AWS re:Invent 2018: Migrating Real-Time Sports Scores to the Cloud via Low-Latency Messaging API202

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In this session, learn how media company Turner Broadcasting delivers real-time sports scores to high-profile sites like the NCAA and PGA using Amazon MQ. Gain a deeper understanding of how Turner migrated from their on-premises message broker to Amazon MQ, and was able to preserve the low-latency messaging expected by their customers. Expect to leave with insights on the migration process, including the surprisingly fast timelines, and the benefits of a managed message broker service. Complete Title: AWS re:Invent 2018: Migrating Real-Time Sports Scores to the Cloud via Low-Latency Messaging (API202)
AWS re:Invent 2018: Migrating Real-Time Sports Scores to the Cloud via Low-Latency Messaging API202
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