Early Pregnancy Symptoms Implantation || Implantation cramping and spotting

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Are you feeling implantation cramps or having some spotting which could be implantation bleeding? 
In this video I explain what implantation cramping and implantation bleeding feels like so that you can get a good idea if you are experiencing early pregnancy symptoms or if you have PMS symptoms. 

I love helping mamas to feel positive during pregnancy and after childbirth because having a child should be one of the best experiences of your life.

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Instagram: @vicki_ohmymamabody

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Implantation can cause your uterus to feel crampy on one side for 2-3 days, whilst your fertilized egg nestles into the lining of your womb. When the fertilized egg travels down to and nestles into the lining of your womb, it could cause a little "spotting" or light bleeding. This is called implantation spotting or implantation bleeding. 

Please always seek a medical opinion if you are experiencing any kind of abnormal cramping

Having a child should be the number one experience in your life - so why do you find yourself not feeling 100%?
Get on a call with me, let's talk it through.
I love helping women to find positivity and calm, to transform motherhood into the best experience and keep it that way.


These videos contain my personal views and opinions. For a professional opinion or advice, please contact your doctor.

#implantation cramping #implantation bleeding #implantation symptoms

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Thank you 🙏🏽💓 8days late never have been this late hope it’s a lil baby being made 💕


I felt it on both side, found out it was twins


Im 4 days before my period. I've been experiencing cramping and sleepiness these past few days. I really want to be pregnant wish me luck 🥺🙏


I had very light implantation spotting for few hours and that's 11dpo hope it will be a healthy pregnancy by God special Grace


I love her explanation omg it's definitely how I've been feeling


Second day brown spotting super light with mild cramping. Took a test this morn and it's positive. But I know I'm not out the woods yet. I'm 40. Thanks, insightful vid. xx


This is why it was weird. I had cramping and pain on my left side which was on and off. I never cramp on my left side. And my stomach has been feeling like I have bubbles in there. And other pregnancy symptoms. I caught a cold out of nowhere lol


This would be my 8th pregnancy with 5 live births. So I know first hand what contractions feel like. For some reason, with this pregnancy I feel light contractions on my right side between my stomach and my pelvis. I’ve never felt this with any of my other pregnancies. Idk but I feel like it’s twins. Also, I just so happen to be one of the women that experience implantation bleeding which typically last for about 2-3 days consisting of light pink to brownish spotting. I hope that this helps some of you new mommy’s. Good luck 🎉


Hi Maam how long does implantation cramps last have been having cramps for the past 2 weeks with alot of diarrhea


I’m 4 weeks 2 days pregnant I’ve been cramping here and there only 1-2 cramps a day but no hard painful cramps Plus ive had no bleeding . Keeping my hopes up 👼🏻🤍


Hi I hope you see this I need advice. So last month I spotted light pink but didn’t get my “period” until 2 days later which never ever happens I don’t even spot. This “period” was also a little wierd the heaviness and cramps didn’t start until 16 hours later and my period lasted a little longer than normal. Then I spotter light pink again a week after my period. Now its the next month and my period is due this week and i had butterfly feelings in my lower stomach yesterday & today.


I've been feeling pain in my upper abdomen and I've been having light spotting. What do you think??


I have felt that before my period in my left side something stabbing or picking and now i am 6days delay. Hoping for a positive result 🙏


It’s like you described my week haha! 12 DPO, super high cervix, soft. Already been nauseous and I definitely had right side sharp pain that lasted for a few hours.
2 very slightly positive tests, 2 digital negative tests 🤞


I am three days late on my period and i got kind of faint positive line...having cramps and my nipples hurt...i wonder if i am pregant or not


I’m 12 dpo and today I’ve been feeling little sharp pains on my left side. They’ve disappeared and turned into more of a crampy feeling now. 🤞🏻


I did the deed right after my period ended, I’m now 6dpo and saw some light pink spotting when I went to wipe. It’s not normal for me at all I’ve never spotted in between periods. could I be pregnant and ovulated quicker after my period ?


I have irregular period, and have light bleeding just for one day. And the next day i have cramping, my breast also sensitive and have all the pregnancy symptoms. Test hcg come out negative.


Hi, i hope nobody sees me here lol.
It’s 2 weeks and 1 day after ovulation. I did the do on my ovulation day unprotected. (Not planned) . I have this brownish pinkish discharge mixed with a little bit of blood since this morning. But it seems to have ended. I feel fluttering in my uterus . I had a really bad long lasting cramp on my right side. Previous tests have come out negative. Taking one tonight before i go to bed. I also have a doctors appointment set t Monday it’ll be 18 days after. I’m scared. Could i be experiencing implantation bleeding? I’m pretty positive it is. My period is typically extra regular


Last monday I felt really light cramping or twitches in my right hip, it lasted maybe a minute. Now my period was supposed to come yesterday. My cycle is usually between 31 to 33 days long. I've taken 2 tests, both negative. My cervix is about high to medium high, feels slightly open and medium firm. My breasts used to be really sore, but that has subsided since monday. Since monday I've been at times feeling pressure in my temple. Like i'm sensitive to light? I almost never have headaches. I don't know what I should think about all of this...should I test again in a few days?
