Is Madonna's Madame X Box Set Worth It?

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I remember when the Royal Box first came out in the 90s, and lots of people said the same thing, too expensive, not worth it, etc....Skip to 30 years later and now everybody wants The Royal Box set and have to pay hundreds of dollars for it and it’s impossible to find in near mint condition. So yeah, this may not seem worth it now, but in a few years time when they all disappear and are no longer


I got this because I have the vinyl and I rise rsd remixes. I bought it for 80$ because it’s on Amazon for 140$ Canadian. It’s perfect if you want every format after u bought the lp because you get a cassette, deluxe cd (worth it) and an extra 7” picture disc. With her cute little face on it! I’m so excited to get mine


I'm a collector of Madonna items so I bought this limited box but honestly when I opened it and saw the contents I wasn't very enthusiastic. The cassette is the thing that disappointed me the most. Inside, the tracklist and all credits are missing. It almost seems like it's fake. And then I wonder why they didn't release something similar also for "Rebel Heart" and "MDNA", they were two albums that practically had no special editions (except in Taiwan and Malaysia). The truth is that I don't like the way Interscope records are published, they are poor and have little imagination. In the days of Warner Records it was very different and Madonna's records were always accompanied by some nice special edition. Still nice video.


Hey Josh! Thanks for the shout out! I appreciate it. I think the box was made for collectors. I already bought the 2CD deluxe version off Amazon, so I don't really feel the need to buy the box. I think they could've made the box better if the "I Rise" single included some remixes instead. The album version is already on the CD, so it seems redundant to have it on the single. I also think they could've made the packaging of the cassette nicer. When I was little, cassettes used to have an inlay with the tracklist and a booklet too. The presentation of the cassette just looks lazy. I think they should've put more effort into it.


I've got the deluxe version which is in the box, so I won't bother trying to find the box. They do these things more nowadays to get more money out of the fans. If any release I want has a deluxe version of the cd, I just go for that.


In the US, the 2-CD version of the album is worth it.


My favorite era of Madonna is the debut to true blue, after that I stopped following her work! Not saying I think her later work is bad, it's not! It's just her later work didn't hold my interest!


Instead of the tattoos they should done stickers because with tattoos the fake ones u only have them for a day and with stickers they last a long time so they should of done stickers


I love the Shane Dawson hoodie I have that too! 😂 great video
