“Keeping African Cichlids” will get you a tank full of the most beautiful freshwater fish out there...
Beautiful Malawi Cichlids Tank
My Oscar Cichlid's Growth Over Two Years
Top 10 Best Cichlids for Beginners! (Beautiful and NOT Overly Aggressive)
Top 10 Dwarf Cichlids | Best Cichlids for Small Aquariums
African Cichlid Showdown: Peacock Cichlids vs Mbuna Cichlids - Which One Comes Out on Top?
40 Types of Cichlids for Your Aquarium - Most Gorgeous Cichlid Fish.
Oscar fish tank setup #chiclids #clownfish #fishtank #aquarium
Top 5 Peaceful Mbunas - African Cichlids for Beginners
Top 10 Tank Mates for Jack Dempsey Cichlids
he bit me 😰 | oscar fish 🐠 | #fish #oscarfish #shorts #viral
African Cichlid Tank Sump Update
Lovely goldfish tank
My 15 COOLEST American Cichlids & African Cichlids of ALL TIME
wait for the end⭕Zero Silicon Finishing Aquarium⭕USA Technology ⭕8961112572✅All India Delivery...
cichlids with oscar and turtle..❣️
Great Reasons You SHOULDN’T Keep American Cichlids (But Will Anyway)
Silver Arowana Live Feeding Small Cat Fish
Amezing aquarium fish
Lampu Kandila T4 Day & Night Lampu Celup Murah
SOBO Top filter WP-3880F #short #petsmemo #aquarium
Doing the IMPOSSIBLE in a cichlid tank!
Accommodating fish 🐟
Dude, the electric yellow, otherwise known as yellow labradors, are actually pretty aggressive, my male yellow lab killed 4 other ones
The golden mbuna is one of the most aggressive mbunas from lake malawi
The last ones were Melanachromis Auratus. Probably the most aggresive Mbuna you can get 😂
Convict Cichlids are so aggressive they're usually only recommended to be kept in species-only tanks.
For small tanks electric blue ram cichlids are amazing, mine are very peacefull and look amazing
I used to have the convicts, I loved the ease to grow them
😂as per my experience, I would never bring them...they also too aggressive
I used to see the black and white ones in the rivers we’d go to as a kid in Mexico lol
I made a beginner mistake of putting two jewels with community fish and my jewels ate all of them. Now I added all of these with my jewels and a blue acara, they are doing great together.
I am scared of the convict, but I have the other two.
I have green texas, convict, electric blue arca, salvini, five band, yellow lab, powder blue, damosini, snow white, electric blue... and many more
I've kept convicts - they are good fish
Personally, german blue rams are my favourite
I got red cichlids with arowana and some other fish
Munda chiclids aye...first 2 are some of the most aggressive chiclids I've ever had
I do not recommend the golden mbuna cichlid, its very aggressive and attacks all other fishes i have in my tank, causing constant stress and bullying
Electric yellow are a menace to fish society it will even bully its own teammate (species)
My electric yellow cichlid killed my Oscar that was like 3 times it’s size
I have kept kribs, peacocks and acaras... In my community. They are really well behaved. To my surprise my gourami turned out to be a villain and I had to release her in the wild
Never buy a convict cichlid, i got one and after a while it got so aggressive with my blood parrots and other fish that I had to return him to a store. He was viciously attacking them 24/7 like African cichlids