SARTRE ON: Bad Faith

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Jean-Paul Sartre’s concept of ‘mauvaise foi’ or ‘bad faith’ is central to his philosophy. It’s a phenomenon of not being honest with ourselves and therefore, of undermining our chances of fulfilment.


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Produced in collaboration with Mad Adam
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This is my greatest fear - that I'll die with a lifetimes worth of regrets that I lived an unfulfilled life... because I was too afraid to ever act.


Funny how paradoxically, the knowledge of the great potential and freedom of the individual in modern western lifestyle is the source of great anxiety and depression to so many people.


The comment sections of SoL's videos are one of the most decent ones on youtube. People are actually engaging in thought.


Joan Didion once famously stated, "We tell ourselves stories in order to live, " and while most people take this to mean that she's singing the praises of storytelling and how vital it is to human existence, what she's really saying, if you read the rest of the quote, is that we often attempt to impose narrative structure, cause and effect, where none exist, and that the stories we tell ourselves are often justifications and rationalizations that have no basis in fact. We tell ourselves these "stories" to avoid facing unpleasant realities (such as that often, things just don't make sense). Sartre would say that only by facing these unpleasant realities are we able to become fully free.


This is so hard to listen to because it's so true


"You are not your job." Well said.


A couple realise early on, after a few dates, they are incompatible and unhappy, however, they both have read Sartre, and decide to persist in their relationship as they do not want essence to precede being. - "We are at present not right for each other, but it's bad faith to tell ourselves, the way we are at the moment is the only way we can be, limiting the possibility that we one day might fall in love with the people that we will become."


This video is really insightful. All my life, I thought I had to live in a particular place, do a particular job, and make excessive (and unnecessary) amounts of money. But deep down I always had the feeling something was not right. This video explains that feeling perfectly. All these "truths" I thought I had to follow are really just baseless assumptions. So many other life choices are equally plausible. We all need to choose the life we actually want, not the life we think we're supposed to lead.


I want to live freely and authentically but the problem is that I don't know what I really want or what I truly believe.


One of my favorites! I have been having a bit of 'mauvaise foi' about my low-paying work for the past four years, but trying to constantly change it. It's tough, but worth it in the long run.


I feel so good about myself for actually having thought about all of these things and having realized them on my own before having watched this video! Really, this has just made my day.


Love the simplicity of the way you put this important observation of Sartre’s.


What I find strange about life is how my feelings and views change with the wind. I mean, one-day i feel this way and another day i feel the compete opposite, so I'm never really certain that I'm making the right decision or that I know what i want! Recently I inherited some money and went traveling to NYC believing I'd be so happy and stimulated there, which I was at times, but then I began to miss home and convinced myself it was better place, which it is in some ways. Now I'm back i regret i didn't stay longer in NYC and recognise it was great in ways that my home isn't. But I know if I went back there I would find all sorts of holes to pick about the place, too expensive, too busy, populated, etc. See, this shows nothing is certain and feelings and moods change your outlook on life and circumstances. The grass is ALWAYS greener and NOTHING is ever perfect!


I like the silence at the end. It really gives you time to analyze and relate your life to the teachings of each video. Great editing and thanks.


Yes, i also feel fear of living. I don't know what to do, sometimes i don't even know what i want.
Reading brings to me a little of paz, a little of happiness and a lot of questions.
I have 20 years old and i don't have any idea of what i'm gonna do with my life, with myself, and the things that i love.
Thank's for the videos, i really love the explanations, and the way that you help a lot of people. Sartre is one of my favorits philosophers, and you bring it here like a great gift for all of us.

Sorry for the bad English <3


I have always believed in freedom.
And for it, I also experience frequent anxiety, pressure, indecision, then immobility, and then regret for "my choice" to not being strong enough to overcome or rid myself of that anxiety, pressure, and paralysis induced by my own lack of mauvaise foi.

But I would not give up my perception of my own freedom, I do not want any of that thing, bad faith, and despite the sleepless nights I (choose to) suffer in self-doubt and anxiety-- I am glad to be condemned to freedom.

Thank you for this video!


amazing video, my regards from Brazil


Bueatiful just beautiful. I'm really glad there are people who still care about peoples feelings and society. Thank you School of Life


Summary: Basically the comfort zone leads to many problems.


So many people define themselves by what they do instead of who they really are. Great video.
