Why India Need Nuclear Attack Submarine & why US and UK wont Give It to India? | World Affairs

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Washington appears to have decided that the best military choice at the moment is to rely on a Cold War-type coalition, with its most trusted allies at its centre.
As a result, it has announced the AUK US trilateral security accord, a US-UK-Australian military partnership to fight China's increasing threat in the Indo-Pacific. The US and the UK will enable Australia to design and build up to eight nuclear-powered attack submarines, which is the high point of AUK US. It did, however, cause tensions between Australia and France.Because , Australia has pulled out of a $40 billion contract inked in 2016 with France to provide submarines to the Australia.
 In this partnership The United States and UK will transfer naval nuclear-propulsion technology to Australia. Such a move represents a significant policy shift for the United States, which has previously gone to great lengths to prevent the transfer of naval reactor technology to other countries, with the exception of its World War II ally, the United Kingdom.
the US won’t give India nuclear submarines
Indian Navy chiefs and naval veterans have raised the prospect of Indo-US collaboration on nuclear reactor propulsion technology but their American counterparts have respectfully declined.
The US, with over 70 operational nuclear submarines, has more nuclear submarines than Russia, France and UK put together .Indian officials began discussing the possibility of buying or leasing US SSNs but the US show no commitment to a stable defence relationship by leasing a few Los Angeles-class SSNs to India
This request might have sounded out of place considering that India already operates nuclear submarines—becoming the world’s sixth country to do so when it commissioned the INS Arihant in 2016
But , However, The Arihant, is an SSBN (nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine) , a slow-moving ‘bomber’ and a stealthy launch platform for nuclear weapons But ,What the Indian navy wants are SSNs
The Arihant and three more SSBNs under construction are part of the Strategic Forces Command.
Now , if we look at the relationship between US-UK-Australia is very different from that with India, neither Washington nor London is likely to easily hand over any technology to India.
some years ago Britain said to India that - What You are asking us for the kind of technology we don’t give to even our closest allies,
Both US and UK have far greater technology, and the reactors of its latest submarines don’t need to be fueled for their lifetime, whereas the Arihant will have to be taken to a drydock, cut open, and refueled every six to seven years
US N-subs use the most sophisticated nuclear reactors. The newest Virginia class SSNs for instance have reactors that use bomb-grade uranium (U-235 enriched to over 90 %). They are designed to operate for 33 years without refuelling
With India ,The US has consistently refused to discuss any possibility of parting with knowhow on naval nuclear reactors
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This has happened in past also. India developed its launch rockets & missiles on its own when it was denied technology. Now they are launching satellites at lower cost 😊


Alright, India will get it from Russia/France/ by ourselves


US wants India to be an ally of US in Indo Pacific, but US never wants India to rule the Indian Ocean. Let's see how long they can limit an expanding India


ISRO is a great example of India, India has the potential to build it's own nuclear submarines...eg INS Arihant.... Nuclear attack submarine will also be built soon....


India should learn certain things from its foe China, self reliance is the only answer not matter how we do it. Greenfield projects or Reverse engineering, it's time India should try things, explore all possibilities but not to stop anywhere.


US is not an ally of India it's just a will develop it on our


Irrespective of the cost, India should collaborate with France on SSN.


We need to become aatmanirbhar, Increase the budget on RandD, we might able to build SSAN type submarine. India have the potential.


Because....because India is brown little people and Australia is white! It's about skin colour. Simple as that!


US said no. We did :
We made super computer.
We sent sattilites at lower costs.
Vaccinated our people with vaccines made in India.
SSN very soon.


India will be able to come up with its own SSN in the future. In the meantime India must and hopefully will, continue to partner with France, the most trustworthy western ally India ever had
Jai Bharat 👍🇮🇳


Technology denied to us is technology gained-APJ abdul Kalam


This video promised much but ultimately didn't answer the question so I will.
To our Indian friends the reason why the US/UK won't give you this technology is because of India's historical position of neutrality, this position has meant that India didn't choose a side during the cold war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact but stayed engaged with both sides, this served India well but also posed a problem in that any sensitive military technology one side sold to India would fall into the hands of the other side by default.
Reactor technology is the penultimate of weapons technology, the highest of the high and the most closely guarded secret and the US/UK don't want it being handed over to Russia where it would certainly get leaked to China, India's long and close relationship with Russia basically means it'll never get this technology, sorry but India made it's choice long ago and despite the fact the situation with China aligns India and the US's interests the relationship between India and the US isn't on a level that the US could trust India would keep the information out of Russia's hands.
The reason Australia is only the second nation The US is going to trust with this technology is because Australia has never waivered in it's alliance with the US, every time the US need help Australia has been there, a relationship stretching back to the second world war, no other country has done that, had India done that then India would get the technology but you didn't, you chose to be uninvolved on the world stage until the world stage came knocking on your door, this is going to open opportunities to India as the world looks to another big country to balance out China, investment from the world will come pouring in which will change India forever, but because you failed to pick a side earlier simply means you wont get this particular technology.


INDIA should focus on making more nuclear submarines like INS Arihant & Arighat 💪😎👍
Make-In-India is best initiative 🇮🇳


Us and uk call india their most prioritized counterpart but didn't forget to backstab india as well they can't tolerate rising india and they are only. in dialogue with India voz they want to counter China but india is well aware of their backstabbing technology 😂


#They denied us the
*Cryogenic engine for rockets
*GPS in Kargil war
#They said TEJAS will never fly

😏But what happened is that....
*India developed cryogenic engine
*India developed NAVIC
*Tejas touched the sky with glory

And next India will make nuclear reactors which can outclass the US & UK


World isn't ending tomorrow. Technology can end. The world begins a fresh every day.


yes india should go with the french and Russians. forget the US and uk


We will soon be a superpower and develop our own tech...then we will remember our true friends


India must work with France and Russia for necular submarine. US & UK is worried about raising India.
