I told Mike Tyson not to smoke In podcast | khabib NURMAGOMEDOV

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If you watch the podcast, mike could hardly speak. Cejudo had to do all the talking. I'm sure Khabib would've been okay if Mike was able to host the podcast.


Imagine going to see someone who is a legend and he is just high and can't even put words together...


I agree with both Mike and Khabib. A manager or someone should have overlooked and make sure the terms and conditions were being held. Personally though I wish mike would have smoked less or not at all if possible to give a great podcast because I love when he meets warriors because he’s the only one who can really appreciate them as he’s been one. This interview he didn’t talk much and was zoned out. Khabib must of been disappointed meeting one of his idols like that.


It is disrespectful though if your flat out high as a kite and can’t make out a single sentence so I understand why Khabib said something


People really saying he's judgemental. He isn't allowed to inhale weed as a muslim. You're telling me that if a podcast invites a guest and then have him go against his religious values, he shouldn't speak up? It's just disrespectful and Mike was zoned out the entire interview. I'm not sure why anyone expects him to give a positive feedback


The amount of kids in the comments saying "if u didnt like it leave" is stupid, imagine being invited to a podcast and u specifically said no drugs and they AGREED to it, then u come to the podcast and u find some1 taking or smoking drugs, how is he suppose to react? he could've left but that would be very disrespectful especially that he accepted the invitation. Stop defending him just cauz he is tyson and say it how it is 😆


I agree with Khabib and his beliefs… also, the podcast is called “Hotboxing with Mike Tyson” so you can’t be too upset.


I’m Muslim and I think Khabib’s character is a role model, but when it comes to diet Cristiano Ronaldo is the top role model. He doesn’t even drink Coca Cola or soft drinks. The healthiest most dedicated athlete I’ve seen.


Just don’t smoke bro but don’t try to say someone who smokes weed isn’t a real athlete. Work is work regardless of how you choose to celebrate 🤷‍♂️


It's not the weed that bothers Khabib. It's the fact Mike Tyson claims to be a Muslim but dedicated Muslims will not smoke weed or take any drugs like shrooms, DMT etc. Khamzat said the exact same thing about Tyson and why he didn't go on the show. I'm not taking anything away from Tyson he can do as he pleases it's also his show. Khabib is coming from the religious standpoint as he is a very grounded and dedicated Muslim.


Well buddy, you can't expect the world to conform to your requests and needs, likes, &dislikes. You knew what Tyson's podcasts were like before you were on.


Gotta love these comments.. khabib had a blast with mike, this is being a role model because he understands people are not thinking for themselfs, so he feels the need to play role model... if he said man i thought of smoking one with mike, thousands of people would start smoking that very day. It enough people use your mind.


Khabib you couldn't take 2 Prime Mike Tyson's Punches stop shitting on that legend please


Khabib's judgy af.
"Why you smoke weed, guy? Why you wear that shirt? Why you eat fast food? Why you not perfect like me? Look at your shoes, they are like, stupid."


Khabib is the one who needs to show reapect. To all the people saying it's because he's Muslim is wrong. Or is it Muslims who have no respect? He is a guest in Mike Tysons county and home. As a guest you show respect to the custom and norms of the place you are visiting.


You're a guest, guests don't tell their hosts what to do. Talking about being humble, this guy has dictator written all over that flat head of him. He must shut his mouth.


Totally understand where he is coming from Alot off butthurt mctapper fans in the comments


It feels like Mike was so excited to be talking with Khabib that he partied a little too much pre game!

But, seriously Khabib, maybe next time don't go on a podcast called "Hotboxing with Mike Tyson" if you don't like smoking. Surely you would have researched the meaning of the word hotboxing? And also have knowledge of Mike's current business operations?

I mean do you think Mike is going too drop his whole brand for his own podcast? He is a business man after all.


I like smoking but I don't want to say anything about Khabib not liking it because I'm afraid he will know its me. Much love Khabib don't kill me.


does he understand mike tyson is no longer fighting
