Is Radiation From Our Devices Dangerous? | Talking Point | Full Episode

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All electrical devices emit RadioFrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF EMFs), many times as a by-product of functioning. Some, like our phones and WiFi routers, use it to transmit signals.
Sales of EMF-shielding products in Singapore have seen a fourfold increase since 2016, illustrating the rising concerns people have about RF EMF. Host Steven Chia finds out just how much we’re exposed to RF EMF, if we should really be concerned and if anti-radiation devices do the job, they claim to do.

About the show: Talking Point investigates a current issue or event, offering different perspectives to local stories and revealing how it all affects you.
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Appreciate your time to put this together. It was highly educational.


Other points to ponder about is where did the guidelines come about. Were the studies conducted by these devices' companies and then submitted to health boards to be used as reference for the guidelines? History has told us that there would be a conflict of interest if this is the case. The cigarette companies were trying to convince the consumers that cigarettes is safe back then. Similarly, petroleum companies were also promoting leaded fuel and saying that they are safe. All were later proven to be untrue.


Putting it in Airplane mode reduces radiation. ❤


These standards are written by the cell phone companies. Just like the pharmaceutical companies financing the CDC, there is a conflict of interest.


I have heard about SAR around 4 or 5 years ago where a state in USA is made to display SAR information in mobile store so people are aware of what they are purchasing.


If the phone put in the chamber is isolated from the EMFs from the outside, how can you successfully call that phone ?


If you ever got cancer or any other health problems from your electronic devices, just keep a copy of this video and tell your doctor that this bumbling engineer told you it was safe to use and there is nothing to worry about. Just remember that each country has different safety levels depending on the bribery received by the regulatory agencies from Telecom companies.


I have EHS and am in contact in the UK with many who are now relative prisoners and extremely worried about the intence rollout in the UK. The recent rollout, a mast near my home plus two others caused me to be forced into a faraday cage 6x4ft for three months. It took a long time to find a safe haven but even now I am trapped, can't gpoo into society without harm. I nearly died, the effects on my liver, eyes and heart were extensive.


Rather than i should be concern on radiation, i think i should concern on frauds who sell fake items more


OMFG! One tiny group is absolutely worried! RUNAWAY! RUN AWAY!
Where are the cited long-term, double-blind studies?
What frequencies have impact?
Anyone remember the cancer fearmongering about high voltage power lines decades ago?
Where are the comparisons to solar radiation?
Where are the physical data of cellular damage?
Where are the time-based physical recovery results?
This vid is indeed a "Talking Point".


19:40 That's why Magneto wears a helmet bruh...


There’s also a million common ailments suffered in between safety and cancer.


I'm curious about How the communication tower emits a radiation on safety?


Interesting video and the watts/sq. meter value testing was revealing. However, as a long time electrical engineer, we were taught in power quality testing schools that another dangerous value to consider is milligauss strength. This results from usually only 60 Hz electrical fields produced in the proximity of electrical conductors carrying current in only one direction; isolated from a return or neutral current conductor. If a reading of more than 3 or 4 MG was measured; it was cause for health concerns because now we're measuring MAGNETIC FIELD STRENGTH, or FLUX as we say in power engineering circles.
This effectively would be like sticking your head between 2 coils of a large transformer. Now you have these electric fields impacting the body's own fields and the cells within. This is a huge oxidative and cellular disruptive force. Now cells and nerves cannot transmit biochemical signals in the body for it's normal processes. Now you have deterioration of the body's electrical and chemical pathways by disrupting the electrolytic path found in certain key minerals of the body; like potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. This will eventually cause serious illnesses to develop if immersed in these frequencies for hours a day.
I will confess, that I am NOT A COMMUNICATIONS OR ELECTRONIC ENGINEER; who likely has a deeper grasp of the power within gigahertz high frequencies. I must add though, that not everything that emits EMR is a radio frequency, or RF. Keep that in mind. We grew up in the 50's 60's and 70's watching TV with over the air antennas that transmitted VHF and UHF frequencies at a level FAR BELOW TODAY'S NETWORKS AND router or cell phone frequencies. I know that ultimately, it's the power level, expressed in watts within a specified space; that makes the difference in toxicity to the human body. Also, the higher the frequency of the wave, the greater chance for inducing electrical current in a nearby object. Fundamental EE science teaches us that when designing transformers.
But people have a right to be concerned these days, as even the 3G and 4G cellular and network frequencies are being shown to have harmful effects on humans; when immersed in these all day long, or by holding a phone close to your head and storing it in your pockets near your organs. This new 5G rollout needs to be stopped! These are military grade millimeter waves that burn our outer skin and tissues very quickly.
I will keep researching more on the effects of modern wireless internet signals and cell phone signals; as studies outside the politically controlled United States FCC in other countries are revealing disturbing facts proven to harm human health. Thank-you for this interesting and informative video!


just a NORMAL cap, and you line the inside with aluminium foil it works like the "Baby Bennie" for


Very well done! this is actually a well-balanced investigation of RF EMF radiation exposure in humans. I would like to see a second part looking at the biological effects of exposure in the current safety guidelines range i.e. 10w/m2 to see if these should be updated.


Would like to see a test on shungite if possible.. :)


They "REGULATE" how much radiation we receive just like they "REGULATE" how much poison is in food. ?LIMITS? FOR RADIATION AND POISON? What if any limit is bad for you over time?


Cell phone frequencies were used on diplomatic buildings in Russia for decades. And yes low level raideation is harmful


It mean use wire headphones much safer than Bluetooth? Distance is main key
