How to Read Railroad Signals

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Railroad signals are a very useful tool to railfans. They can allow us to see if a train is coming, and what it will be doing. In this video, we will take a look at all of the basic signal indications on North American railroads. While this guide was designed for the western United States, most North American railroads use a very similar system.

This video is a remake of my original railroad signal video. It has, however, been made easier to understand, more refined, and shorter. It has also been generalized to help more people. It is NOT intended as a training tool for present or future railroad employees.
0:00 - Introduction
0:29 - What are signals for?
0:47 - Mainline indications
2:17 - Diverging indications
3:37 - Restricting indications
4:36 - Conclusion
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i saw this video before, but then realised i couldnt read the signals, so i figured i NEED to watch this.


I learned that there are Absolute signals and Intermediate Signals.
Intermediate signals are identified by a number board.
A Red Signal with no Number board is an Absolute Signal, meaning it’s a Stop Signal. However, a Red signal with a number Board is an Intermediate signal, which means it’s a Restricted Proceed, and restricted Proceed is Proceed at restricted speed

Also, Restricted speed is not an actual speed, but a condition, which is stoping at half the range of vision.

I have been taking railroad training classes, and yes I do know allot about signals.


this will be very useful once I get a job at the railroad


That is nice that you are teaching me about railroad signals Central Texas Railfan.


The flashing yellow "approach medium" is just like the double yellow "preliminary caution" in the UK


Awesome video and channel just subscribed


This video is cool, but do you have a part 2 of this?


Nice video Merry Christmas I came upon this video accidentally


Nice 👍 I already knew most of these but I was Bored and Watched it anyway lol 😂


Its been two years. i wonder where part 2, 3 and 4 are?


Ok, so I saw on another video that the bottom head signal on triple headed signals doesn't mean anything at all unless it's any other color but red so does that mean the same thing for the bottom signal on a double headed signal?


There’s also flashing red signals, what does that mean?


Are you planning to work for the railroad twigarms 9959 ? COOL !


I'm pretty sure; Australia uses this method. Most notably in the south


1:03 Unfortunately, this is not true. All red lights on an _absolute_ signal does indeed mean _Stop, _ but on a permissive signal it means something better. When it's better, it does not necessarily mean the train must stop at all.

1:44 That is not true, either. The signal aspect must match what's in the rulebook. If Yellow over Red is not in the rulebook, then it's a signal improperly displayed. In the case of _Approach_ signals (for example), the red light on the bottom doesn't have much meaning. But, there are signal aspects where the bottom red MUST be there. It's bad advice to say "ignore it"—it's always a part of the signal aspect and should not be ignored.

1:51 *Advance Approach. 2:55 *Diverging Advance Approach.

3:24 It should be noted that Yellow over Yellow is the most-varied signal aspect across different railroads. It can mean many different things, depending on the railroad and signaling schema. _Advance Approach, _ _Approach Medium, _ _Approach Diverging, _ and _Approach Slow_ are the most common meanings.

4:18 The Lunar White or Flashing Red can be on any signal head (with all others red or dark) and it means _Restricting._ That means it can be on the top, middle, or bottom.

Overall, a well done video. Signaling is really down to the details, so I believe it helps to be as exact as possible when explaining it to others.


Found this gem, going to take my S&D testing for the MTA/LIRR tomorrow


I need to figure out how to get where I can see certain lights near Hutto. I have noticed a couple of places where trains seem to always stop. The US 79 UP track in Hutto is mostly east bound traffic, except for a certain gravel bucket mostly for the new Samsung plant in Taylor and Amtrak. I'm sure there must be a related west bound mostly track, but I have not found it yet. I'm only a year into part time rail fan.
Related to the next comment, about a year and a half ago, I was up in Long Island and had a chance the experience the LIRR. Seems to be a well run system.


Whete wayside signals are not present on mainline except for interlockings, cab signal are used.


A vere slow intermotal train past a red block signal in my town


0:28 is that restricting? I cant tell.
