Every Political Ideology Explained in 8 Minutes [Part 2] | Paint Explainer | History Teacher Reacts

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The Paint Explainer is back with more political ideology breakdowns. Mr. Terry talks about the history behind them!


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Which ideology will get more popular over time?


Private companies taking the role of the police sounds like a dangerous prospect to me, especially in a stateless society. It basically turns police into mercenaries available to the highest bidder. What could possibly go wrong with that?


I dont really know which country came the closest to what Marx predicted would happen because after the Bolshevik Revolution, subsequent communist revolutions were all based on Marxist Leninism and its own sub categories. That itself differs from what Marx envisioned


Cyberpunk = Corporatocracy, I don't think that is for me.


Both Souty Korea and Japan were set up as Corporatocracies when they modernized; japan since the later Edo Period and SKorea since after the Korean War. And both of them still carry very heavy Corporatocratic policies and structures, SKorea especially.


Corporatocracy sounds like South Korea to me. Most of the workforce works for a few large conglomerates.


Since I work in software, I've had a casual interest in cyberocracy. We're nowhere near being able to use anything like that for crafting law or interpreting it but we could definitely use it for something like drawing districts. Use some very simple rules for the geometry like prefer simple shapes, equal distribution of population, and attempt to preserve previous districts. Something like that would be non-partisan by definition and would try to create a set of simple districts that don't snake half way across the state. The code that produces the map could be shared publicly so it could be examined by anyone.


Who was closest to Marx? No one! Marx intentionly never wrote out a deatailed description of how a future communist society would or should work. Almost all of what he wrote was a crtique of capitalism.


The Georgism ball is adorable! The sign it's holding says free cats and I love it.


Regarding which of the 20th Century communist leaders was closest to Marx, I don't think you could fairly say any of them were like Marx. Not necessarily their fault, because Marx's philosophy was largely theoretical, and as you pointed out, nobody has ever successfully formed a true communist state.


19:15 IDK whether there were other jacobins outside of the french revolution, but the bolsheviks (especially Lenin) really took a lot of inspiration from them and he also studied about them a lot.


In political discourse in a few different poli sci classes that I had to have in college, nazism was discussed as a "third way" movement because it wasn't exactly Italian/European style fascism. From what we discussed in the class, it seemed as though a lot of What is popularly thought as fascist ideology now was more in line with what some political scientists call third way. Now I will hedge my bets a bit, because the term is often called third position as well and they are used almost always interchangeably. However, there is the idea that third way and third position are 2 completely different things But I've never seen an explanation of what makes them different.


Terry you should react to politics with paint sometime. he has a lot of history in his videos about geopolitics. Love your vids!


We currently in some Neoliberal Third Way. Third Way's leading figure was Bill Clinton 🤣


16:30 well many many people accuse Russia of basically being this, since corruption from oligarchs run a lot of the country


I don't really like your comments on anarcho-communism. You clearly understand that communism is supposed to be the end stage of a popular workers' revolution, with a transitional stage before that, and that communism is supposed to be stateless, moneyless and classless, which Marx defended. Though you seem to have conflated "anarcho-communism" with just "communism", since you talked about self-proclaimed socialist states in that section and how they didn't achieve the stateless part.

But that's not the same thing. Anarcho-communism is not marxist. Though Marx of course had influence over anarchist ideologies, anarchists disagree with the marxist take on the "dictatorship of the proletariat". Anarchists disagree that the working class should take control of the state (because the state could only be controlled by a separate ruling class), and anarchists don't believe that a socialist state would lead to communism merely because of the state somehow becoming obsolete.

Anarcho-communists believe that anarchism is a transition period towards communism by itself, in which the revolution should be antagonistic to the state from the beginning, and that sooner or later the state would have to be abolished rather than wait for it to become obsolete. Anarchist societies have existed, though admitedly under war-time scenarios, still they functioned with an anarchist system, like Catalunya during the Spanish Civil War, Makhnovia during the Russian Revolution, and for current examples that are close to that there are the Zapatistas in southern Mexico and the region popularly called Rojava in Syria. States like China or the Soviet Union are far from anarchists in ideology or anything, having even persecuted anarchists in many moments of their histories.


As an integralist, I confirm Integralism is not the same as theocracy. While theocracy gives the power to the church, Integralism uses catholic philosophy as the cornerstone of social, economic and political doctrines issued by the state, using the chuch as consellors and theology as reference for decision making, but still strictly separates secular power from spiritual power. The political ruler is not meant to be the same as the spiritual leader, and their prerogatives and duties must stay disctinct, but both most collaborate and help each other for the best of society. Also integralism believes that such a system is only valid in a society which has already been culturally catholic for a long time and that was raised as a civilization by the church, therefore a society carved right for integralism, and therefore integralism doesn't want to expand it's philosophy beyond the old traditional catholic world, unlike theocracy which would try to expand the rule of God on all humanity


weren't the banana republics theoretically corporatocracies since the corpporations had the power in these nations?


Many anarchists say that anarcho-capitalism isn't really anarchism. Anarchists tend to oppose hierarchical structures of power in general, and capitalism, which is characterized by a capitalist class owning the means of production, is inherently hierarchical.


Adam Something made a really great series about how an Anarcho-Capitalist society would look like.
