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This song made me remember once again how deep Sans as a character is, and how misunderstood he usually is. What I'm talking about specifically is how he reacts to the death of his own brother, Papyrus. And this song perfectly reflects that situation, along with the animation this music comes from. In most fanon Undertale content, upon seeing his brother's demise, Sans has an emotional outburst, crying and throwing a fit, and instantly declaring vengeance against the killer. It's definitely how most characters would react to seeing their brother die. However... Sans really isn't like most other characters.

The way Sans reacts to it in the animation this song comes from is much closer to how the canon Sans would have acted. He's just taking a calm, quiet walk through Snowdin, thinking to himself, and taking in everything around him. But it's only when he walks a little further, he spots something. The dust of someone that meant everything to him. And, instead of falling to his knees and crying, he just stands there, silently mourning the loss of his brother. Sans, being as levelheaded as he is, instantly takes it at face value. He doesn't try to deny it in any way. And he certainly doesn't run off to tell anyone about it. He instead reflects on the situation, pondering that in another timeline, Papyrus is alive and well.

He just continues to stand there, trying to come to any kind of proper conclusion, but he just can't. He's in too much pain to do that. Eventually, he walks away, accepting the fact that his brother is gone. And the part that hits me the hardest in the animation is as Sans is walking away, he sees a brief hallucination of Papyrus. But he immediately dismisses it, knowing that his mind was just playing tricks on him. And with that, he is shrouded in complete loneliness.

I think one of the most relatable parts of Sans as a character is that while he may come off as extroverted when he's around other people, he keeps to himself. Sans loves to entertain others with his bad puns, but deep down, the true Sans is an enigma. He knows so much more than he's supposed to, and yet he doesn't tell anyone. Papyrus is the only person to pick up on this, saying that 'SANS NEVER TELLS ANYONE ANYTHING!', which shows how secretive Sans really is. He doesn't tell anyone else what he's going through, even his own brother. Most of the other characters know Sans as the goofy prankster, but only Sans truly knows how he is when he's alone.

Through small breadcrumbs left in the game, it's so clear that Sans went through some kind of horrible incident, but whatever happened to him is an absolute mystery. Because no matter how much Sans is suffering, he refuses to tell anyone else about what he's going through. Because that's just the type of person Sans is. He lies not out of malice, but because he doesn't want to trouble anyone else. Many Undertale characters are open with who they truly are, but not Sans. There's an entire side of him that he keeps locked away. And no, I'm not talking about the side of him where he's all powerful and he has a glowing eye. No, I'm talking about who Sans truly is deep down. The part of him that had ambitions. The part of him that didn't give up yet.

"just give up. i did."


Reminiscence: a story told about a past event remembered by the narrator.


I like how this is a "happier" sounding version of Premonition


This is one of my favorite tracks it truly fits the situation to where Sans really is at right now.


This song fits the character so indescribably well. Well done


Even after months of this being released, I'll still come back to it whenever I'm feeling down.

It just has a sense of melancholy, but also feels hopeful.

"Just give up. And I did... and that's ok."


J bug is a freaking genius with understanding fictional character
Edit : "frictional"


This is a oddly calming song. Every time I listen to it, I seem to just... space out...


The feeling of emptiness when you listen to this song...
Is one I can't feel like I can describe.


*You hear a tune.

*You listen and hear a somewhat calming piano

*You feel no determination

*You feel the want to give up

*It fills you with...

*An unmoving presence

*No feeling you have felt before

*You walk away


* it's quiet.
* the silence is notable...
* ...nothin' but the sound of the howling cave of what was...
* the passing winter storm with no visual.
* oddly enough...
* i begin to notice the snow under my feet...
* ...and faint cold breeze slowly dragging my hood to the side.
* the cold air flowing through.
* the snow is pretty pale. unmoving and still.
* there's not a lot to go off of.
* the entirety of snowdin is empty after the evacuation...
* ...but i couldn't really budge.
* things just... feel a little heavier today...
* ...maybe that's also another excuse.
* i mustered my energy to take a few steps...
* ...dragging a few joints against the layers of snow.
* i take a moment to look.
* its thick dust... spread around.
* visible gashes and footsteps embedded into the snow.
* i can't say that i'm surprised, either.
* just that...
* maybe...
* i'd hoped to see him again.
* it's too late for something like that, though.
* i'd just really wished it would've turned for the better...
* ...y'know?
* maybe another version of me is out there having fun.
* i guess this situation of me.
* for once...
* i struggled to come up with anything.
* the thickness of the air really echoes my thoughts...
* ...the ceiling airing down any mass it has.
* i take one last look.
* the dust's still there.
* scattered in the snow quietly and peacefully...
* ...barely distinguishable by texture...
* ...the slightly brighter tone...
* ...and that's all that's left to him.
* unmoving and still.
* well, that's that, then.
* can't do anything about it right?
* not sure what the takeaway there is from this...
* ...if there even is anything to learn.
* i steadily move away...
* my hoodie gently tugging back against the movements.
* a faint familiar smile graces my shoulders...
* but that's probably just my imagination.


The fact that this sounds like it was made in a notation software and then changed soundfonts, yet is still so evocative, is incredible


A narrator telling a past story/event.


what a pretty song. so simplistic, not blaring in your ears, but just... pretty


This soundtrack definitely speaks about the acceptance of the present situation that Sans went through after his brother passed away. Unfortunately though, even though in Undertale their apparently exists a lot of timelines, what if there was only just one world? I still feel Sans would calmly reflect on the situation and wouldn't tell anyone because he knows that no one would be able to understand his pain.

But inside he would be filled with sorrow mourning the loss of his brother.


The fact that you can hear the undertones of other songs like Battle Against a True Hero and just makes me extremely sad because sans isn't only thinking about his brother's loss, but everyone else's. Sans and Alphys had to have witnessed everyone's murder, and now they're left completely alone.


"Sans", but Sans forgot his lines


Y’know, it’s refreshing to hear something other than another MEGALOVANIA remix. Something calming, yet sad. Thank you.


The urge to wear a blue sweater in a snowy area is insane.


I love the off sounding notes at 1:05-1:11
