MIDERA | Vessel - Electronic IDM
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Today (7/22/23), when I made this track - was the 13th Anniversary of my Dad's death. My mom and I talked at length today about it. It's crazy to think about all the things I remember from that day and from the funeral - from watching his last breath to sitting in silence with my mom after everyone left after the funeral. We were just sitting there and it almost felt like it never happened. It was so strange.
13 years. It just kind of doesn't feel like the movement of time makes any sense. Those things feel like a few weeks ago, I have very vivid memories about them. But I don't actually remember things that happened a few weeks ago, normally. So odd what can stick in your head and why it does.
It certainly has been a wild ride this last month, my wife losing her job, our dogs fighting so bad that it required a $1200 emergency vet visit, and more.
And in my studio I've just not had much success. Moving gear around, hating everything I write. I think "maybe I just need it set up like this..." and a few days later I tear it down too. I used to do so much more, but I only had a few things. I expect 2012 results in 2023 - where I didn't have a family, kids, dogs, a house, a career... I am not complaining that I have them, but my expectations of what I'm capable of haven't changed, even though everything else has.
Now - I'm also stuck with so much gear I don't even like... Jupiter 6, Poly Evolver, JD800... they're cool, but do they add anything, like REALLY add anything to what I already have? No. They don't. The day I got the Prophet 10 in my studio was the day my music suffered. It was just a big, big synth that didn't take me where I wanted. I still have it, but even that is among the synths I'm not completely fond of, but feel like I should be. I think it's mostly in how much space some of these things take up relative to how much space I actually have. I sometimes think if I had more room, I'd make better use of them, but I don't actually think that's true. I just think I'd have more stuff stuffed in a bigger room.
Well, anyway, I managed to write something in the last two days. Here it is.
#idm #accessvirus #synthesizer