Python Project | Python Library Management System Project - Full Tutorial#39

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Python Project | Python Library Management System Project - Full Tutorial
About the video:
The Library Management System In Python is a simple project developed using Python.
The project contains 4 module :
1- Display book
2- Issue book
3- Add book
4- Return book.
The library management system (LMS) keeps track of the books present in the library. To develop LMS we used Python class, Function, File Handling, Data and Control Structure, Looping concept etc.
About the video:
The Library Management System In Python is a simple project developed using Python.
The project contains 4 module :
1- Display book
2- Issue book
3- Add book
4- Return book.
The library management system (LMS) keeps track of the books present in the library. To develop LMS we used Python class, Function, File Handling, Data and Control Structure, Looping concept etc.
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