CSX's New Train Symbology

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In 2022 CSX has changed many, if not most of their train symbols. Symbols are what railroads used to call the names or numbers of trains. Each category of train has a new letter symbol. Here's what I learned on a Saturday railfanning outing.

CSX. Train Symbols. Lakeland. Florida. Bonnet Springs Park. Zephyrhills. Dade City. Railroad. Railfanning. Trains. Danny Harmon. Distant Signal. Central FL RR. TrinityRail RDL-A Hoppers
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I know that now a days we can expect maybe one of these videos a month from Danny but it's always worth the wait. The way he narrates his videos is better than most and more informative. Thanks Danny for always posting quality videos.


'While a trio of sandhill cranes scoured the mains for their lunch' hahha...I'll admit here and now..appropos...that out of all my Yootoob subscriptions...i get most giddy when Danny posts a new video..Thank U Sir...very much appreciated all the way from Maine


Love how you always put in a plug for local food joints. That's really cool.


Wonderful video Danny, keep up the great work!! Great catch on the Clinchfield Emblem leading as well! Not sure if he noticed but he actually caught that locomotive twice, once on the O train at the start and again at 11:37


12:36 yes Danny, Bell and Horn function are simultaneous on almost all modern locomotives. Had a cab ride in a 1950's F7 recently, and those two functions were independent. Same with 611!


Nothing better when a Distant Signal video gets uploaded just as dinner is ready. Beef sausages, french fries and bacon, washed down with a cold beer. Couldn't be bothered cooking anything decent so threw some crap in the oven


Another great job by Danny. Every video he produces is A+ quality!


Your personal enthusiasm is like a warm bath once again!


Those "burn" marks on your pulled pork is what's known as the "bark", which is the outer layer of the pork butt which solidifies over a smoke of many hours (often all day). The fact that it's there means they spent their own sweet time smoking it. Yum!


"So, this is all I got of 452..."
I so enjoy your subtle humor.
Picking up the same train later was a nice catch...
Thank you for your awesome videos, Danny!


I especially like when you show what you are having for lunch.


Danny, most new locomotives automatically operate the bell when the horn is blown, likewise the ditch light flasher. Some older ones may have that as well. It depends if the bell ring valve has been replaced. It uses air from the horn to pop out the bell button.
Sorry to hear that locomotives are going to that electronic bell, but I understand why. The air cartridge that rings the old bell is a constant maintenance issue. When I was working in the mechanical dept, I replaced at least a few of them every week.
Thanks for decoding the new train IDs. Makes more sense than the old system.


Another great video Danny .
@ 12:01 one of the smaller white cars is hunting as it goes down the track .


Danny’s videos are the BEST! Always easy to understand and always entertaining!


UK viewer here. Thanks Dan, amazing video as always. Coincidentally, I was going to post a question about the famous and iconic “bell” sound on US Locomotives. This iconic sound is universally respected and linked to US locomotives like no other across the world. It would be great to perhaps even have a video solely dedicated to the subject. Its history, origins, purpose of use and variations over the centuries . Look after yourself Dan, all the best to the family and keep up the amazing work .


Sunday morning coffee with a new video from Danny. Great start to the day! Love those lunch stops!


Thank you Danny for sharing your enthusiasm for the high iron! This Arizona guy enjoys seeing Florida and learning what's new in hopper car technology and naming terminology. I enjoy the peek into railroading you give us, which is something I've always wanted to see. Thanks again for creating positive, entertaining, and informative videos with a willingness to show mistakes and what you learned from it and to say I don't know---but think that it might I like your casual format and style, and your recommendations on where to find good food!


I work right across the street from Cal Maine in Zephyrhills. Great rail fanning spot. Sometimes I sit out in my car during lunch and listen to the rail traffic from the S and the Vitis line.


A good day is when this man puts out a new video


5:00 hmmm... no one commented about the rainbow, yet.
8:33 Southern Pacific auto rack... then a CN and TFM (north Canadian and south Mexican)
12:00 one of them hoppers is jiggling
12:50 a faded blue Rock Island jumbo hopper "The Rock" now stenciled FURX (First Union Railroad)
14:23 that's the werst auto rack I've ever seen!

Nice video, Danny John
