On Wednesdays, We Talk Wax: Quakehold Museum Putty || How to load and use, tips & tricks, pros/cons

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Hello friends!

Welcome to another video in my wax series, where I share about various waxes and wax alternatives, including tips and tricks, and things I love or give me trouble. Today, we’re talking about QuakeHold Museum Putty.

I’d love if you waved hello in the comments, let me know if you have any questions, and share anything you might like to see on my channel. Also, I’d love to connect with you either here or in the Instagram diamond painting community (link below). Thank you for being here!



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Just tried this putty today and absolutely love it. Thank you for the tips.


This is the first time hearing about museum putty. I do regularly use wall mounting putty and scented ones from small businesses but also Glue Dots over the traditional wax for single placer. Thank you so much for making this video. I think I will try out museum putty. Aleene's putty is another brand that I've heard good reviews about and would like to try as well.


Thank you for this video. Very few show how to load the pen, the just say load pen.


Thank you so much for sharing these tips. I tried it and didn’t like it but after watching your example, I am going to try it again.


Thanks so much for telling us about the putty. I am very happy to know i can use this amazing product and it won’t leave residue like the wax. ❤️


I haven’t tried this, but I’ve tried Blu Tac. It was just ok. I’ve been curious about the Quake Hold though. Thanks for showing this.


The stuff I have been using is very similar. It's called removable mounting putty.
I actually purchased it to put on the bottom of our vases and other fragile items on the top of our bookshelves, where the cats like to run at night (and knock crap off with the their big fuzzy tails).


I love museum putty. It’s my favorite. I’ve been using it for a long time


Thank you for all of your videos. I have learned so much. I bought Quakehold Museum Putty when you mentioned it in another one your videos and I love it! Thanks for the tips!


Yay! I just ordered this and I’m so excited! I’ve heard people say museum putty before and I had no idea what they were talking about! Thank you for making a video on this and I will let you know how it goes. I have been using poster tack from the dollar tree and I love the idea but I’m hoping this will have a better hold and less residue. I’m new to your channel and I love your voice and content so far!


Interestingly, I have found this product works best for me in a single placer and not my 3 placer. I’m using the everlasting tips. Enjoyed your video! 🐨


Thanks for the video! I need to try this one again.


Oooh I've always wanted to try the museum putty! Thanks for the video!


For loading the pens, all you have to do is push your multi-placer into the putty & rock it back and forth. It will load clean. For single tips, load as if you would load with pink wax


I realize this video is from this past January, but is this putty still your favorite? Have you ever tried glue dots? They are my favorite right now so I was wondering if you have tried them and if you still prefer the putty over them?


I'm using only blue tack, as well buying from Amazon - UK .
I tryd pink wax, jus can't work with it 😔 now I have huge collection with it ☺️😉
And now ordered diferent tipe of wax just to try can I work with something else not only with blue tack ☺️ will see, fingers crossed 🤞


I just saw this video and its helped me cause I didn't know how to load my pen with the puddy


Thanks again, you have super hints!! Judy the Canadian in Nova Scotia


So I bought a package of Blu Tack off Amazon, and it worked great at first but now it’s gone gooy like. When I load it its fine but then this leaves a gross blu stuff all on the edges of the drills. I have been looking for the original paddy wax but it seems Robyns is not making it anymore, WeeWax is taking a break for now. I really don’t like the pink stuff they put in so of the snax kits and I reach out and tried small shop Waxy DP. That is what’s popping up all over Etsy right now if I don’t know how to look in the right places. Wasn’t a real fan of the Waxy DP it s very hard. It’s smells wonderful comes in a cute tin, but good golly get a jack 🔨. Coming up on a year of DP and loving my me time but I don’t knock as many as you, you are amazing


For single placing I ONLY ever use my bead vacuum in combo w/my custom clay pens so no wax is ever needed. Now having tried using the putty in my multi-placers, I will not be going back to wax. The Putty is perfect for me. Thank you for drawing our attention to it. #ForeverPuttyPlacer :)
