Dutch parliament calls for tougher EU sanctions against Iran! Rutte debates
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Last Monday, a man was publicly hanged after being found guilty of "waging war against God.” He also allegedly killed two members of a paramilitary militia. Last Thursday another man was executed. Mass demonstrations for women's rights are taking place in Iran, which started after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. She died in detention after being arrested by the religious police there for not wearing her headscarf tight enough.
"We all see what terrible things are happening there," said Hoekstra. "Brave women and men who take to the streets there, and at the same time very tough action by the regime with the most terrible stories, even executions of demonstrators. That is absolutely unacceptable."
Hoekstra planned to ask the ambassador for an explanation and, in addition, "again express our horror at what is happening in Iran." He emphasized that the Netherlands has been addressing the Iranian regime about this "repeatedly" for months, just like other European countries.
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Together with Germany and France, the Netherlands has also pressed for sanctions against the Iranian regime in Brussels, Hoekstra emphasized. He also thinks that they could be a bit harsher, but did not clarify how. The minister does not want those involved to be able to prepare for sanctions, for example by diverting money, a spokesperson for the ministry stated.
Hundreds of Iranian parliamentarians should be put on a European Union sanctions list, politicians in the Tweede Kamer believe. Iranian parliamentarians have called on judges to impose harsher punishments on demonstrators there, including wider use of the death penalty.
A total of 227 Iranian parliamentarians must be put on the sanctions list, according to a motion from GroenLinks and PvdA. A large majority of the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of Dutch Parliament, supported the proposal on Wednesday.
The Tweede Kamer believes that even more punitive measures should be imposed on the regime in Tehran. The parties want the Revolutionary Guards to be included on the European list of terrorist organisations. Furthermore, the export of so-called dual-use goods, which can be used for both civilian and military purposes, must be prohibited.
The latter measure should affect the Iranian defense industry. The Iranian regime supplies drones to Russia which are used to bomb the electricity infrastructure in Ukraine.
Steps must be taken against Iran, even if that would hinder the negotiations on a nuclear deal, said Stieneke de Graaf (ChristenUnie) during a debate on Wednesday evening. "We are of course very much in favor of continuing to increase pressure on Iran, including with sanctions," Rutte said. "What's happening there is terrible." At the request of the SP, he will also talk to the Iranian diaspora in the Netherlands.