[FRANK ANSWERS] 'How Do I Find My Exact Birth Time?' w/ Astrologer Frank Clifford

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In this episode of Frank Answers, award-winning astrologer and author, Frank Clifford answers the question: "My mother has passed and all she ever told me is I was born in the early hours of the morning. How can I find my exact birth time?" -Sheila

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I always wanted to be a Sag ascendant rather than Scorpio. It sounded more fun. My mom’s recollection was around 7pm, which would make it Scorpio…and at 7:09pm on my birth certificate it was Scorpio. I since see how Scorpio I am and embrace it. Haha.


And talking about your guides for Sheila, it´s very important to check where is the ruler of the asc. because that position gives a lot of information about the person´s character and other important facts. For example: If you think that Sag. is your asc. then the ruler of Sag. is Jupiter and in this chart Jupiter is in Cancer in the 7th. house in oposition to Venus in Cap. at the end of the 1st. house and in trine with Saturn in Scorpio at the end of the 11th house. That combination of planets, signs, houses and aspects gives a huge amount of information which can help Sheila to decide if she feels idetify with that characteristics !!!
If the answer is "NO" then she can try with the next asc. ( Cap. ) and the position of the ruler of that asc. which here it´ll be Saturn that will change to the 10th. house but still be in Scorpio and still be in trine with Jupiter in Cancer but in the 6th. house and maybe in sesquisquare to the Moon in Aries.
And so on and so on as the asc. varies the ruler of that new asc. will be another planet which will be in another position !!!
I hope that helped a bit !!!


Interesting, I looked at rwn minutes earlier. The only obvious change is that saturn is now earlier than the IC rather than later. The Asc is two degrees earlier. It fits the Trigger Planet Hypothesis


Hi Frank, thank you for this video, so glad that you chose this question. I would like to recommend a course or short lecture on rectification. I was born in Eastern Europe 5 decades ago, I have no way of finding out the exact birth time, it would be nice to learn a bit more about this. I am sure there are many others like me. I really enjoy your wisdom, thank you, Chandrika


Mum said I was born 7pm, if I was born at 6.30pm this would give me Spica in 1st instead of 12th. I use Vedic.


I loved this video as I have been trying to find my correct birth time for years and contrary info has made it very confusing and unreliable. An accurate birth time is so important & essential for accuracy of my chart interpretation as I have been interested in Astrology on & off for decades …


Capricorn Rising, Moon and Venus, with Pisces been such a serious person all my life


Emmanuel from Nigeria don't knw my birthday or the hour I was born and parent pass away when I was very young help plssss


my mother told me that I was born around 4pm to 4:30PM but on my late registered birth certificate it says 5AM. she gave birth at our house because we are far from the hospital.so she have no time to check what time exactly I was born.


(focusing on the ASC, at least) I look at the ruling planet/s of the sign it was in, any aspects to that point (namely, planets, or even the the element, quality, and all that of the sign AND any other signs that 'colour' the planets aspected to that point.... --- e.g. ASC in Sag > element of the sign, quality of the sign, its polarity, major aspects + minor aspects, the element of the sign/s those aspecting planets (or other 'bodies') were in, the quality of the sign/s those aspecting planets (...) were in, whether they're in a stellium, by themselves, what area of the chart (e.g. above or below the horizon), the shape of the aspected/-ing planets to that point and including that point, the house the sign of the ASC is (this one, I think would "need" to have planets...OR at least asteroids, as far as I go (at least)....HEHE


Can you explain progressions? Great information today, thankyou!


I was born between 4:40am & 6 am, I was born spontaneously at home lol.

The major things that changed in my chart were the 5th house planet Pluto from 6th to 5th house, my MC sign (Aquarius, to Pisces), my IC sign (Leo to Virgo), & my rising sign (Gemini to cancer) all in that time, & I’ve been going back and forth.

Truthfully I’ve read information on both sides, and I can heavily resonate with both sides of “the shift”. 😅 what do I do? Help?


Justinian deception - leads to the correct birth record.
