What Is Quantum Superposition? Explained In 1 Minute

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Quantum superposition is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that describes the ability of particles to exist in multiple states at the same time. In classical physics, objects can only be in one state at a time, but in the quantum world, particles can be in a combination of states simultaneously.

Quantum superposition is like Schrödinger's cat being both alive and dead at the same time. It's like trying to decide between pizza and tacos for dinner, but you want both and can't make up your mind. In quantum physics, it means that a particle can exist in multiple states simultaneously until it is observed and the superposition collapses.

It's like trying to catch a glimpse of your crush without them noticing, and the moment they turn around, you're caught staring, and the superposition of possibilities collapses into a singular awkward reality. In essence, quantum superposition means that we can't always predict with certainty what a particle will do until we observe it, much like we can't always predict with certainty how our crush will react until we make a move.

Imagine a particle that can be in a "spin-up" or "spin-down" state. In classical physics, it would be in one of these states at any given time, but in quantum mechanics, it can exist in both states simultaneously until it is observed or measured.

This means that the particle is essentially in a "superposition" of both states. It is important to note that the act of observing or measuring the particle causes the superposition to collapse the wave function and the particle to be in one definite state.

Video Editor: Team 121 Creators
Presenter: Sidhart Viyyapu
Project Head: Rajkumar Shukla
Production: World Of Science Media

what is quantum superposition, quantum entanglement explained, Schrödinger's cat experiment, Schrodinger's cat explained, how quantum mechanics works, how quantum entanglement works, wave function collapse, what is wave function, wave-particle duality

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Рекомендации по теме

I swear that you are underrated - I immediately understood when you explained, you’re an amazing teacher.


Everyone gets superposition wrong.

The particle will always only be in 1 state, not multiple states. But there are an infinite number of states a particle can be in, it will never be in more than one state at the same time.

If you understand superposition vectors, it will make a little more sense on the probability of which state it may be in.


If the particle “settles down” ONLY when observed, now do you know it was in a superposition state prior to that? I hear the same script being churned out on every channel, but no one actually explains this fundamental point


Until the box is open, only the cat knows if it's alive


It does NOT exist in multiple states SIMULTANEOUSLY!!! It CAN exist in anyone of those states and the actual state is known only when we measure


Who’s here after watching the Apple TV show Dark Matters? Show so nice I’m watching it twice.


This is such a dumb theory. Kudos to those that have popularised it and conditioned it to be mainatream. People living their whole lives in lies, especially all the “intelligent” ones… smh…


Wouldnt this be perfectly explained that since the electron is so fast and is in constant motion in a very small space the difference between being in posiion A and B is completely unmeasurable with our technology and that is what superposition is. What if our measurements and what we can detect isnt everything and isnt the whole picture; such that while you might think that both possibilities can exist at the same time just like a coin toss, but coin tosses only have probabilities when we dont measure the various variables and put it into an equation to predict, nay, to know the outcome. Isnt it the same with "superposition"? The particle is simply too small and fast so in your view the possiblities all exist at the same time, but in reality there is only one outcome. Conversely, if superposition is real then wouldnt every particle be in superposition and wouldnt that mean in every moment since the dawn of time till now there have been an infinite number of superpositional realities created, thats uncountably many universes and all of them stemming from a mass of one universe, where is all that mass coming from? Wouldnt that also mean that one single particle can beget an uncountably many number of parallel universes? The law of conservation is thrown right out the window, nay, it is thrwon off the fucking planet


Measurement is interaction of particles


Arh very good grass hopper. How about a one dimensional thing but has connection to time. So two dimensional possible amd three dimensional possible. But still really only one dimensional thing.


Am I the only one who thinks this proves that we are living in a video game? As in a video game that is constantly generating information, the information is quasi-randomized at a superposition: 0 or 1. For non-rendered information, the information is in this superposition. But the exact moment the characters of the game interact with it in any way, the game has to decide what the information is, as the characters cannot interact with it unless it has a determination. So the game allocates the information a 1 or a 0 immediately, so it can interact with the characters.


Absolutely wrong

So people who are disagree just read my reply

So observing doesnt make it a particle, there is concept called quantum decoherence that means the atoms in object is not in sync, for ex why only quantum particles can be seen in dual state who not big objects like a ball

Let us understand it

Now you are atom in a ball, you are doing garba with sync, there are 7-8 quadrillion atoms in it, so for few minutes you do garba you are in sync but after few minutes sync will break because its impossible for 7-8 quadrillion atoms to synchronize thats why we cannot see bigger objects in wave form

So now i will prove that double slit experiment is failed just read my comment

So when we add the detector then only those photons shows particle form so that doesnt mean we observer photon become particle, there is a explaination behind it the detector hit the photons because of that photon detector gets disturbed and it breaks the sync and thus particle go anywhere and we see particle form not wave form also note that the kinectic energy of that hit will be also transffered .

So there no thing called observe, maya, illusion its just getting done physically

And if we able to synchronize the atom bigger object like ball as we know the formula h/mv using that the frequency of the wave length would be 10^-33 which is the size of atom even if the ball will be in wave form we cannot see that form we still be seeing it as particle because humans cant see atoms.😊


Wow... was looking on what is Quantum in general but couldn't get a good to understand but just dive in this, my understanding made simpler... now I understand...
Thank you.


This is basically just epistemology intertwined with physics.


It just a jargon for we don't have the tools to calculate The speed of something faster than light


The case of the cat is related to classical physics not the micro level physics of quantum mechanics.


Wow.... I imediately understood this stuff.... well done sirr ❤❤❤


Why do you have 1 and 2 as a representation of a qubit?


This means that intelligent observation/ consciousness has to be a fundamental force of nature 😮


Quantum mechanics is about the information we can get on a system
