Using baby Doppler with Anterior Placenta to hear movement

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Finding Baby's heartbeat with anterior placenta ends up becoming looking for fetal movement instead.

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🦈 The Glucose Drink Fresh Test (healthy alternative): MommyShark


I have an anterior placenta as well and I am hearing NOTHING when I try to listen with my doppler. We are also due around the same time. Congratulations!


I have an interior placenta and surprisingly I was able to find heartbeat at 12 weeks😄


I am 13 weeks pregnant has an anterior placenta and i can hear my babys heartbeat. Although It does not recognize in the doppler i used may earphones or headset to hear it. I also tilt my dopplers head in my left or right side of my pubicbone and i found it. Its quite hard to hear but ypu need to put an extra pressure to hear it


Ok so the sounds like something swimming in water is the baby moving?? I’m 12 weeks and that’s all I’ve been hearing. I can never get the heartbeat and it makes me nervous. Lots of “swimming in water” sounds though


Is it possible that those noises are just tummy rumbling? I hear those exact sounds on my Doppler, and I swear I felt a knee or elbow push my hand out of the way while I was reading the other night, but tests keep coming back negative, and I should be 20 weeks along by now :(


Can you make baby kicks and heartbeat video at 30-40 weeks pregnant? ❤


How did you find out if your placenta is anterior at 17 weeks?? I'm also 17 and have no idea what kind of placenta I have yet


I hear my baby move like this every time I use the Doppler. How come they are always moving? Aren’t they supposed to sleep all day?


That heartbeat may be the placenta and not your heartbeat! The placenta has a slower rate than baby.


pls dont put phone near your tummy, not cos of sound but because of radiation


I'm 19 weeks pregnant and just brought a doppler. At 13 weeks I couldn't hear nothing but the more weeks i got I hear a loud heartbeat sometimes it goes up and down between 90 to 137. I move the Doppler on my left side don't hear nothing but down by my belly on the side of my belly button I hear the heartbeat but hearing my baby move. I don't know how to find the heartbeat because I'm standing 5'0 and did had a extra little stomach before I got pregnant so I try to find the heartbeat but no luck just a lot of moving I hear. Any advice.😢


I've been following you and trying to see all your videos I never got to see what happened after 8 week appointment with the baby's heartbeat did everything go okay did the baby end up having a heartbeat I'm almost 6 weeks pregnant and I've been having no symptoms very little nausea it just randomly comes and goes I got pregnant six months ago and the baby had no heartbeat at 8 weeks I'm just waiting to get to my 8-week marker to try my fetal doppler and wait for my 9 week ultrasound


I have had anterior placenta with my last pregnancy, is was able to hear the heartbeat from the sides of my belly at 8weeks. not classically in the front, my obgyn would always look to the side as well, go on an angle from the sides not the front. seems like I am having the same issue now. cant find the heartbeat in the front like normal (mom of 6) and was able to find heart beat on the sides,


So those are baby movements? I thought those were just me moving the probe


So i am 6mos postpartum w/c section and i used my doppler a couple mins ago and im hearing the same whooshing sounds i heard my first pregnancy and ill stay still and keep hearing them. Its sounds like someone is bouncing a ball in there. Just wanting to make sure im not hearing things. Appt is already scheduled but im just freaking out


what app is that in begining of video?


i have Anterior low laying placenta. im 14 weeks still doppler only detects the pulsation of placenta. which is similar to my heartbeat and way slower than babys heartbeat...🥲
