Why People Raised by a Narcissist will Gravitate Towards Emotionally Unavailable People. #npd #short

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This was a terrific allegory Jill.
Thank you.


Excellent analogy! I even hate playing slot machines but can relate to the deposit deposit deposit WIN! Then repeat . No dopamine for me w/depositing. Just the win/hope it gave. I’m out of narc marriage after 30 yrs. Now I win everyday !


but i raised dogs next those slot machines and learn to plan my escape, i love emotional communication thank You Lord


That’s why they recruit people to facilitate their agendas !!! 😂 right ?


Yes, and this is how you can tell who is a narcissist and that he really doesn’t and can’t love you (until he repents to Christ and gets right with the Lord-gets saved)!
After the initial love bombing act that deceives the target of abuse, into having a relationship with him, at beginning of relationship, they then only give you enough pleasurable fake “ love” attention so you will keep coming back, hoping to win the abusers “love” and approval again! Then when he is done with you (maybe after 20-40 years😳!) they discard you like trash, producing another growing generation of narcissist children who grew up being indoctrinated into this antichrist lifestyle! The narcissist simply discards people they can’t abuse or are simply done with, and move in to seducing his next victim(s) in pursuit of their own profit and pleasure, over pursuing Christ!
Those at high risk for abuse are those who don’t have a strong Christlike support team of loving people around them to help them stop the abuse. Mostly widows (including all women “put away” by significant other into widowhood, wether they are married or divorced or still single)!, and fatherless, strangers, often are get abused the most in antichrist communities and antichrist families/false “Churches”! This is because they don’t have a loving support team of Christlike (loving) people to follow Mathew 18:15-17 to purge the sin out of their relationships biblically, and stop the bullying and hate being perpetrated in them😢! If people reject and refuse to follow or don’t even know Gods loving laws that need to be followed to stop abuse, in their homes and communities, then the abuse (sin/leaven) will continue to grow and destroy everyone around them! This is bringing in the end times rapidly! The law that everyone is required to obey daily, in order to obtain and maintain trust loving relationships, is Mathew 18:15-17 (KJV)!
No human can follow steps 2-3 (verses 16-17) of these scriptures without people who truly love the Lord getting involved (love is a verb)! ! God’s love is the only way to release a hard hardened person from their bondage to the sin of continually harming you, and children, and elderly, etc.. , because the abuser is following Satans fake “love”, behaviors, and way of living, instead of Christs truly loving ways!

Abusers weren’t born like this, they were indoctrinated into behaving like this! They watched their mother be abused and the father continually appear to be “winning” when, in reality, usually the entire family/church is loosing at the only truly meaningful goal of their lives, and that is to lead a God glorifying life!

Narcissism takes over the family, when the fathers and the fatherless have little to no Christlike accountability figures in their lives, who truly love them! Mainly because of a lack of biblical knowledge of how to deal with a hardened hearted abuser, but also because most of the Pei ille around the abuser are narcissists themselves! It takes a lot of narcissists to enable one antichrists wicked fake “love” and abusive behaviors!

These poor abusers were usually brought up like this by one or both parents, it appears to be all, or mostly the father or father figure. It could even be Church leaders or grandparents, or others uniting with their idol (their child, or father, or Pastor, or boyfriend/girlfriend, etc… ) over loving and uniting with Christ! Enablers unwittingly grow the leaven even more, because they don’t know Christ or His ways either😢! The father teaches this ungodly way of providing only enough false love, to get others staying in a relationships with him, meeting his antichrist desires for their lives, in exchange for money or fake approval/praise they desire from the narcissist! These ungodly fathers are often described as being “distant and permissive” parents but they deceive people by appearing to be truly loving, at times, just long enough to persuade their victims or other outsiders (the “Church”, or public), that they are loving husbands, fathers so as to avoid accountability!

Women, even the abusers own wife, mother, and grandmother, and any “fatherless” children who are being truly loving towards their mothers and grandmothers, are the ones most likely to be treated the most abusively in our antichrist communities! They are usually the least esteemed in our culture (due to media, and growing number of false “Christians” and their fake “Christian Churches”!
People need to hurry and learn and follow the KJV bible, in order to have a God glorifying life for them and their family! Listening to “dramatized audio bible KJV You Tube”, can be a fun way to learn the scriptures when too busy to read! Start with New Testament and proverbs!
Also find Christlike fellowship and discipleship for you and your family (Hebrews 10:24-25)! And listen to godly Christian’s and pasters preach the truth Ex: listen to “Law of Liberty Baptist Church Pastor Adam Fannin You Tube”. Start with his short video called “Eternal Life” to make sure you are saved! 🥰🙏!
