The Minecraft Base That Survived 2b2t's Deadliest Exploit

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Today we will discuss the Minecraft base that survived 2b2t's deadliest exploit, and how it stayed hidden on the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft.
My Twitter: FitMC
My Instagram: fitmcsippycup
Halo3 ODST, Tekken, Glover, SA2
Additional 2b2t Footage/Information:
leijurv (Visuals, heatmaps, information)
Redstoner, Mahan, Steve3, Nukelord (Visuals, Information)
Thumbnail Artwork: scalymammal
If you enjoyed learning about the Minecraft base that survived 2b2t's deadliest exploit, I would appreciate if you would consider hitting that like and subscribe button!
A story 2 years in the making is not exactly a speedrun.
2b2t is currently awaiting the 1.16/1.17/1.18 update. Very exciting times!
My Twitter: FitMC
My Instagram: fitmcsippycup
Halo3 ODST, Tekken, Glover, SA2
Additional 2b2t Footage/Information:
leijurv (Visuals, heatmaps, information)
Redstoner, Mahan, Steve3, Nukelord (Visuals, Information)
Thumbnail Artwork: scalymammal
If you enjoyed learning about the Minecraft base that survived 2b2t's deadliest exploit, I would appreciate if you would consider hitting that like and subscribe button!
A story 2 years in the making is not exactly a speedrun.
2b2t is currently awaiting the 1.16/1.17/1.18 update. Very exciting times!
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