AFRICA: The Most Diverse Continent.

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Africa is a region of considerable genetic, linguistic, geographic, cultural, and phenotypic diversity. In fact, the world's 20 most diverse countries are all African. This is the most diverse continent in the observable universe.
Welcome to Afroartista Films and here are 5 reasons why Africa is the most diverse continent in the world. Remember to subscribe to Afroartista Films for more African-themed mini-documentaries.
1. Weather.
The climate of Africa is a range of climates such as the equatorial climate, the tropical wet and dry climate, the tropical monsoon climate, the semi-arid climate, and the desert climate (hyper-arid and arid), and the subtropical highland climate. The diverse climates of Africa range from scorching deserts to icy glaciers, from steamy rainforests to grassy plains.
Africa is, arguably, the most diverse continent in the world. It's 11.7 million square miles of land is rich in biodiversity, featuring forest, woodland, savannah, grassland, desert, wetland, and marine ecosystems.
2. People.
There are over 3,000 different ethnic groups speaking more than 2,100 different languages in all of Africa. We have the extremely tall Maasai, the very short Khoisan who were once called bushmen and pygmies, and such a variety of skin tones and facial features that you just can't lump them together as a single group. There are more than 2000 distinct ethnolinguistic groups in Africa, speaking languages that constitute nearly a third of the world's languages.
Experts suggest that Africa’s high levels of ethnic diversity are not mysterious in origin since they are a consequence of the early modern slave trade, and its large standard deviation in ethnic diversity is the result of internal variation in a latitudinal spread, state size, and urbanization.
3. Cultures.
Africa's rich history and culture are so diverse that it varies not only from one country to another but also within regions and countries. The culture of each ethnic group holds together the authentic social fabric of traditional practices and rites, art, music, and oral literature through which identities are built.
4. Languages.
Its 54 countries and 11 territories are home to an estimated 3000 distinct ethnic groups speaking over 2000 languages. By comparison, Europe, which has about an eighth of the world's population, has only about 300 languages.
Africa's linguistic diversity can even be found among individual Africans. For instance, a study of 100 inhabitants in a city in western Uganda found that the average speaker knows 4.34 actual languages.

5. Food.
African food is as diverse as its sovereign countries and communities. There is no such thing as one African cuisine. Each region has its particularities, and this immensely rich diversity makes African cuisines unique from region to region. The cuisine differs even within countries. Nigeria, for instance, has 200 plus languages. Each of these different cultures has a distinct cuisine.
Northern regions like Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria tend to have couscous-based dishes and use spices like cumin or cinnamon. Eastern regions like Ethiopia would use grains like teff and spice blends like berbere, among others.
In countries like Kenya or Tanzania locals tend to consume maize dumplings (called ugali) or spiced tender grilled goat. Southern regions of Africa have their versions of dumplings – also mostly corn-based – but sometimes they’re prepared with a grain called millet. Going up the Southern coast, countries like Mozambique or Angola have more seafood in their diets and locals tend to use spices a lot.
In West Africa, food will also vary from country to country. In Nigeria dishes are often served with yam or cassava dumplings (called fufu) and spicy hot soups. Ghanaians would use fermented corn patties (known as kenkey). In Cote D’Ivoire, what would be used is fermented cassava couscous and plantain dumplings for a traditional dish called foutou. In Senegal, they would prefer broken rice or millet couscous. While in Guinea or Mali, the fonio grain is king.

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Рекомендации по теме

I am honored to be Black, especially when I see the Beauty and Diversity of my race. Thank you very much for sharing important information! Blessings be upon you!


Tnx4sharing why Africa is the most diverse continent on the planet earth. Big like fully watched.


Africa is a great Continent, with beautiful people, breathtaking landscapes just come visit my country Kenya it's simply marvelous.


Africa is called poor but it is very beatiful and extremely rich in Natural resources. WHY DO YOU THINK WHY SO MANY COUNTRIES HAVE INVADED IT.Mama Africa:we ( diaspora)Love you.


I have a friend from Lagos. He speaks seven languages. He now lives in WA state America. One time he was using a customer service, and the guy was like, " I can't understand you, what language are you speaking?"(so rude, his English is very good.) He said "I can speak french, English, Spanish, German, Russian...what language would you like me to speak to you in?" Lol. Mike drop


africa is very beafutuli and its callend poor but the reaity its not poor its amazing


I am Proud of My Great Afrikan Forefathers and Foremothers who are Kings, Queens, Warriors, Shamans, Herbalists, Artists, Doctors, Carpenters, and More. I'm Proud to be Afrikan🤴🏾. Long Live Mother Afrika 🌍❤🖤💚🪘.


IT'S a blessing from Our Creator GOD! We give him all the glory and praises and honour and pray to STOP Foreigners from stealing our God given resources &leave 🙆 Very proud to an African ✌️Then we will enjoy our blessings for once!! 💯👍💖🤗💞


I would like you to feature The Omo valley tribes bcos I think they show very artistic & most unique Face and Body art in the world (very expressive and spontaneous)


I really enjoyed the contents of this video. Really.
Just a pity that the title is a bit confusing.


I would love to thank both my black parents for providing me with with my dna. I feel more and more special everytime i see videos like this.


Anyone watching this video, l just want to emphasize that Kikuyus aren't Bantu's.
No Bantu in Kongo, Cameroon or South Africa has a P-r-o-t-u-d-i-n-g f-o-r-e-h-e-a-d or protuding foreteeth.


@afroartistafilms wassup brother, sister, etc.. you couldn’t find a beautiful black woman’s voice to narrate while sharing the beauty of her people?? 🤷🏿‍♂️my channel @dont go along just to get along


Why does Africa have so many orphanage and starving people especially abandoned and starving and unabandon children?


Khoisan are not the shortest people the pygmies of Africa are nor were the Khoisan called that


I would like to know where are there european and asian people living in Africa??? I know there is europeans in South Africa, but where else ? There must be more europeans (white) and asian...and latino or indian people since thry claim Africa is so diverse.... In Europe we also had diversity in the west / north is more pale light skinned people, in east/ south is more dark skinned, dark hair the north and west was mainly Christian anf the south east there was Islam. Also many types of Christianity as well. Many dialects, accents and diverse cousine. But that wasn't enough diversity for politicians so they started bringing immigrants, refugees...for mroe diversity...and they keep bringing mroe and more... because apparently Europe was not diverse enough! So in that case, if having one race but different shades skintone and slightly different not diverse...then where are all other races in Africa??? Because from what i saw in this video, there isn't much diversity in this sense...there doesn't seem to be lots of different ethnic groups, races...i see only one race but with slightly different features and skin tone. Other than that..yes I agree... animals, nature, food architecture is all amazing and very diverse. Languages as well. Just not races..m(from what i see in the video.) So pls if anyone knows, i am genuenly asking, where do europeans and asians live in Africa ? Which countries, I'd like to research and learn more about them. 😊🙏✌🏻🌍


Ayo your video about Melanesian people…just to let you know we ain’t African, we have no genetic links to Africa and are closer to Asians then we are to Africans. We are Pacific Islanders, please stop trying to claim my people.

Vinaka 🇫🇯🇫🇯😁


There are no Asian ( East Asian) features in Africa so your claim as the most diversified gets discarded.

Moreover Africa is a Continent not a country. In this Regard Asia is the Most diversified Continent.
