I Travelled 2b2t's ENTIRE Southern Canal

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Why vote for the Sniffer, Rascal, or Tuff Golem in the Minecraft Live Mob Vote when you could watch a bald man in a boat?!

My Twitter: FitMC
My Instagram: fitmcsippycup
Additional Thanks:
IronException (Renders)
homieonice (Music)

Additional Music:
Guild Wars, Banjo Tooie, SMRPG, Soul Caliber II, DKC

If you enjoyed this video about how I Travelled 2b2t's ENTIRE Southern Canal, I would appreciate if you would consider hitting that like and subscribe button!
This video has nothing to do with speedrunners, 100 days, hardcore, "minecraft but", The Minecraft Live Mob Vote for the Sniffer, Rascal, Tuff Golem, or any of those other topics.
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12:34 "in a world full of destruction, i choose to create"
very fitting quote for all of those who chose to build along the canal


The fact that a server that is the very definition of “this is why we can’t have nice things” left a taco truck and a ski hill intact is very telling.


Crazy how a singular cookie traveled 400k blocks.


2:20 2b2t is probably one of the only few places where a stack of enchanted golden apples and full enchanted armor+totems is just "a few necessities"


13:50 The original maker of the base at 308k here. We called ourselves the Southern Border Re-Expansion Group and we were kinda tied with Yakuza at the time (Yakuza was also the one who eventually destroyed the base) we were duping at the base alot (2019 donkey dupe) and we had the plan to expand the canal. Good times. I have some screenshots if anybody wants to see them. PartyManCZ#0441


Props to Godroster for the cookies and extending the canal!


I appreciate all the love and kindness coming from everyone. The real heroes are the Southern Canal Association. Join today 😎


This does not change the fact that in Australia there are 48 million Kangaroos and in Uruguay there are 3, 457, 380 inhabitants. So if the Kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, each Uruguayan will have to fight 14 kangaroos.


At this point, it's like you're a tourist being guided through historic battlefields


Fit: *Presents builds along the canal*

2b2t randoms and griefers: "So you have chosen death."


Can confirm the door to nowhere was definitely one of the things of all time


4:11 I would never have expected to actually see one of my own signs in a FitMC video,
To give some context: I am just a random player unaffiliated to any repair groups. When I decided to travel the canal, I found this part to be completely dry, forcing me to walk for a few thousand blocks. Since I had nothing better to do, I set up this sign and started to fill the dry line with water. I made the raft tour because I am just a single casual player who lacks the skills or time to fully fill the canal. I literally just filled a bunch of buckets and dropped the water each few blocks.
The sign is outdated since I haven't logged into 2B2T for a while due to not having time often. But one day I plan to return and will probably try to fill that portion out a little bit more.
Happy to hear you had fun with the band-aid I put on.
- TheLate

Edit: Wow, thanks for all the likes and comments.
I am aware that a single person is claiming I am fake. I only have to say this: If you go to the official discord server for 2B2T, there is a channel where you can ask a bot for stats about specific players. Typing in commmands like "!seen TheLate" or "!stats TheLate" will quickly prove that I exist, that I died 23 times so far, and that I haven't logged into the server for over a month.
Also I am not affiliated with a group called TheLate. My username in Minecraft is a joke about how I only started playing the game in 2018, thus very late after the game got big.


I love these journey videos. I think I know why people like building houses around the main roads now. It sets that "tiny haven within destroyed wasteland" vibe they going for. Just like the vibe I would want.


I won't ever be skilled enough to survive in this volatile server. Even so, I constantly admire from a distance.

2B2T has such incredible lore and history, so many factions and players. So many conflicts and wars. So many creations, so much cooperation! It's all so deep and complicated, it's basically it's own separate world!


The fact this server has various public work projects that have occurred over years is why it's so fascinating, it has an ever changing history and society almost, populated by avatars.


The Southern Canal now extends 254.76 miles from spawn, approximately equivalent to the distance between Chicago and Cincinnati. Not bad for a block game.


I know there's only so many videos like this you can make, but just general exploring has always been my favorite thing to watch ya do Fit


Hats off to the builders behind southern canal and all those who chipped in!


This’ll probably reach like no one, but I was one of the humble canal workers from 100k to 200k, good times as a kid, shout out Thebes and the SCC!!


The southern canal helped me to escape spawn, and godroster's cookies were an amazing help! I'm determined to travel the full length of it, as I am currently logged out somewhere along the canal
