You are the mission. You are integrating through self-love. [Divine Feminine Reading] - Twin Flame

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This is a specific Divine Feminine reading for someone who has been manifesting this reminder along their journey of self-love. You are the "mission". You are integrating into wholeness through self-love, and this is re-balancing the global energetic equation. This may also connect to a twin flame path for some, though only take the messages as they connect. Sending love, - Infinity ∞

𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
→ Reading Recommendation: "Love Magnetism" under the "Love + Relationships" category in the app. ♥︎

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮



𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥

𝘽𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙄𝙣𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨
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"The only time we should ever look back is to see how far we've come." Feeling good 😍🙏❤‍🔥


Oh Infinity.. this resonates so strongly with me.. my matriarchal divine feminine ancestors are empowering me to break karmic patters in our line. To be this unconditionally self-loving feminine, who is self reliant and independent. Breaking the cycles of codependency in my lineage. I am manifesting my dreams into this timeline, they were catapulted into reality by my DMTF.. who sees, feels and believes in me and my vision like no other masculine has done in this lifetime. He also gave me the initial financial investment to start my business, knowing in his soul it’s for the highest good of all involved. ( my father did believe I could accomplish anything and saw my potential as well, so I know he is guiding me too). I am so blessed and grateful as I embrace and accept all that universe has in store for me.
Thank you🍯🐝🧡✨🙏


Sweet Infinity, this was for me, touching me to tears... It was my great grandmother coming through to me, and all of it is about me.. I am a multi artist, having had lost my creative inspiration when I got into separation with my Twin Flame 2nd of September last year, but the last couples of weeks a little creative spirit has arrived, and given me a new idea about som jewels I could make. 

And yes, I bought some yarn a couple of mobths ir more ago in order to try in my grief to find back to the child in me, but didn't feel for using it, but too days ago I took it in to my livingroom to start - some different nuances of orange yarm, I intended to make a romantic summer blouse of for myself, and last night I found a note from a couple if months ago accidently, where I had a dream about crocheting a round gown in orange color, and yes, I am journalling, too, maybe my Twin, too, as he is a writer, too, like me, and yes, I feel alone and choose mostly to be alone having done that for a long time, not feeling lonely as such though, just not in general feeling a match in most people, exceot for a few persons, fealing drained, the need to reflect ln and being in communication more with Spirit, I think without having known it before you putting words to it at a time, because of my sensitivity, and other peoples energy draining me, and yes, the women in my ancestry had those problems, and one of my grandmother's who was an actress as a young girl on one of the biggest theaters here in Copenhagen, along with the greatest actors of that time, which from her family situation was a controvercial thing, that her parents allowed it at all, but got the choice by my granddad, becoming a law judge, them being engaged to be married those years while she was actting and he was studying, when he proposed to her, she got the choice, either you quit the acting snd marr me, becoming later the wife of the judge or you go on acting and we don't get married. Så with love but probably a mixed feeling heart, she said yes go marry him, but she always had the unfulfilled soul of not fulfolling the true person she was and the purpose with her great talent,   and tried to live our the longing in playing the piano, and only acting sometimes a part for the family, or when the whole family and friends including the bishop of the town, played skettches, small theater plsys for fun at dinner parties. I can easily see all of the women in my ancestry having had those limitstions, but also my dad as an artist at that time, as his father, the judge, wanted him to study law and not 'just' be an artist, a painter, withiut  future. Well, he broke that line and his dad's dream - he did get an artist future as an acknowledged artist. 

But my parents always supported my freedom to be who and what I was  and wanted in life, and all of my artistic skills. Ony my self esteem has been broken, or I have had it dim, from the bad divorces, bust my selv esteem as in general, taking my energy and inspiration oftentimes in my life, but I get up and in the game, and take on my projects again and agin and again, no matter how many tlmes.. I got all my talents for using them, and no matter my many hard hardships, divorces and accidebts, I still continue, and I will in so, too, the future - with or without my Twin Flame... But, deeply I hope it will be with him, if he so chooses.

A looong comment, sweet Infinity - I should have recommebed you a cup of tea befire reafkng it…😊. I hope it reaches you and that you had time to read it.. 

Thank you for all the help you always give me in this reading and in all of your readings. I am so grateful to you and all your Spirit Guides. Be so very, very blessed. Much love 🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕❤️💖


😭 yes I feel intensely alone in this world for the sake of my freedom and self love . I sometimes can't bear this pain .


Infinity, I just can’t believe this. It’s all so surreal. I had a dream a couple days ago where I was energetically communing with what I intuitively recognized as a maternal/feminine energy/essence. In the dream, I kept coming back to dwell with her, and though we weren’t verbally speaking, I felt spiritually and divinely comforted by her presence, I journaled about this because it was unlike any dream I had had before and felt that it was an ancestor trying to draw nearer to me through my dreams. And I met with this feminine presence again last night in a dream, where I only remember the words being spoken about a protected wisdom resident deep in my heart. So when you began speaking about the feminine energy/ancestor my heart dropped. I know my prayers are being answered, there are so many dimensions to this spiritual path that can be overwhelming at times to the conscious mind, but I consistently find the comfort and reassurance I need through your readings Infinitu because I know the universe is speaking to me through you. Thank you so much for committing to your soul purpose during this incarnation. Sending so much love to you and to everyone this Solstice❤️💛✨🥹


This year on Father's day, we had a massive family reuinion with my maternal grandmother's side of the family. She passed away last year.

They were Ukrainian immigrants to Canada, so my grandmother's brother took us all out to tour the land which was once their homestead. We visited the 100-year-old orthodox church they'd helped build, as well as the family cemetary where my great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents are buried.

The entire day felt so spiritually-charged for me - there are so many stories of struggle and sacrifice and joy in that lineage. I'm lucky enough to actually have a physical compendium of stories, anecdotes, records and pictures to remember them by. In a way, I feel like I know them, even though we've never physically met.

Needless to say, I've been feeling their presence around me very strongly ever since. I actually thought to myself (in a half-joking way), "well, maybe if they're up for it, I can manifest some sort of message from them!"

It very much seems they've come through - this reading resonated very heavily with me. I've always been inspired by their strength - and I really shouldn't be surprised that they'd have some wisdom/opinions for me and my situation. Thank you so much for channeling their message. 🙏❤


Chills .... Feminine ancestor... Chills and chills on chills.. tears


❤❤❤ I have definitely been feeling like I'm alone wolf I have been told I have the agape love and unconditional love that is very rare ❤ I don't hold a grudge I have forgiveness for whoever has ever hurt me and I do not judge no one I have always been a a different kind of mind I don't think like everybody I don't do things like everybody else at all I walk with a different beat frequency than everybody else I have ever known throughout my whole entire life ❤❤❤❤ I do not feel that I am from this world 🌎❤ I follow the stars I watch the Moon I even watched the Sun❤ there is magical healing all around us you just have to tap into❤❤❤


Been here a long time and I just really have to say wow this reading blew my mind from the chills up my spine when you tapped into a feminine ancestor in my maternal line to the very end, I was the 888th like as you wrapped up the video. I have truly grown so much spiritually and have become so in tune with myself by trusting my intuition through your channel Infinity. 🪷🦄 Forever grateful for sharing your energy and divine wisdom with the feminine collective. You are truly tapped into source energy and I can't thank you enough for being a light worker and spirit guide to us in this Rollercoaster of a journey ✨️🫶🩶🖤☯️
I love that you quote Rumi at the end of most of your readings it's always the perfect message.


This is almost creepy in a good way! 😮😮😮. I literally was writing in my journal before I listened to this….. at the early start of this message, I literally wrote some of you exact words you said. I am simply blown away at the gift you have. Thank you infinity…. The last few messages you’ve had are so meaningful to me. Thank you love! One message to you……please protect your energy and ensure you are getting enough rest. You are so special to all of us here and we truly appreciate your care and guidance.


I wish everyone on earth would be blessed with a spiritual awakening. Life becomes very alive and the peace that follows is everything. ❤


My grandmother died when I was about a year old. She was highly intelligent and independent but married and had kids young. When she retired, she traveled the world like she always wanted to. Strangely, I was thinking about her yesterday. I’d seen her show up in a meet-my-guides meditation before also!


I love that so much @12:00, I AM wearing my own energy. No longer giving it away, nor having it stolen or coerced from me. Not participating in any mind games. I am acting in my best interests and putting myself first above all others, for the first time. I am wearing my own energy, and might I say, I look fly ☺️


I got chills. I felt everything about the my feminine ancestors. I come from a strict Muslim culture where all women in my life, my mother, grandmothers, cousins all are bound by traditions that never allowed them to be free and enjoy life fully. I feel like you talked about my grandmother spirit as my feminine ancestor who I always felt’s like she protected me and who always was connected to me because I was her in a new generation. She got married when she was 15 years old but boy she was a strong mind woman with so much integrity, strength and grace. When I was born she said I would never get married and would live a lonely life because no men would be able to give me the love I deserve. She was right. I’m so “old” for not being an married woman living my on my own but these traditional dogma have been destroying/ been limiting me so much more then I thought. Meeting my twin for 7 mouths ago and being in separation for 2 months permanently without any contact has tricked of these traditional standards and beliefs in me. I went through a really tough Ego death. But I have transcend all of it and I feel free. I don’t long feel sadness about being a not married woman without children and not living in a traditional muslim lifestyle. I’m not attracted to any of that BS anymore. So yes I have felt my grandmother grace and powers and dreamed about her. It’s like she is accepting and admire the path I took. Again, you blow me away. It’s like you are reading my soul every times 🙏🏼♥️can’t thank you enough. You have no idea how much comfort you bring with what you do. God bless you ♥️


Infinity! This is powerful! I am definitely in a hokding with a frightening choice. I have been hesitant in asking a very wealthy friend for financial assistance that would help me get on track and start a small business God has given me visions to move forward on. Im just scared to death because I absolutely hate asking people for help. Never have. Wasnt raised that way. Now, in present day, Ive realized that most of my behaviors and limiting thought patterns were based off fearful toxic beliefs from childhood i am getting rid of, including know when and how to accept help. I know this would catapult me into success, I am fighting my ego. Thank you for this message!


I'm literally crying 3 years in complete silence


Wow I am in the waiting room and felt alone, but coming out of the karmic cycle. I feel my mother guiding me as she married young and was caught up In the generational patriarch wave, with other women in the family through the line. I have broken free and healing. Now going through accepting my physical body and putting one foot forward towards my dreams and visions. Spot on reading, you speak my life into existence every time . Many blessings to you & thank you ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏


Sending you endless amounts of love and light. I love it when your on fire like this, it's unreal. ❤🥰😍🌹


Oh precious Infinity, you are literally helping to usher these lone wolf light warriors to the higher timeline rainbow finish line!!!

I’m an adventure motorcyclist who got “thrown” into the situation of caring for my father with dementia 8 mos ago.

From the beginning, I’ve had to see it as all FOR me. My twin is a security guard at the bottom of the hill, so this has been “Daddyman Boot Camp of Self Mastery” to get me ready for this Divine Union.

I feel my grandmother on the other side guiding me through this difficult chapter.

Thank you, beautiful Infinity. I love you, and our tribe here, so very much!!


Much love to all the divine feminine here on this journey of self love, actualisation + empowerment. May all ancestral bonds be broken with grace and ease 🕊🤍
