Traditional Bo staff Kata

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Also a late video, just decided to post it now.
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I thought it was great. Nice to see a Bo being treated how it should be. Not flashy super fast techniques that wouldn't do crap like you see in competitions these days. Good work :)


to everyone commenting on this (this is for anyone who finds this video since it's been recommendations for years now)

-"bo staff" no shit sherlock we all know bo means staff no need to make this disclaimer. in america if you say bo or type in bo into the web you'll think of a bow and arrow or something else. putting bo staff is just easier to classify "this is what im talking about" a long roughly 6ft long pole of wood or metal.

-"denim gi" idk what offends people so much about it. its literally just a color, you should be focusing on the actual point of the video rather than focusing on something thats not a part of the main point. and second why would you not give any other color gi this type of critique? in fact a lot of weapons practictioners didn't use white gi's because you're more likely to draw blood with a weapon than with your empty hands, so black or blue was better used to show less blood stains and to clean off etc.

-"the spinning" when was this such an offense to people? its literally two points in the kata where he does two simple figure eight spins where his hands do not leave the grasp of his weapon. in fact if in most cases I've noticed or have asked others who practice bo, you're limiting yourself if you dont practice at least a little bit of spinning because its good tool used to gain control and propper "flow" between techniques, not you would do it in combat you wouldn't. but understanding flow comes from almost exaderated movements, and thats what a spin is, a constant series blocks and strikes, while in its toned down version its actually very simple.

-"not propper speed and technique for a black belt" to you yes, to another no. black belt doesn't mean shit outside of the dojo especially on the internet. every single intructor that ive asked has literally talked about how if they had the more practical option they'd get rid of the belt system, because now adays they mostly only use it to classify what kind of material you should have at least the basic understanding of for that studio

one more thing, you realize there is a difference between being a good critique than being an annoying asshole. your word literally doesn't do anything and if you wanted to change how weapons should be used and practiced by others, why don't you actually go out and do something about it rather than leaving pointless hate on a fucking youtube video, you just sound like a weirdo and you probably cant even fight yourself. actions speak louder than words.


The artist did a great job at his kata performance. You know, these videos on the No staff kata are very good, however, I feel there needs to be some videos that are broken down and explain step by step and what each strike is called. I am new to the No staff and want to learn more about it. If anyone knows any info what I just asked. Please let me know. I would truly appreciate it.


I haven't done martial arts in a long ass time, but from what i can tell he has pretty decent technique.


you can have a slightly larger Bo if you want. but most don't


"Traditional"? Really? I don't remember such spinning flourishes in karate from 50 years ago. This may be traditional for American karate where they go more for flashy and gymnastics rather than the combat effective of Japanese karate.


trying to figure out the bunkai for this... concluded this is just for show... sad


SMOlec what do you mean. It's a bit taller than him and that's how I think it should be. I mean mine is slightly taller than me.


It’s not no staff. It’s Bo or Staff. FYI.


I wonder what's traditional in this.


Most traditional Kata only have 2 places that “Ki “is applied, this is not even a traditional Kata ..


"Bo" means "staff". Saying "bo staff" is like saying "bo bo" or "staff staff". You know, baby talk.


It is never a good Idea to have your grandmother with Parkinsons film your Kata.


First of all, a traditional Bo (Kon) is a lot thicker and/or tapered at both ends - not this paper-thin metal, aluminum, or wood garbage. Why is it that NONE of these so-called "traditionalists" ever use a rokushakubo? I'll tell you why. It's because they don't have what it takes because they are too damned lazy to do it the right way. Instead, they use these toothpick, poor facsimiles while they merely pretend they are executing real bo waza.


It is a made up bullshit kata. Also, it is not a bo staff. Bo means staff, or stick. So, bo staff is like saying I have a gun gun. Get rid of the denim gi, learn Tokumine no kun or some real bo kata, and learn to use the proper terms the proper way.
