The Janissary Unironically F**ks

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Ottoman main here: The Jans are a really good generalist unit, but their shocking weakness to range means that archer and crossbow (both very common units) are both extremely hard counters. And if the opponent is making a lot of either (which is most games lol) Ottomans can't justify Janissaries, especially if opponent is making a unique ranged infantry like longbow, zhuge nu, or arbalétrier. I usually break out the Jans when I'm up against HRE (because HRE players never make archery ranges lol) or when my opponent's ranged support is also cavalry, like Horse Archer, Mangudai, or Camel Archer, which the Janissaries are still good against.

I honestly think that the buff that's needed is to reduce the ranged damage that Janissaries take from ranged units so that archers and crossbows aren't such a smothering counter that their presence keeps Jans out of the game.


The reasion why every one is disapointed about the Janissary is, every one thought it would have been an early Handcannoneer. They are a unique counter units, extremly strong in certain situations much the Landsknecht from HRE. But unlike the Landsknecht, the Janissary replaces the Handcannoneer, therefore Ottoman lose out on this super late game finisher unit, that performs good against almost every unit. The Janissary on the other hand perfroms only outstanding good against cav, dose somewhat ok against meele infantry but gets hardcounted by other range units, atleast he is much cheaper then a normal Handcannoneer to make up for those disadvantages.


Hope you feel better Drongo, been enjoying the videos


This is the first landmark victory i've ever seen in a casted game.

Usually, everyone quits.


hey mr you own me link where i can watch kiljardi


The problem with ottomans is that they waste their gold on crossbows which stops them from having more janns/bombards.


at 27:47 drongo asks what unit comp should kiljardi go into. answer: maa archer (spaced) and springald.


FINALLY an Ottoman game! and a nice one at that!


this Abbasid is too bad in micromanaging. nevertheless. age of empires is still unbalance with spamming tactic of same units sure win for amateur.


Love Aussie Drongo! BUT have really been let down on the Pateron… Sign up for Gold Tier and got no communications or coaching for over a month… still no contact… 😢


With Rus and French taking the Top Spots in the Meta. Ottomans could certainly make a comeback as a niche counter to these civs that love to spam cavalry.

The issue is Ottomans struggle when it comes to the mid game, because they don't really have any eco buffs except from the Vizier points, which either set them up for a Fast Castle w/Imams to get the gold relics, or go Anatolian Hills for the mining speed w/sheep.
Either direction does not justify not having any kind of speed-up for their economy, despite how strong their feudal age landmarks can be.


First! (besides the porn spam). That was a really exciting game. Where did kiljardi go wrong exactly?! I guess the jans + mango push was the thing. Kiljardi probably needed to trench in front of the Ottoman base when he had map control. Trench it with a forward keep and put mangos behind the keep to hold the jans back.


Have they added a way to edit the max age you can reach? Like in aoe2 you could cap the last age at feudal or castle, which I always thought made for more interesting games


We need updates on what’s going on in the bronze league, especially Delhi players we need elephant actuon


Unrelated, but the real story behind the janissary corps is fucking horrible


We don't even need to watch the video to know that Great Bombards were totally absent and 100% useless as ALWAYS in any normal game. I've seen HUNDREDS of games and GrBmb is NEVER used by anyone. It's simply not in AoE4 - and because of that, Otto is unplayable in Imp. Boring AoE4


kiljadi went worng charging full cavarly army agastin Janissaries.


I feel like destroying houses on offense is an under-utilized strategy. He could have easily destroyed 4-5 houses and left kiljardi unable to make any units/vils for an extended amount of time. I think that would have been a stronger position than killing all the production that wasn't even being actively used.
