30 Questions You've Never Been Asked

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here's 30 questions you've hopefully have never been asked, enjoy :)

☆ sub count ☆ : 100,200

Photo credits: Unsplash
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1. rice
2. 5, tired
3. none, never traveled
4. none, i just have a twin sister who is literally my other half
5. Zombies at my school
6. I don't have one
7. any BTS song
8. anytime of the year is nice
9. Food, groceries with my mom
10. last night
11. yes
12. closed because my cat goes in there
13. no
14. Mandarin, it's my native language but i'm not fluent in it at all, it not than Cantonese. my dad speaks Cantonese but I don't understand it
15. grey
16. 2 weeks ago when me and my mom picked out new glasses for me.
17. my bed sheets
18. garden, my mom and I love to plant tomatoes in our garden
19. no
20. white
21. big bear
22. in my heart because my heart will never be unlocked
23. just lettuce
24. no
25. Seven, it's my cat's name
26. watching BTS videos
27. I don't text but I emailed this girl and I asked her to be my friend
28. 7 because it's the name of my cat, there are 7 members in bTS and there are 7 days of the week and I won a math certificate when I was 7
29. none
30. In stews


i usually use these to start a conversation but i ran out so i might use some of these


1. Idk
2. 4
3. Only the us
4. Prob rami malek or Millie Bobby brown
5. A nightmare about my old friends
6. It makes me unstressed and not worried in the moment ig
7. Gata only
8. Summer nights.
9. Starbucks
10. Today
11. I’ve tried lol
12. Closed for sure
13. Not that I recall
14. Korean and German (I’m fluent in English and Russian )
15. It depends. Either way, both ways
16. I don’t get them..
17. My blanket
18. A red juicy, plump vegetable with a flourishing luscious green stem
19. I’ve never tried it but I imagine it to be good
20. White, possibly cream
21. Bear (I’m Russian lol)
22. The house behind the forest(it’s code)
23. Mayo, mustard, bread, and ham
24. Tbh not at all
25. Michael ❤ or Jamie
26. Watching Stranger things (I HATE ANGELA RIP HOPPER)
27. my bestie
28. 128 and 196.. my bestie knows
29. Eleven, I want her powers and I want Mike lol (or 001)
30. Baked❤❤



What comes to mind when I say tomato

Beomgyu - please remove toh-mah-toh
Yeonjun- to-may-to
Beomgyu- Ah to-may-to


gonna say if ive been asked these and answer them😀
1-yes, fruity pebbles
2-yes, 4
3-no, 1
4-no, uhh tom holland
5-yes, i had a lot of cats so yes
6-yes, it makes my brain happy
7-yes, saw u in a dream it reminds me of my partner
8-yes, christmas bc christmas
9-yes, beads for bracelets
10-yes, today
11-no, yes
13-yes, yes
14-yes, Spanish bc its sooo pretty
15-no, gray
16-yes, i like your hair
17-no, pants
18-no, soup
19-yes, no
20-no, blue
21-no, bees
22-yes, under a school
23-yes, pb and j
24-yes, YESSS
25-yes, jay:)
26-no, writing a letter
27-yes, my mom
8-no, its pretty
29-yes, spiderman so i can get w zendaya😏😏
30-yes, mashed!!
kk thats it😏


1- Cereal, just any cereal with cold milk.
2- (Been asked this countless times before by my therapist) About 2.5
3- Uhh a lot, like half the countries in Europe, let’s say 23
4- I wouldn’t even want a celebrity as a sibling to begin with. Idk.
5- (Fun fact: I remember almost every single dream I have) Me on a field full of lavenders suddenly falling off a random cliff and dying, then being reborn as a pig.
6- Either the anime movie “When Marnie was there” or “My neighbour Totoro”, the first one makes me cry every time as it is so sad and beautiful at the same time, and “My neighbour Totoro” is emotional yet adorable and can put me in a good mood.
7- I have a few:
•My soul, your beats
•Never forget you
•Some polish songs
8- I don’t really have a fav time. The start of the summer holidays I guess?
9- An energy drink and an lollipop, I got them both today a few hours ago
10- Like 2 hours ago, I cry a lot
11- Mhm! Once I counted to around 5000 before I fell asleep.
12- Closed so that my kitty doesn’t go in.
13- Of course, as I said I cry for every little reason.
14- Japanese, I’m learning it.
15- Grey.
16- “Your glasses are nice”, I think that’s a compliment? It was like 3/4 weeks ago.
17- Does my pj top count? If not, my pillow.
18- Juice, idk why since I hate tomato juice.
19- It’s not the best but I’d eat it.
20- Grey.
21- Bear, bee stings hurt. A lot.
22- There’s this place in the forest that my ex-bff and I found, it seems as no one had been there for a very long time and it’s an amazing hiding place so it would be a good spot for hiding treasure.
23- Cheese.
24- I guess.
25- Alexandra, I’m naming my kid that if I ever have one. It’s the name of someone special to me.
26- Playing video games.
27- That special person Alexa, I sent her some homework she asked for.
28- 7 or 13. I don’t know why.
29- Oh god. Uhm… do anime character count as TV show characters? I would want to be Airi Katagiri from “Erased” because she’s generally optimistic, brave and really nice, things I could never be.
30- I love love love love love potatoes, the best potatoes are ones on a stick but out of these, fried win.


0:42 anime : i want to eat your pancreas and the reason that i love this movie the most is that this movie has many emotions happy, cute, and tons of sad moments this movie is soo near to heart💛


1. Chai
2. 2-3/10
3. Just the one I live in.
4. Jimin
5. About my ex
6. Fault in our stars; coz its sad. And I can feel some emotions finally.
7. Promise or Serendipity - By Jimin (BTS)
8. Winters near Christmas.
9. An overpriced diary that I just wanted to get.
10. I don't remember.
11. When I was a kid ig.
12. Closed doors
13. Prolly
14. Korean
15. Grey
16. "if you were an anime character you'd be the
type to have many fan accounts coz you're hilarious and unique af."

17. My scarf
18. The BTS run episode where they sing the tomato song.
19. I don't
20. White
21. Big bear
22. In my closet or my clothes' pile
23. Veggies with mayo
24. Not really
25. Avi, it's cute.
26. Helping mother with her official work.
27. A close friend
28. 3, it just feels mine.
29. Hermoine
30. Fried


1. *What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?*
Eggs and sausages.
2. *How are you feeling right now 1-10?*
5, I'm neutral.
3. *How many countries have you visited?*
I've never left my country.
4. *What celebrity would you want as a sibling?*
None, I don't really know any celebrities cuz I'm not interested in real life people.
5. *What is the last dream you remember having?*
6. *Why is your favorite movie your favorite movie?*
Bambi is my favorite movie cuz I love animals and old Disney movies.
7. *What is your go to comfort song?*
The Force by Mafia Pineapple.
8. *What is your favorite time of year and why?*
Fall cuz Halloween takes place and that's my favorite holiday, my birthday is in the fall, and fall weather is wonderful.
9. *What was the most recent thing you bought?*
10. *Last time you cried?*
Last night.
11. *Have you ever counted to 1000?*
12. *Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?*
I don't have a closet.
13. *Have you ever cried because you were so happy?*
14. *What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?*
Idc, just anything other than English.
15. *Do you spell the color as grey or gray?*
16. *What's the last compliment you got?*
That my voice is nice.
17. *What's the closet thing to you that is blue?*
My pillow.
18. *What comes to mind when I say tomato?*
The fruit.
19. *Do you like pineapple on pizza?*
No, I don't even like pineapple.
20. *What are the colors of your walls?*
21. *Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?*
Bees cuz I'm not allergic to them so I have a higher chance of surviving than by the bear.
22. *Where would you bury hidden treasure, if you had some?*
In my backyard.
23. *What's your favorite kind of sandwich?*
Ham and cheese with white bread and mustard.
24. *Do you enjoy watching musicals?*
25. *What do you think is the best name?*
For boys, Asher or London. For girls, Luna or Rose.
26. *What were you doing 30 minutes ago?*
Chilling in bed as I am now.
27. *Who is the last person you sent a text message to?*
A friend.
28. *What is your favorite number and why?*
The number 12. I don't have an explanation.
29. *What tv/movie character would you be if you could be anyone?*
Idk, Bambi's dad?
30. *Potatoes- baked, mashed, roasted, or fried?*


1. umm leftovers lol
2. 3, sad, tired, hopeless
3. just my own <3
4. she’s not a celebrity but she’s my bestie and she’s the best, preferably all of my besties tho
5. falling into an endless hole of despair
6. it’s relateable? idk
7. when my mom sings you are my sunshine. when i was in the hospital she sang that to me and she did also when i was a baby
8. christmas!!! :DDDD
9. idk its been a long time but i did get my family christmas gifts like 2 weeks ago
10. i cry all the time ;-; most recent times were like 20 minutes ago bc my friend said something hurtful, an hour ago, this afternoon and morning and last night a lot
11. yes
12. closed
13. yes
14. french :p i’m trying to learn it though
15. grey
16. yesterday! my sister said i was stunning
17. my waterbottle
18. my grandmothers garden
19. no
20. a pinkish
21. bear if i had to
22. my sisters room good grief
23. subs
24. if it has dancing and a good plot yes


1. Hmmm... I can say a lot of things, but I think bread with cheese, ham and a lot of butter with a good chocolate cake, cookies and orange juice sounds wonderful to me
2. 4. Pretty indifferent, except for the fact I should be sleeping right now
3. One. I never left this country in my life
4. I have no idea
5. This is too embarrasing to speak 💀
6. There’s no favorite right now, but a movie I remember loving during my earlier days was “The Golden Compass” because of the fresh fantasy vibes, if it makes sense
7. I listen to lots of songs, and they all comfort me
8. Christmas. I like the lightness and happiness in the air during this time
9. A snake-shaped ear ornament. It broke on the same day I twisted it so much lmao
10. A few weeks ago
11. Probably, I don’t remember
12. I don’t even have a closet
13. No...
14. English (my native language is Portuguese). I’m pretty good at English, even though I’m not fluent
15. Gray
16. My boyfriend said I’m cool and very hot
17. The dress I’m wearing has blue details. If that doesn’t counts... the table right next to me has a dark blue lid
18. A tomato
19. I don’t like pineapple on pizza or anywhere else
20. Mostly white, but one of the living room’s walls is coral
21. I would rather remain unharmed, thank you
22. Hmmm, no idea
23. Loaf bread with melting cheese and ham
24. Kind of
25. Sorry, I’m not sure if I understood
26. Reading “Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire”
27. My boyfriend
28. 31, because it’s my birth day
29. Anyone pretty, witty and fashionable. Maybe like Isabelle Lightwood from “Shadowhunters”
30. Potatoes are excellent either way. Potato supremacy


1. Blueberry muffins with a glass of milk probably.
2. 2
3. 8
4. I have eight siblings. I don't need more.
5. I dreamed I saw Severus Snape around 7 years old, bullied by other children.
6. Brave
7. "Age of Wonder" - Scott Buckley
8. Spring because of all the new life.
9. Groceries
10. I don't remember exactly. I rarely cry.
11. Yes
12. Closed
13. No (Why do people do that anyway?)
14. Spanish. (I'm bilingual irl)
15. Grey
16. I don't remember.
17. My mood
18. Lucius Malfoy
19. Heck yes
20. Blue
21. Swarm of bees
22. Ah when I've buried it, I'll let you know I have, but I won't let you know where.
23. Sloppy Joes
24. I enjoyed Glee so yes.
25. Xilo Saige "XS"
26. I was rewriting this comment. I accidentally deleted the whole thing in the middle of writing and it took a long time to do it over.
27. My old man
28. 1 because it's so simple
29. Don't laugh but maybe a mermaid in H2O.
30. Mashed


1. Bread and butter with sprinkle of pepper powder and Egg Omelet.
2. 4/10 - Tomorrow is our exam so a bit tired, stressed
3. 0
4. Maybe Kim Jisoo (Our Jichu Unnie) from BLACKPINK? Or maybe no one? Idk!
5. Being a successful and happy person in the future
6. It makes me excited, happy, sad, motivated every time I watch it. Mixed emotions, you can say. And my favourite couple are casted as the leads.
7. Any kpop song and Bollywood romantic and killer songs.
8. October - March( Because of Festivals, Children's Day, My and my mother's birthday, Christmas, My biases' birthday, New Year, and Session break)
9. My mother bought me a geometry box for examination.
10. Yesterday (cried inside)
11. No
12. Closed
13. No
14. Korean
15. Grey
16. I am talented
17. My blue BTS jacket and denim clothes(including jeans)
18. A little bit allergic but can eat cooked ones easily
19. Pizza
20. Different shades of yellow
21. Big bear
22. My mind and heart, because it can never be unlocked and be seen by others
23. Chicken Sandwich or Cheese and Garlic Sandwich
24. Depends
25. For me, my own name
26. Studying for exam
27. One of my close friends
28. 12 or 28( Because these are my lucky numbers)
29. A strong, talented, kind, savage, straight-forward, bold and practical female character who can fight. Nowadays, there are many characters like this. So, it can be anyone like this.
30. Fried or Mashed(with mustard oil)


1. a crepe
2. 6, bored
3. 1, Mexico
4. none, I'm very happy with myself and my brother
5. the last dream I remember having right now is where I was selling Girl Scout cookies with one of my male friends lmao
6. I don't have a favorite movie, I don't watch movies often
7. Talk to me by Cavetown. if you've listened to It, you definetly know why
8. September, it's my birthday and the weather is perfect
9. candy from a vending machine
10. last night when I was listening to Talk to me lmfao
11. hell no
12 usually closed because I don't open it much but I don't really care
13 I wanna say yes, but I don't know, the feelings become so unclear
14, Russian or Spanish
15 gray
16 "I like the way you draw things"
17 the blanket im laying on
18 a fat, round, juicy ass tomato
19 I don't mind it, but I don't prefer it
20 white and magenta
21 a big bear because I know how to deal with bears
22 this one spot in a marsh I live by because in the winter its accessible but nobody is ever there and in the summer it's too muddy to reach
23 idk lol
24 hell no
25 I don't know, there's too many that comes to mind
26 playing a song association game on YT
27 my brother
28 probably 8
29 I dunno, I don't watch TV much


1. Cereal
2. 7.5
3. 4
4. Melanie Martinez
5. A dream where my friends and I were being hunted by an evil robot and I tried protecting us with my Pichu and later I think we escaped
6. It has everything I look for in a movie, plus it's my comfort movie.
7. Fallen Down from the Undertale soundtrack
8. Autumn. It has my favorite holiday, the weather and outfits are perfect, and the aesthetic is just gorgeous.
9. Boots from Nordstrom Rack
10. Yesterday
11. Nope
12. Open
13. No :(
14. Russian
15. Gray
16. "I LOVE your shirt"
17. A pen on the table I'm sitting at
18. The color red
19. No no no no no
20. Purple
21. A big bear
22. Right underneath my house or in my backyard
23. Turkey
24. Sometimes
25. Nex
26. Folding towels
27. My mom
28. 69 and I think we all know why
29. Ask Ketchum
30. I mean...I like me some French fries


1. french toast! or just english breakfast
2. 8, i could be better but i'm doing pretty good haha
3. been through tons of places in europe... let's say 15?!
4. i'm not sure... maybe liana flores?! she seems like she'd be a nice sister
5. it was like a giant party with my entire grade in one of my classrooms in school, but the only song that played was the cure's 'boys don't cry', and literally everyone was dancing nonstop... was like an ocean of people
6. i think it's dead poets society, it's really tragic which i like but it's like tragic-beautiful. and the scenery's so nice, too! i like la haine as well
7. david bowie's 'rock 'n' roll suicide', or 'starman'
8. either mid summer or christmas. christmas because of the baking and hanging out with my family and all that stuff, and then summer as it's got no school, i get to be with my family again and then it's hot too!
9. i bought some ginger candy for my mother
10. i don't cry very often, so i can't remember... sorry!
11. hahaha i'm pretty sure i have
12. my closet isn't in my room! i think if it was in my room, i'd probably sleep with the doors closed, though
13. suprisingly enough i don't think i have, i just smile and laugh instead
14. i like lots of languages... i think persian would be amazing to be able to speak, but then mandarin would be cool too... and portuguese... and dutch... and german... and french...
15. depends on what i'm feeling haha i don't really think about it too much
16. someone complimented me on my jeans yesterday!
17. there's a pack of tissues in front of me that are blue
18. i think of the green part on the top of the tomato
19. i've got no opinion on it really. if i go buy pizza, hawaii's not my first choice. however, i'll take some if i'm offered!
20. they're gray (... now i felt like typing it with an a instead of an e)
21. bees i suppose?!
22. mm probably underwater or in sand at a beach
23. i think english tea sandwiches are pretty good. maybe italian ciabattas with stuff like prosciutto in it
24. i've never really gotten into them that much, so nope
25. always loved isaac, shiloh and simon. and i like irene and lucy too
26. i was listening to music, which i am still doing!
27. it was something for my dad
28. i'm not sure... maybe 15, because i remember 2015 very vividly and i just kind of like it?!
29. no clue hahaha maybe some rich character
30. all of the options!


Paneer(cotage cheese)
6tired a bit
Kim Jisoo(member of BLACKPINK)
I don't remember
U can DDLJ
Any k-pop song
Night time
Coriander (basically dhaniya in Hindi)
I think every name is nice..
Watching Kdrama (Snowdrop ep7)
My friend
All even numbers even I don't know why?


1: French toast
2: 7.5
3: 1 country (US)
4: Probably hwasa (mamamoo)
5: I got in a car crash lol..
6: greatest showman is my fave bc of the meaning
7: Fool, YKWIM, and coffee breath
8: Fall, it’s super festive and the weather
9: I bought some jewelry
10: yesterday
11: Nope never I give up at 100
12: closed.
13: yes, when my brother came home
14: Korean.. I wanna learn.
15: grey
16: Someone liked my earrings
17: my bus seat
18: soup
19: Yes :)
20: tan-ish
21: uhh bees I guess
22: Not sure, maybe clothes drawer
23: I like cheesesteak or turkey with lettuce tomato etc
24: I love musicals
25: I like iris. Autumn, and raven
26: I was getting ready for school
27: my friend Haley
28: probably 5 or 6 (5 lucky number and I just like 6)
29: i have no clue-
30: fried


I have 2 more questions: What is your zodiac sign and what is your fav zodiac sign and why?


1. Pie 🥧 
2. 4, tired but more in the sad side 😕 
3. 4 🇺🇸 🇵🇱 🇺🇦 🇩🇪

4. Tbh I would get compared to them so none ✨
5. It was a dream where I visited my grandmas dog I miss her a lot 🐶
6. I don’t have a favorite movie but my fav anime would probs be dagonronpa because its my first anime without a toxic fandom ( cough cough mha) 🖥
7. Cake by Melanie Martines, industry baby by lil nas x, masquerade, and just dance by lady gaga 🎶
8. Spring because 1. My birthday is in it (March 30), 2. It’s the time of year when cherry blossoms bloom and 3. I cant stand too hot or too cold weather so it’s perfect 🌸
9. The last time I bought something was for Christmas 🎄
10. I cried 2 weeks ago (I like to hold in my feelings) 😭
11. I’m too lazy to count up to then 😪
12. Closet is open 👙
13. I never really was that happy 🙁
14. Rn I’m learning Japanese 🇯🇵
15. Grey 🤍🖤
16. That my hair and eyes r pretty 👀
17. My hoodie is blue 💙
18. The garden 🍅
19. 🍍 ≠ 🍕
20. A very VERY VERY light green 💚
21. Swarm of bees since it’s easier to run from bees than a bear 🐝
22. In my backyard 🏡
23. Grilled cheese sandwich 🥪
24. Tbh I don’t really enjoy watching them but I am in one (the little mermaid) 🧜‍♀️
25. I don’t have a favorite name 🖊
26. 30 mins ago I was watching YouTube ▶️
27. The last time i sent a text was to my cousin Isabel 💬
28. I like the number 3 cause I am always lucky with it 3️⃣
29. Honestly Kyoko Kirigiri cuz she hot asf and baddass or Rias 💻
30. French fries 🍟
Luv u all
