Felons wins firearms rights in federal court

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I describe how a felon was able to restore his gun rights in California.
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as a former combat MARINE and former state trooper I'm gonna make this very simple for everyone to understand i took an oath to defend and protect the constitution for every single AMERICAN with or without a record so i say this strongly it doesn't matter if it's violent or nonviolent your 2nd amendment cannot not be taken away no matter what. it doesn't matter if you have a legal or an illegal firearm if you commit a crime with it you are going to jail with or without a record it doesn't matter if you commit a crime with or without a firearm you are being charged for the crime itself and you are going to pay for that crime it's that simple. a firearm is to protect yourself & family and hunt for food. i still don't know what part of INFRINGED in the 2nd amendment our lawmaker's do not understand. when the founding father's wrote the constitution they made sure 3 things were certain because they knew some would try NUMBER 1 no rights can ever be taking away from a citizen NUMBER 2 no amendment can ever be removed and most of all NUMBER 3 no government state- local or federal can ever make a LAW to go against the constitution. that means no lawmakers or official's can pick and choose who has rights or not. everyone needs to send a certified letter felon or not to the Supreme Court telling them they are violating the constitution by enforcing an unconstitutional law. make the return address the same as the mailing address send one everyday for 2 months they have to sign for each letter. when 300 to 500 mail sacks per day are set down on the steps of the court house they will stop enforcing this unconstitutional law and never violate the constitution again. a piece of mail has more power than you think


Maybe we as felons should start some kind big petition with as many ppl can get and send it to the supreme court


We need to have, a felon get your gun rights back need our rights restored ASAP!! This is unconstitutional!!! No one should be arrested for possession of a handgun thats not committing a We have a right to be armed!!


I want to do what ever I can to help others get their rights restored. If you have any suggestions as to what I can do to possibly make a bigger impact let me know. Also if there’s anything else you would like for me to address on this channel drop it in the comments. I don’t see many others spreading this type of information which is the reason I feel like I need to do so.


Thank God and thank the Judges❤️🔥. Also, thank you for putting in work for others, God bless you and yours fam❤.


Shall not be infringed it's simple. The government can't legally take our rights wr need to stand up to these bullies


It's BS I have a dangerous felony that happened in 1990 7 years in prison out in 1996 with a clean parole discharge from that day to 2024 I have not been arrested I think I have had 3 traffic tickets I hold a CDL & medical with all endorsement plus hazmat I can haul explosives and dangerous chemicals but can't own a gun I also have a FAA PPL third class medical and own an airplane BUT I still can't own a gun!!! The system is BS


You keep on doing what you do. I truly appreciate your passion you have in getting your message out and your why. Thank You!


Felons are people too. Broken down to the lowest common denometer is exactly the first four words of my comment, combined with the last four words of the 2A...SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.


I have a federal felony non violent need a path to gun right restored not been in trouble since 2003. Help please


God bless you for showing people convicted felons are just ordinary people like everyone else!
They have either made a mistake in life or got in trouble for a unjust law that is no longer illegal.


So as non violent felons, what are the steps we need to take to have our rights restored!


Fed felon would like my rights back... non violent


I have a federal felony non violent years ago..out of the 4th circuit they gave me state gun rights back civil etc.... do i have a chance with the federal court please i need answers if anyone can help


I’m starting the process to have gun rights restored in Iowa. I have 1 felony for vehicle insurance fraud when I was 18, 5 year suspended sentence and entered the halfway house. 38 now and never been arrested since. I’ve been a registered EMT for the last year, hoping some of those county and state employees I’ve encountered will write letters of recommendation to the Governor also. It’s worth a shot!


So are we good now? If we live in an open carry state can I now open carry


I have to illegal possession of firearms charges. 1 in 2000 and the other in 2010, got PTI the first time and probation the second time because it was an illegal raid. I just applied for my firearm license and was rejected. Can anyone help. I’ve also been working steady for one job and paying taxes since 2002


This was a well prepared video and very understanding of our constitutional rights as citizens i myself is a non violent felon took a plea decades ago and still have my 2nd amendment right strip away because of a simple plea i never been to prison no murder charges or sex offender charges examples of real hard felons and regardless of the law a real felon will possess and still carry a firearm to harm his next victim and carry out more crimes and law abidiing felons are not allowed to carry a firearm for self defense 😮


I'm glad because I couldn't defend my home or self legally because I sold pot when I was younger


When is the Supreme Court supposed to make its decision on the Vincent v garland case? That’s the one I wanna hear for the nonviolent offenders
