Mrs. Faber - Trailer

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Directed and written by Job Tichelman & Hjalmar Tim Ilmer
Producer(s)Albert Klein Haneveld
Run time: 55’
Country: Netherlands (2019)

Η πολύχρωμη ιστορία ενός φορτηγατζή που ήθελε να γίνει γυναίκα.
Αρχές της δεκαετίας του ’80. Ο σκληρός φορτηγατζής Harm παντρεύεται την ντροπαλή επαρχιώτισσα Siepie. Τριάντα χρόνια μετά ο Harm της αποκαλύπτει την πιο βαθειά του επιθυμία: να γίνει γυναίκα. Αυτό δεν είναι κάτι που μπορεί η Siepie να αποδεχτεί εύκολα. Πέρα από το να χάσει τον άντρα της, φοβάται το κουτσομπολιό που θα επιφέρει μέσα στη μικρό τους χωριό. Πέρα από όλα αυτά εκείνη υποστηρίζει τον Harm και του δίνει την ελευθερία να ζει ως Harriette.

The colorful story of a married trucker who wishes to become a woman
Early eighties. Tough trucker Harm marries shy country girl Siepie. Thirty years later Harm tells her of his deepest desire: to become a woman. This is hard to swallow for Siepie. Besides losing her husband, she fears gossip in their small village community. In spite of this, she supports Harm and gives him the freedom to openly live as Harriette.
Mrs. Faber shows Harriette’s deep commitment to her sex change and the impact this transformation has on her marriage and her relationship with her elderly parents and her sister Maaike. They want to see her happy, but losing their son and brother is not easy for them. Also, Mrs. Faber shows how Harriette holds her own in her male-dominated world of dirt track racing and truck driving. All of this makes for a film which is as moving as it is light-hearted, largely carried by Harriette’s tenacity, humor and rural down-to-earthness.
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