. I played a couple of weeks ago and shot an 87. Very disappointed to say the least. I usually play to a 7 handicap on my own course but the driver and putter let me down.
I watch a lot of Todd’s videos on the driver and he makes it look so simple. I feel like I do everything he does but I can’t get consistent. I end up trying different ball positions during a round and that just makes it worse. I hit my irons, hybrid and 4 wd pretty good but the same swing didn’t work for the driver. I signed up as a gold member but I’ve yet to send a video to have it critiqued because of my frozen shoulder and nerve damage issue. I feel like I am just stuck with the problem and just have to live with it. I’m having gall bladder surgery next week so I will be out of golf for a month. I may have one of my buddies video my swing tomorrow and go ahead and see if there’s something graves can do for me. Nothing sweeter than hitting a great drive! Appreciate the videos!


Hi Todd, I'm a 68 yr old ex college athlete that took up golf about at 55. I struggled to a 10 handicap but could not improve from there. Last year I saw your book and purchased it. I read it cover to cover a few times. Over the winter I practiced inside. In the spring I took it to the course. I am a member of a local club that allowed me to get out by myself every morning at 6 before the first tee time. In was able to really practice on the course all the shots alone. I immediately noticed improvement. By July I was the Senior Club Champ. Beating players 15 years my junior. I shot a 2 day total of 143 on a par 71 course. I was 3 strokes off from beating the Club Champ one month later. I am now a 5.7 and regularly taking money from my much younger opponents. My wife thinks I'm nuts because I watch your videos constantly and people at the course are constantly asking about the Single plane swing. I just give them your name and tell them to do their homework. Thank you for all your help. Will you ever have a class in Massachusetts?


Bud, you and Moe (God rest his sole) have gotten me giddy for golf again…Thank you so much for this, it’s absolutely priceless to me


I am 64 and emulating Moe and Todd's swing will put a smile on your face. I can hit straight now.


This is the best advice that I have found on golf on YouTube, very practical and easy to follow


Todd thank you so mich for this video! I'm a new golfer and I've been watching this video all week and went to the range to practice it. I hit 300 balls today just with the driver using this technqiue. It took around 200 balls to get my address/alignment and back swing consistent. I was hitting a lot of shanks, fat shots and thin shots for a while but I kept calm and kept focusing on the mechanics. I finally figured out the sweet spot in my address and swing and started clobbering the ball 250+ and straight on most of my last 100 balls. It felt amazing hearing and feeling that perfect connection and seeing a straight line and a very high spin rate! Thanks again, you're an incredible instructor!


I saw your golf magazine article on the golf swing! Congrats! It was awesome to see you in print! Keep up the great videos here!


@Todd Graves
Thursday, I found your video on the 1 plane. Went through your YouTubes on the basics especially the driver and the "Pilot's view"
Friday, I swung about 50 balls on the driver only at the range. Ok results, not feeling a lot of love. Later that evening I re-reviewed your YouTube include Reed Howard's take on angling the body and your setup of the driver heel at the ball line. Also took good note of what you said about the grip.
Today, Saturday, on the course, I devoted my whole driver and 3 wood swing to your 1 plane. Played Woodley Lakes, Los Angeles, CA. The front 9 was average even after a disaster 1st tee shot (a weak push) but I was able to save with a Par. I had a hard time feeling & thrusting the driver swing and "letting it go". Especially the 1 plane angle setup, it was totally weird but deep down I know that's the exact plane I make contact (I have video of myself).
Suffice to say, out of the 7 driving holes, only 3 were good UNTIL the 9th hole - then it CLICKED and hit a BOMB on the #1 hole, pretty much getting the ball where I have not been in a long time. #10 I RIPPED just the biggest bomb that carried EVERYTHING hazard & palm trees etc on that dogleg and the rest of the back 9 was SWEET. It was insane. My weakness is still a push or the push/fade but its ripping it out there!
Now, the SOUND is so different at impact. Even my regular golfing buddy said the sound felt like the ball was crushed! I have not heard this sound in a very long time and it brought a smile to my face.
The 18th was the best drive of the day. Cannot hook, it OB and it was crushed center line on the Par 5. A poor 1 plane 3 wood meant the Eagle was out but I had a chance for a bird and misread the putt at 10 feet. I was feeling the swing more and able to release the club and literally feeling like I can power or take off power on the release.
I discovered that YES, this 1 plane swing is very back friendly. My back was feeling less stiff than it usually does. I have a stiff lower back (severe whiplash car accident due to a drunken driver in 2013) so I do not get much motion and it's always stiff. I was a pretty good player (3.5 handicap) back then but been searching for a golf swing that allowed me to use my body as-is and still allow me the power.
I think I have found it.
Shot 72 today with the driver putting me in so many chances for birdies (got 2 birds but offset by 2 bogeys and I left about 3 other birds escape due to the missed putts).
So I am beyond EXCITED. Just wanted to post it - THANK YOU for showing me the power is still there. I am converted but it's going to take a while to convert my iron swing.
Thanks Todd - golf life saver :)


So true, if I'm driving well, my day is fun no matter what else is going on. Short game is crucial to score but so is not going OB or punching out from trees all day long.


Thanks Todd for all your video’s, I think I watched all of them on YouTube. I changed to SPS about 10 months and saved the love for golf. I was frustrated with my golf game I ready to quit golf. Iam still learning everyday. I appreciate your dedication to show everybody about the single flame swing. Thanks


Hi Tom I picked up so much from this video
I'm an 18 handicapper but played to 2 under par for 10 holes today.
Driver was the key long and straight, I use trevino swing my way for the irons but without this lesson I wouksnt have shot 2 under, so rhanks for all the hard work you have put in over the years Steve 👍


spot on information! last two days been binge watching all your videos and Moe stuff. 63 years old and love playing golf but last year and half have been sidelined with a bad back, specifically a disfunction SI Joint, very painful and not much can be done about it. researched and found your content as a possible swing change to get me playing and practicing like I want to. spent two hours on the range yesterday getting used to the single plane swing. Hit it okay but surprisingly was able to pound balls with little to no back pain. this is a huge deal for me, no back pain after hitting balls for 2 hours! played 18 holes today and stuck with the SPS (single plane swing) whole round. wasn't my best ball striking but wasn't bad, again little to no back pain. definitely going to keep at it to get better with the SPS. so true what you said about the driver. I always tell other golfers to play a round of golf with two balls, first ball played off the tee as normal and play the second ball from middle of the fairway at their average best driver distance and play. keep score of both balls and compare the scores at the end of the round. Hitting drives in the middle of the fairway is the best way to drop 10 or more strokes. hit your drives out of the middle of the club is the best way to gain 10-20 yards!. thanks for sharing.


Absolutely correct! If you are not getting off the tee well, it makes for a miserable day. Another great video.


At 70, after preferring ‘stack & tilt’ for years, came across your channel and tried Moe’s grip & swing plane with my 52 degree, bingo effortlessly straight. 7 iron same thing, for me it was the grip backswing and follow through just seemed to work better. On course next ... thanks for videos!


Todd I’ve been working on your swing for over a year and it’s amazing the effortless power once all the parts are in place I’ve had bits and pieces of it which keeps me going and day by day getting very close to having a swing almost swing itself my biggest problem was having the stability in the left knee that impact and I cured that by watching your videos over and over and it finally occurred to me if my right foot stays on the ground that impact like it supposed to there’s no problem with that left knee stability it happens automatically you’re an incredible teacher may be the best in the world someday maybe we can get together


Todd, I've been following your SPS now for about 3 weeks. I am 63 and love the "mechanical ease" Moe's swing has provided to the golfing world. I must say, I never heard of Moe Norman before, but after checking out your website and all these you tube videos, you are slowly making a convert out of me. You see, I have been taking lessons from Golf Tec with my goal to keep the ball in play off the tee....has not happened yet although I am getting better. Golf Tec teaches the conventional way to swing a golf club, but in my opinion, there is too many mechanics and things you have to think about during your swing....for me there is no "mechanical ease" like you see in the SPS.
Following the SPS, I am striking the ball quite well with my irons, but find I am pushing the ball about 10-15 degrees right all the time yet the ball is traveling pretty straight or a slight fade. My driver is doing the same, but the push is a bit worse along with the fade/slice. Your thoughts?
Thanks. I will let you know how it goes.


GREAT video, Todd. Hitting the driver great brings not only a personal good feeling, but often very good comments from playing partners, because it is the one full swing shot that everyone on the tee box witnesses. A great Drive not only sets you up for the next shot, but also brings immediate positive feedback from golfing partners at the beginning of a golf hole. After watching this video, my new goal is to train to help my driver become my favorite club, next the putter and 3rd my wedges, both the scoring clubs. I know I can do this with my new Single Plane Swing and my recent training with Graves Golf Academy.


I switched to the single plane swing this year and now hitting 80-90 percent of the fairways instead of the right and off the fairway. Thanks Todd.
