18 (Every) Non-Humanoid Terminator Models Who Are Super Killing Machine By Skynet - Explored

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When you think of the word terminator, I am sure, like many of us, you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger. I mean, he is absolutely iconic in that role. While sure, we have had several other actors playing terminators in other movies, none of them managed to capture the same essence that he did. But did you know that in the Terminator franchise, you have non-humanoid terminators, too?

As you can already guess from the name these robots don't resemble humans at all—no endoskeleton, no living tissue, nothing. They look like robots and act like robots, with the only order being to kill. They were designed for combat alone. Skynet, Cyberdyne Systems, and Cyber Research Systems have all created their versions of these non-humanoid machines.

#Terminator #SciFi #Action #Movie #Terminator2 #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #Future #TimeTravel #Cyborg #Robot #Resistance #JohnConnor #SarahConnor
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The future battle scenes are always dope af


The human form is an excellent general-purpose design; it is pretty good at just about everything! But you need look no further than nearby insects to find body designs more specialized and optimized for killing.


Thank you for making this video. I was very interested at the terminator units and I hope you’re doing well and take care.😊❤


Fanny how the Japan Bubblegum Crisis anime copied a lot of things from Terminator and yet Terminator copied Moto-Slaves from the Bubblegum Crisis Anime, calling them Moto-Terminators. And now there is a Japan anime called Terminator Zero on Netflix. I love Bubblegum Crisis back in the 90s. It is still my favorite anime of all time. Then there is Gall Force too, that had a lot of influence from Terminator and then Terminator used a lot of things from it. Alien, Aliens, Bladeruner and Streets of Fire to. I love anything Cyber Punk. I am a Cyber Techno Wizard, after all. I design and built and program machines and computers. Scary how Ai is getting so close to what could be made into a Terminator.


Here is a question worth exploring: what factories existed during judgement day that allowed skynet to be able to construct better versions of itself? It would have to have smelters, forgers, stampers, crushers, articulated robots and perhaps even metallic 3d printers. It would have to be isolated and have access to a virtually unlimited power supply, plus the resources to mine raw materials. It's actually a pretty interesting thought experiment.


I'm starting to think skynet could defeat the xenomorphs


“Did You Know?” made me double check what channel I was on, narrator sounded just like Captain Eggcelent 😂💯


Always thought the lights on the flying HK's was stupid. Why wouldn't it use ir? Lights just give away its excat location the whole time.


The original HKs always had me wondering why they had police lights on them like they'd originally meant them to be police units and skynet just never removed them from a design.


Tbh, all terminators are an extension of Skynet.


The t1 is good in combat for 1 minute because those guns will be dry just about that quick.


I always assumed "Star" was a fully biological but damaged Terminator. Her ability to 'sense' the machines before they attacked made me believe that the writers would have revealed this if the movie had gotten a direct sequel. Alas, we may never know. By the way, did anyone else notice when the survivors were captured and placed in the processing pens, there appeared to be 'humans, ' not Terminators, on the catwalks, walking back and forth as if overseeing the catch of the day?


Where the hell they hide the tons of ammo?


A bipedal werewolf 🐺 Terminator would be cool. Imagine it using real fur/living tissue to resemble the terrifying monster of human folklore.


You should read the comic books. Fuck Arnie’s career. The story is not about him
